Alexandre del Valle is an Italo-French lecturer on geopolitics and a researcher for Università Europea di Roma, Institut Choiseul and Daedalos Institute of Cyprus. He specializes in radical Islam, terrorism, and relations between the West and the Rest. He has been an editorialist in Le Figaro, Le Figaro Magazine, France Soir, Israel Magazine, La Une, Il Liberal, etc., and has had articles published in geopolitical magazines and reviews such as Politique Internationale, Herodote, Outre Terre, Geostrategics, Stratégiques, Geopolitical Affairs, Nova Storica, Il Liberal, and many others. Apart from being a geopolitician, he is — together with Rachid Kaci — the founder of the liberal-conservative Right (“Droite Libre”), whose slogan is: “Secularity, defence of the West and Freedom, and struggle against political correctness”. His analysis has influenced French, Spanish and Italian politicians, especially the French party UMP. He is the author of nine books, including:
- Rossi-Neri-Verdi, L’alleanza degli estremismi opposti anti-occidentali, Nazismo, comunismo, islamismo), 2010, Lindau, Torino. (“Red-Brown-Green”, the alliance between anti-Western extremism, Nazism, Communism, Islamism”)
- Pourquoi on tue les chrétiens aujourd’hui dans le monde: La nouvelle christianophobie, Maxima, 2011, Paris. (“Why Christians are murdered in the world today: the new Christianophobia”, soon to be published in the USA).
Many thanks to Europe News for recording this video:
See also www.alexandredelvalle.com.

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