The Great Islamic Jihad is certain that Western Civilization is about to come to an end.
Islamic Fascism looks forward to the rule of the new Caliphate, in which the whole world will swear submission to Allah and bow five times a day towards Mecca. It aims to kill or enslave every person who will not accept its twisted vision of Islam. With the help of its allies among the world’s dictators and within our own media, it is confident that it will achieve its goal.
But even as this beast tears at our throats, a new defensive force is being born, a determination to preserve all that is good and right and true within the Western world. Even as we are abandoned by our leaders, by the sophists in our academies, and by the propagandists of our major media, ordinary people are connecting with one another, and are ready to stand up and defeat those who would destroy us.

Here in the 910 Group this force is symbolized by the Phoenix, reborn from the ashes of the World Trade Center in order to resist the onslaught of Islamofascism.
Synergy and synchronicity are at work here. The 910 Group was initiated in the comments on a
Gates of Vienna post and is barely two months old. Yet it is growing incredibly rapidly, and is much larger than all of us.
We are an international movement, with members in India, the UK, New Zealand, Australia, Denmark, Norway, and Canada, as well as the U.S.A. We comprise a self-selected group of people who share common goals: to oppose Islamic Fascism wherever it threatens us, and to promote the emergence of liberty in all the dark corners of the planet where ordinary people are degraded and oppressed.
Anyone interested may subscribe by visiting the
the CVF forum and following the instructions there.
A new “network of networks” has formed under the 910 umbrella, and now another synchronicity has opened the door to a larger alliance, one that calls itself
The Coalition to Preserve Civilization. The rallying cry for this new group is a speech by Senator Rick Santorum from October 30th, 2006. Sen. Santorum’s speech is entitled “The Gathering Storm of the 21st Century”, and is posted at
To The Point News.
There are some longer excerpts further down in this post, but here is a brief quote from the speech:
It’s time to wake up.
There is no way to escape it, no matter what our policies, and whoever our elected representatives are. There is no escape because our enemies are fully committed to our destruction, and they will not stop until they have either destroyed us, or have been destroyed.
That is our choice: we can win or lose, but we cannot opt out and walk away from the greatest threat and most resistant threat this country has ever faced.
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Another part of the new synchronicity arrived in the form of an email sent out last Friday to conservatives by Jack Wheeler and Steve Baldwin. One of the members of the 910 Group received the email and brought it to the group’s attention. A flurry of messages and phone calls ensued, and on Monday morning several core members of the 910 Group met in Northern Virginia with the two conservative activists.
Jack runs an excellent news and opinion website called To the Point News, and Steve is the Executive Director of the Council For National Policy. They are both veterans of the decades-long struggle to fight communism and bring about the collapse of the Soviet Union, and they want to build a similar infrastructure in order to combat radical Islam.
This is from their email:
We don’t think anyone can dispute the fact that the forces of Islamofascism have embarked upon a World War of global conquest that may last for decades if not longer. Since Islamofascist terrorists have no boundaries, this war will be even tougher to fight than our battle was against the Soviet empire.
Already, the Islamofascists have a beachhead in Western Europe. According to demographic experts, Europe will become Islamic in a generation — and it’s not the moderates who hold sway in the Islamic communities in Europe. If these numbers are translated to political power — which undoubtedly will be the case — it will have dire consequences. Eventually, radical Islamic political blocs will take power in many European nations such as Belgium, Holland, France, and Britain.
The Washington Times reports (11/21/06) that Russia is well on its way to becoming an Islamic country. Within eight years (by 2015) over half the soldiers in the Russian Army will be Moslem. By 2020, over 20% of Russia’s entire population will be Moslem.
What happens when Moslems in political power have access to the nuclear arsenals of Russia, France, and Britain?
Couple this with the increased presence of Islam in Africa and Latin America, and there is a distinct possibility that America, within a generation of two, will be alone in the world. We would be encircled by enemies dedicated to our destruction. No doubt by then, there will be thousands of Jihadists within the US prepared to carry out terrorist acts on command from international Islamic powers.
We cannot allow this to happen without a fight. Western Civilization is worth fighting for. We cannot allow our grandchildren to live in Islamofascist tyranny.
