In other news, President Obama said that he is leaving no options off the table, including the use of force, when dealing with the possibility of Iranian nuclear weapons.
Meanwhile, the captain of the stricken Costa Concordia cruise ship says that he was ordered by the management of the cruise line that employs him to sail through the narrow strait next to the island of Giglio, where his ship ran aground.
To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.
Thanks to Caroline Glick, CSP, Kitman, LAW Wells, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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Somali sea jihad
- Two hostages freed in the night
- Asian captain had his arm chopped off
Bullied by megolmaniac boss
Mother of two sues for 1 million GBP after "charming" doctor at private London hospital called and told her about his sex life late at night
Homeless boom in Oslo
Two thousand homeless from Eastern Europe expected to arrive in Oslo in spring
Young Norwegian diplomat found dead in Yemen
The 38 year old diplomat was found dead in his hotelroom in Saana on Tuesday
What he did in Yemen is yet unclear, as Foreign Ministry does not want to comment on this question to VG Wednesday night.
At the same time staffing at the Riyadh Embassy has been reinforced
Medina student thrown out of Tunisia
and deported to Norway
Mohammad Mohyeldeen and his lawyer John Christian Elden presume it is due to PST's estimation that Mohammad is regarded a threat to international security.
Mohammad was one of the front figures of last Friday's demonstration outside the Parliament in Oslo. He is also the one who previously presented a "9/11 warning" to Norway.
When Muslims interfere with the NWO, they ARE dealt with.
Amputate captured Somali pirates.
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