The most significant event of the day is, of course, the certification of the election of Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Morsi (or Mursi, depending on who is spelling it) as president of Egypt. President Obama sent his congratulations and promises of assistance to the new president, and Mr. Morsi has vowed to uphold Egypt’s international obligations, which most people assume to mean the 1979 peace treaty with Israel.
In other news, Turkey summoned its NATO allies for talks to discuss the downing of a Turkish military jet by Syria over Syrian coastal waters.
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- No, but yes. Definitely
Imams in Norway on sharia, apostasy etc in new report
FAFO researcher Olav Elgvin in his report, first report ever of its kind, has researched into what imams and chairmen/CEOs of mosques in Oslo really think about islam and Norway.
- Yes to "trust and solidarity" on the one side, and to death penalty for apostasy on the other
(Nothing new here, really)
The more moderate, think it would suffice to go to jail, or leave the country.
Please keep in mind that some of the most fundamentalist mosques are present on Norwegian soil. Many imams are graduates from Saudi-Arabia, and not all of the imams in the report speak Norwegian, thus were researched by interpretor.
Imams in Norway
The basis for the report was to find out if they really want sharia in Norway
- Relax, everyone
Olav Elgvin found that no,
"No one wish that traditional sharia be implemented in Norway"
(Stealth at work..)
"Norway is already one of the countries in the world which is closest to islam", says one imam, "as 'people'" (muslims) "are treated with 'respect'" (dhimmitude) "here".
"Norwegian" arrested in Kenya
anti-terror action
What was he doing close to the Somalian border? Vacation in the Mombasa area..?
Immigration pays
NOK 35 million (6 mio USD) dividend paid out since 2007 to Link AS shareholders running asylum centers, one of them at Torshov in Oslo
Curiously the asylum center is situated at Torshov, Tor's Grove - dedicated to the god Thor(?)
Please note "Dogs verboten!"
- sign in one photo outside the Torshov transit center
- Somalis, please
return to Somaliland
Norwegian taxpayers, by UDI, offer NOK 30 000 (USD 5 000) to whom returns to Somaliland (not Somalia), one third paid out upon arrival in Somaliland
Somali youths, already well known by police, were shooting one block from Oslo Courthouse, and VG, last night
Why, is yet to be found. Probably nothing to do with the size of the amount offered to Somaliland travelers
NY Times
"Norwegian trained by Al Qaeda in Yemen"
- to attack in the West
- A convert?
The graduate
"The official said the man has no criminal record, which would also make him an ideal recruit for al-Qaida.
"Not even a parking ticket," he said. "He's completely clean and he can travel anywhere." (NYT)
There couldn't be some timing here, could there? Just thinking of Breivik announcing an attack in autumn, was it? Would it be reasonable to think of some double-agent style attack supporting Breivik's case, expecting the unexpected?
Ap top, Norwegian Labor party, will make terror training illegal
- We shall still be an open society, but must say goodbye to being naive, says Jan Bøhler, Ap, who will propose a law against going to Al Qaeda camps
- A good idea, thinks Somalia expert Stig Jarle Hansen
Telling. That was a lot for a small country in just one day.
IKEA himself, Ingvar Kamprad, even paid a secret visit to Oslo
The 86 year old businessman has taken the time to inspect his shops in Norway. Photo shows the diversity of workers at Ikea Norway.
Leprosy on the rise
in Norway
Leprosy, unknown in Norway in our days, is back. Aftenposten has the nerve to say that "leprosy is still there", as if it never went away.
- The possibility of import is present, says professor Olsvik at the Tromsø university, asking doctors to pay attention.
Leprosy is back, as is tuberculosis, colera, polio and syphilis. Authorities don't seem to do anything to prevent it. No serious precautions, like checking persons who are likely to be contaminated. Just wait, and see what happens, with the risk of having more persons contaminated.
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