But we don’t seem to be prepared for this war. Unlike the movement created during the Cold War, there doesn’t seem to be much of an infrastructure to combat Islamofascism.
If we truly care about our children and grandchildren, then we must create an infrastructure modeled after the Anti-Communist Movement. Here’s a few areas off the top of our heads that an Anti-Islamofascism Movement could be addressing:
- Investigate radical mosques. 80% of mosques in America are Saudi-funded and promote a form of Radical Islam known as Wahhabism. There aren’t any groups that monitor them or call for congressional or IRS investigations of their activities. Yet we know from literature picked up by those who have signed up for classes at these mosques that many promote jihad against the West. If a Christian church did that, they would lose their tax-exempt status within a week.
- Support Anti-Islamofascist freedom fighters. There are resistance and dissident groups within Iran and other radical Islamic countries who are willing to organize against their regimes if they had some outside assistance. Yet there are no groups set up to promote their cause or to lobby Congress to get them covert assistance.
- Thwart attempts to impose Sharia Law. The ultimate goal of Islamofascists is to impose Islamic “Sharia” religious law upon us all. Groups could monitor and block every Fabian effort (imposing Sharia in small bites) like demands for prayer rooms and allowing headscarves in schools.
- A Rapid Response media team to stand up to Islamic bullying. The US Airways story removing Moslem imams from a flight resulted in a barrage of denunciations from Moslem advocacy groups like CAIR with no one to give a “fair and balanced” rebuttal. What is needed is an “Anti-CAIR” media team that can praise the justifiable concern of airline passengers for their safety and demand that Moslems understand that concern. There must be no tolerance for Islamic bullying.
- Form an Anti-Islamofascist publishing network. There is a great need for more publications and newsletters that focus on the Islamofascist threat both here and abroad. Remember the “Pink Sheet of the Left”? It launched an explosion of Anti-Communist publications.
- Create an Anti-Islamofascist portal on the Internet. There’s a need for a website “portal” coordinating efforts to monitors all the radical Muslim foundations, leaders, organizations, mosques, etc. now operating in the US who have already been tied to terrorists or are espousing radical viewpoints. Such a website would also allow private citizens to contribute intelligence to it. For example, Joe Sixpack reports picking up a flyer promoting jihad from a neighboring mosque. This intelligence would be checked for accuracy and if accurate, added to the entry on the website under the name of that mosque.
- Establish an Anti-Islamofascist Speakers Bureau. There are many experts in addition to the small number now known to the media such as Frank Gaffney and Robert Spencer, who can talk about the world-wide Islamofascist threat. But most media people don’t know who they are or where to find them. There’s a need for a speaker’s bureau marketing Anti-Islamofascist experts in a systematic fashion to all the major media outlets.
- Monitor the billions now being spent on Homeland Security. There are already reports of large-scale waste and fraud occurring, which, of course, takes funds away from counter-terror efforts. There currently aren’t any groups that monitor the effectiveness of various Homeland Security tactics or lobby to institute new tactics and strategies that may be more effective.
- Wage an ideological assault on Islamofascism. Radical Islam is a totalitarian doctrine with numerous parallels to Marxism, yet intellectually crude and medievally primitive. A scholarly assault through think-tanks, seminars, and conferences can be conducted, targeting the multitude of weaknesses and vulnerabilities of Islamofascism.
- Support the Chinese Christian Back to Jerusalem project to evangelize Moslems in Europe and the Middle East. China is on its way to becoming a majority Christian nation within 20 years, with over 100 million Christians right now. Not only can they serve as a major bulwark against the spread of Islam in Asia, but many are determined to reverse that spread throughout the world. Teams of Chinese missionaries are already preaching the Gospel in many countries abroad, with tens of thousands to follow. Their efforts could be greatly assisted by the large network of Christian philanthropists who fund mission work.
- Create a Global Anti-Islamofascist Coalition. We need to identify and work with other organizations in Europe and elsewhere who are working against the Islamofascist threat. They exist, but few know anything about them. The Anti-Islamofascist movement needs to become a world wide coalition.
