Lars Hedegaard Jensen was born in Horsens, Denmark. After graduating from Aarhus University (History, 1971) and Copenhagen University (English, 1973), he taught at a high school in Copenhagen until 1975.
From 1975 until 1980 he worked as an editor for Sage Publications in Beverly Hills, California. Upon his return to Denmark he became an editor at the Politiken publishing house, and later worked as a consultant to the national organization of trade unions.
From 1987-1990 Mr. Hedegaard was editor-in-chief of the Copenhagen daily newspaper Information. From 1990-2001 he worked for the Nordic Council of Ministers. From 1999-2008 he was a regular contributor to Berlingske Tidende newspaper.
Since 2004 he has been President of the Free Press Society, and since 2007 co-director of the book publisher The Free Speech Library. He the author of several books on contemporary history and Islamic affairs.
At the International Free Speech and Human Rights Conference in Brussels on July 9 2012, ICLA formally recognized Lars Hedegaard for his valuable work in on behalf of free expression by asking Mark Steyn to present him with the first annual “Defender of Freedom Award”.
Many thanks to Europe News for recording this video, and to Vlad Tepes for uploading it:
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A fine Dane and a true western warrior. May others follow his lead and rise to defend western civilization against an ancient threat that has been made powerful by a large fifth column of leftists selling us out, thinking to gain even more power to enforce their always failed and murderous utopian vision. Little do leftists realize they and their pet policies will be the first eliminated according to the Islamic supremacist vision. How have people as history illiterate and plain stupid as the Left gained power in the West? Like an idiot savant, their one genius appears to be propaganda, the ability to sell poison to gullibles starting with children through public education. They have not been countered. Free marketers/conservatives have not been able to sell the system proven to work to raise standards of living wherever it's been used. This carelessness or inability to communicate or bumbling into the Left's PC booby traps is our Achilles heel.
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