Paul Weston, the Chairman of the
British Freedom Party, was unable to attend the
Brussels Conference on July 9. Tommy Robinson, the joint vice-chairman of BF, spoke in his stead
Below is Tommy’s speech at the podium. Many thanks to
Steen for recording this video:
Previous posts about the Brussels Process:
Oh - and sorry I forgot - my salute and admiration for the stalwart lady who held the microphone through it all. God bless her too.
An eye opening speech given by a most inspirational Briton through a microphone held by a most inspirational Austrian woman. It just doesn't get much more inspirational than that!
ChristianInfidel says:
Wow! Again, thank you, GoV and Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff. And thank you, Tommy Robinson. Your courage, dedication, and applied gifts have already accomplished so much. Does anyone else around here think you can sense a slight change in public perception in Europe, the U.S., and the Commonwealth concerning these issues over the last year or so? I am quite sure of it.
Mr Weston has achieved international fame, as a "far-right agitator" according to Lisa Cox writing in
Tommy Robinson will never be a sacrificial lamb. If he is ever faced with sacrifice, he shall be a sacrificial lion, for though he might follow the lamb and eat with Him, he has lost none of his own lion's nature.
Thank God for people like Stephen and Elizabeth. I wish I had a fraction of the courage that they possess.
I believe that until we drive muslims from our country, England, and their socialist lickspittles, then things will continue to worsen. My fear is that I will be too old and frail to protect myself from the muslim hordes that will inevitably swarm through our once green and pleasant lands, when they feel they are strong enough to do so.
Anonymous 4:34....if one professes a love of their country and wishes to protect its history and its future by being a patriot, then yes, one is also now classed as being a 'right wing extremist'.
And the writers of such perversions are I'm sure, the same smug armchair moralists who can't see past the words they write!
Some people had difficulty listening to the video. I was one of them.
A transcript of the video is at:
What a great speech! What a great hero!
Long live Britain! Long live the Free World!
To: Anonymous said...
Mr Weston has achieved international fame, as a "far-right agitator" according to Lisa Cox writing in
EXCELLENT NEWS! At the same time, it is despicable that our wonderful patriots who proclaim truth and courageously speak out to defend our countries are called far-right agitators.
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