- Reframe the illegal immigration issue as one of national security. This is already being done by Congressman (and 2008 presidential candidate) Duncan Hunter. There is evidence that Moslem Terrorists may have crossed our porous borders and if it hasn’t happened already, it certainly will. We also know that they have exploited other immigration issues such as the student VISA program so favored by the 9/11 terrorists. And yet, there is little evidence that much has changed in this regard. We still allow people in from terrorist-harboring countries with little checking, and the Democrats are determined to block the construction of a security fence on our southern border.
- End our dependence on foreign oil that’s funding the Islamofascists. Despite protests to the contrary, we know that Saudi money is being funneled to radical madrassas and foundations that are the training grounds for Radical Islam. We also know that Hugo Chavez in Venezuela is using his oil billions to fund anti-American groups. It is time that we pushed our political leaders to get out of the way and allow America to become energy independent. We need to stop subsidizing our own enemies.
This message aligns perfectly with the aims of the 910 Group, and a new partnership has been launched. The Coalition to Preserve Civilization aims to combine the organizing and fund-raising expertise of the conservative movement with the high-tech networking skills of the 910 Group and its affiliated networks and bloggers.
The CPC has an ambitious goal: to resist and overthrow Islamic Fascist tyranny in all its forms through the efforts of our information networks.
The Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed because the United States and its democratic allies held fast to their goals and never lost faith in the eventual result.
This struggle will also be won.
Western Civilization will be preserved.
Liberty will be extended to people who long for it but have never known it.
All people have the right to speak freely, to choose their religious beliefs, and to be free of the threat of violence.
This is primarily an information war, fought via the television screens and computer networks across the entire globe. The enemy is very adept at it, and has a head start. But the Islamists lack our major advantages: originality, flexibility, technical innovation, and a tradition of free enquiry. These are the skills we will use to build our networks and destroy theirs.
Make no mistake: this is a civil war within the heart of the West, between those who would appease Islamic tyranny and those who want to eliminate it; between those who would censor themselves and restrict their own rights rather than steadfastly resist any encroachment on them; between those who believe in the values and heritage of the West and those who are ashamed of them.
We will be vilified by those who are still under the thrall of the legacy media. We will be required to overcome the stifling fog of Political Correctness and Multiculturalism that infuses every aspect of modern discourse, and would enervate those who seek to preserve our culture. We will be beset by enemies both within and without. Yet we will not waver in our task.
How could we do otherwise?
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Longer excerpts from Senator Santorum’s speech:
This summer I gave two speeches that defined the unique challenges that confront the United States as we conduct a new world war. I gave those speeches — one in Washington at the National Press Club, and one here in Pennsylvania at the Pennsylvania Press Club — because I believe that now more than ever we need to study the past, learn from events, and take proactive measures to protect our freedoms at home and provide a safer world in which to exercise those freedoms.
I am here again today talking about this issue because Islamic Fascism continues to rear its ugly head. And because it is being joined by others, becoming a hydra.
The war is at our doorsteps, and it is fueled, figuratively and literally, by Islamic Fascism, nurtured and bred in Iran.
Islamic terrorists planned a mass kidnapping at the Central Synagogue in Prague just a few weeks ago. They intended to carry it out on Rosh Hashanah, when large numbers of Jews would be celebrating the New Year. Once the world’s attention was focused on Prague, they intended to make impossible demands, and then blow up the synagogue and all within.
Those people were not marked for death because they supported the war in Iraq, or supported George W. Bush, or sent troops to Afghanistan. They were targeted because they were guilty of being Jews. This is evil.
How many Americans realize that Iran declared war on us 27 years ago — in 1979 — and has been killing Americans ever since?
Most everybody has heard by now that Iranian President Ahmadinejad has denied the Holocaust and called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth. But that’s only the beginning of his mission.
He continued with a rhetorical question: “Is it possible for us to witness a world without America and Zionism?” He answered himself: “But you had best know that this slogan and this goal are attainable, and surely can be achieved.”
This is an unpopular war. I have been ridiculed by the media and my opponents for defining the enemy as Islamic Fascism — they say words don’t matter. But words do matter because words are what define the enemy we confront. Words are needed for Americans to comprehend what motivates the deeds that the enemy is planning, so we can effectively defeat them. And defeat them we must.
Ahmadinejad has recruited and is training 52,000 suicide terrorists called the Commando of Voluntary Martyrs. An Iranian Revolutionary Guard intelligence officer bragged that “We have a strategy drawn up for the destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization and for the uprooting of the Americans and English … There are 29 sensitive sites in the U.S. and the West. We have already spied on these sites and we know how we are going to attack them.”
