TNPWTA — Things Nice People Won’t Talk About — continue to increase as the politically correct strictures tighten around the neck of the body politic in this country. Here for your edification are several examples of the insanities — I use that word advisedly — that hollow out our government.
First, that now-classic example of verbal paralysis at the top:
That video is just one version of an infamoous exchange between this Obama appointee and Congress. There are lots more, especially as you dig down into the citation for contempt of Congress that Holder has finally been awarded for his continued evasion of responsibility in the “Fast and Furious” debacle. Holder lied and people
really died. But what does he care? Just a white guy and a buncha Mexicans. None of what he has publicly termed “my people” were hurt.
But if they really
are his people, why isn’t anyone investigating the murderous conditions in Chicago?
19 people shot in Chicago, 13 of them within a half-hour period.
So what does Da Boss say? Well, yesterday he said this:
“Chicago is an example of what makes this country great”.
Maybe all those gang murders were a response later in the day to our President’s increasing frankly delusional utterances made on their turf. Those who cannot speak — e.g., children —
act out their distress. Or maybe these bottom feeders just felt like killing people. Why, I’ll bet Obama might say, “they could be my sons”. Hey, he was in Chicago as a “community organizer” long enough to increase the population a bit, no?
An obscure factor is in play here: all the gang leaders are in jail. It was they who kept a rein on the lower ranks, those who are by nature less intelligent and more impulsive than the incarcerated. The law wisely cut the heads offs those chickens and now they run around headless… and heavily armed. Whatever you may think of those “leaders” — such as they were — removing the brains didn’t make the corpus any smarter. The streets are deadlier than ever. Tough guy and potty mouth Mayor Emmanuel doesn’t seem to have a plan.

Moving on to more recent
outrages news here ya go —
The Washington Times reported this one the other day:
You don’t have to have a severe intellectual disability to work at the Justice Department. But it helps.
No, that’s not editorial hyperbole. For real, “Hiring of persons with targeted disabilities,” is
the memo in question, issued on July 31st under Eric the Bolder’s signature. It’s hard to say which is worse — the unfortunate targets of that disturbing memo or the ways in which such candidates are interviewed and hired.
This memo is a refinement and response to
Presidential Executive Order 13548, which dates back to 2010. You’ll notice that #13548 is simply restating, with more emphasis, something Clinton signed when he had ahold to the Executive Pen:
Increasing Federal Employment of Individuals with Disabilities
This Executive Order requires compliance with Executive Order 13163 [note: that was one of Clinton’s Eos back in 2002 -D] and achievement of the goals set forth therein over 5 years, including an additional 100,000 individuals with disabilities to be employed by the Federal Government with targeted disabilities.
Thus the original EO #13163 is merely regurgitated ten years later, but with numbers added. And then Holder waits
another two years to issue his “targeted disabilities” memo from hell?
Another “Why”: I’ve not the foggiest idea.
Machiavelli might have been able to tell us, or to plumb the depths of this administration’s “decisions” but what grade would he have given them? These boys seem to operate on the Whim Theory of Governance. Whim governance in this case appears to be driven by the crisis du jour. Whatever they think might help in
the moment to increase the chances of retaining power. Perhaps this is just another part of the campaign-driven frenzy to drill down to still another “niche voter”, i.e., the severely disabled and the people who love and care for them. With this attempt to re-elect Holder’s boss looking wobblier than ever, each and every vote counts. And you can bet ACORN is ready to drive these
targets disabled citizens to the voting booth.
The Times skims the dirty details [my emphasis]:
According to a July 31 policy memo titled “Hiring of persons with targeted disabilities,” otherwise problematic mental deficiencies are no barrier to jump-starting a career at Justice. The memo lists a number of “targeted disabilities” that trigger special hiring privileges in compliance with President Obama’s Executive Order 13548. Among them are people with “severe intellectual disability,” “psychiatric disability” or other undefined “current severe physical, intellectual or mental conditions.” Most employers would balk at even minor mental disabilities in hiring a lawyer, let alone severe ones. But the policy states that the Cabinet department run by Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. must “achieve a work force from all segments of society,” which includes those who are teetering on the edge of sanity.
But here’s an even dirtier devil in the details:
The disabled are eligible for direct hiring in a “streamlined, non-competitive appointment” process that the policy lauds as a “win-win” for the department and the applicant.
Translated, that means these “targets” will be hired in secret, and probably without evidence of anyone being ultimately responsible for the selections…
Of course, this preferential treatment is a lose-lose for the other, perhaps vastly more qualified applicants who were never let in the door, as well as for American taxpayers who cannot benefit from a superior level of public service.
The old ways — merit and competition — are replaced by… targets. Those mean civil service exams and pesky background checks they used to require? Poof! Such benchmarks discriminate against the intellectually challenged (that’s pc speak for “incredibly stupid”). Those mean-spirited draconian measures will be discarded as we move away from “freedom and justice for all” as our national motto and hustle toward the more inclusive “it’s not fair” whinge of those currently in charge.
To repeat: this “streamlined, non-competitive” folderol translates into jobs assigned behind closed doors, sans transparency, sans merit, sans… well, to be blunt, sans sanity.
There will be no barriers now on the severity of psychiatric disorders in our brave new Obamian Utopia. Or rather, by now, our stale and increasingly dystopian governance by ideological dikta. So what if you don’t feel safe with the disturbed running the Department; that’s your problem. And the current employees who might be disturbed having a “psychiatrically challenged” supervisor? Well, they know where the door is.
This would be funny if it weren’t so… so utterly insane. Here is what Holder is “targeting” — and please bear in mind that some of these disabilities could be worked around. For example, I knew a blind lawyer with a flourishing private practice. I doubt seriously if he’d ever have considered his impairment an across-the-board “right” for special government preference. But then he had integrity because, having read Weber’s
The Theory of Social and Economic Organization (or had it read to him) he would never have applied for a bureaucratic job in the first place.
At any rate, observe your own reaction. At which point in reading these “targets” does your own jaw drop?