Ahmadinejad , like Hitler and Mussolini, intends to conquer the world. This is not a hidden agenda. His goal is to establish a Caliphate. Like Khrushchev, he wants a nuclear arsenal, and he is building the same sort of frightening global alliances that enabled the Soviet Union to put missiles near us.
Look again at the Iranians’ strategy. A couple of months ago Ahmadinejad signed a mutual defense pact with his pal, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Two dictators, awash in petrodollars, and besotted with hatred for the United States.
President Chavez, who called President Bush “a devil” at the podium of the U.N., spoke to the applause of those in attendance as he decried America. Calling America an “imperialist power,” he says his ambition is to become leader of global alliance of nations to “radically oppose the violent pressure that the (American) empire exercises.”
This summer Chavez honored Ahmadinejad at a gala and plans to visit North Korea, at which an “oil-for-missiles deal” may be on the agenda.
The same North Korea that has been building nuclear weapons to put on missiles that can reach our soil.
Did you know that Venezuela is the leading buyer of arms and military equipment in the world today? Did you know that Chavez is building an army of more than a million soldiers and the most potent air force in South America — the largest Spanish-speaking armed force in history?
Did you know that Venezuela will shortly spend thirty billion dollars to build twenty military bases in neighboring Bolivia, which will dominate the borders with Chile, Peru, Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil? The bases will be commanded by Venezuelan and Cuban officers.
This is what the brilliant Carlos Alberto Montaner — a survivor of Castro’s bloody regime — calls “a delirious vision of history,” and it is driven by a new alliance of dictators from Iran, Cuba and Venezuela.
It is part of the grand design so proudly announced by Ahmadinejad: the destruction of our civilization.
And the sad irony is, we are dependent on the very people who hate us. American imports 60% of the oil we need to fuel our economy. We are underwriting their efforts to undermine us.
We have forgotten our history. We have been here before.
We only entered the First World War after German U-boats sank American civilian and commercial ships on the North Atlantic. World War I was “the war to end war,” and with the defeat of the German armies, it seemed that peace was destined to last a long time.
But it did not last even one generation. It did not last because we failed to recognize the evil of fascism, and because we allowed the fascists to grow stronger and stronger, until they felt capable of defeating us.
We left Great Britain alone to face the Nazis for several years, and despite Mussolini’s entrance, we only engaged in the Second World War after the devastating Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Germany, Italy and Japan. They had nothing in common, so we weren’t willing to see the axis of evil gathering around us.
We entered the Cold War only after Stalin’s aggression in the Middle East and Greece. In every case the evil was obvious, the threat indisputable, but the willingness to confront was in every case late and prohibitively costly.
Are we willing to see the storm gathering around us and act before it is too late? Was 9-11 not enough? Have our memories faded? Or will it take something even more devastating?
When Winston Churchill wrote his great history of the Second World War, he began the first volume-”The Gathering Storm”- with a short description: “How the English-speaking peoples through their unwisdom, carelessness, and good nature allowed the wicked to rearm.”
We were part of that moment of folly, and we paid a terrible price for it on the battlefields of that war. We are running the same risk today, and we are again acting carelessly, unwisely and we are permitting the wicked to grow stronger and stronger.
Many Americans are sleepwalking, just as they did before the world wars of the last century. They pretend it is not happening, that it all has to do with the errors of a single American administration, even of a single American president.
Some even pretend that it will all go away if only the Democrat Party is elected in November.
How do they propose to save us from these people? By negotiating at the United Nations? By removing U.N. Ambassador John Bolton office? By relocating American forces from Iraq to Okinawa? By abandoning the Iraqi people to Iranian and Syrian slaughter and domination? By engaging in more direct talks with a nuclear North Korea?
It’s time to wake up.
There is no way to escape it, no matter what our policies, and whoever our elected representatives are. There is no escape because our enemies are fully committed to our destruction, and they will not stop until they have either destroyed us, or have been destroyed.
That is our choice: we can win or lose, but we cannot opt out and walk away from the greatest threat and most resistant threat this country has ever faced.

Cross-posted at the 910 Group Blog.