We’ve posted several times in the past about Vollsmose, a culturally enriched neighborhood of Odense on the Island of Funen in Denmark. A de-facto sharia regime exists in Vollsmose. Neighborhood “youths” harass ethnic Danes and burn cars owned by non-Muslims. Local gangs have been known to shoot at the police.
Our Danish correspondent TB has translated a report on the latest chapter in the ethnic cleansing of the Danes from Vollsmose. In this case, the enrichers’ weapon of choice is burglary, used specifically to target “persons of Danish background” who live in the area.
The translator includes this note:
Pay attention to the Officer in Charge. He is absolutely clueless (or pretending to be?), and his last comment is quite appalling. We are talking about ethnic cleansing here, and he just want to investigate it like any other case.
No wonder the officer who speaks up here wants remain anonymous.
The translated article from yesterday’s B.T.
Police officer: They want the Danes out of the area.
Danes suffer burglary smear campaign in Vollsmose
If your surname is ‘Hansen’ or ‘Nielsen’, and if you live in the Vollsmose neighborhood in Odense, your risk of becoming a victim of a burglary is significantly larger than if you had had a more foreign-sounding surname.
A true intruder smear campaign against ethnic Danes has spread in the troubled district during recent months.
“There is a kind of racism happening out there, where we find that more and more Danes are being chased out of the neighborhood. We have seen a sharp increase in burglaries in the area. Approximately 150 the last four months alone. What is special, though, is that nine out of ten burglaries are directed against ethnic Danes,” a cop at Funen Police explains. He do not want to reveal his identity, out of fear of losing his job. His name is known by the editors of this article. The officer believes that someone is trying to drive the remaining ethnic Danes out of the area.
“Several of the young offenders explicitly said that they want Vollsmose for themselves. Last year we had contact with a Danish family who reported many incidents. The result of the reports: The family’s apartment was vandalized on a weekly basis until they finally gave up and moved out of the area.. Additionally, many of these burglaries resemble real vandalism. It seems like it is a kind of revenge.”
The officer criticizes the authorities’ lack of real handling of the problem. He believes that they are trying to cover up the developments simply because they are controversial.
“Everyone knows it, and it is now an open standing joke among us colleagues (in the police) that when we hear about a burglary, then it’s probably against ethnic Danes. And, unfortunately, we are right almost every time. Why they shut down the discussion I do not know, but I guess it is because it is politically sensitive stuff.”
At the local police office in Vollsmose the deputy police commissioner Bjarne Puggaard confirms that there has been a dramatic increase in the number of burglaries in the area. He does not want to comment on whether ethnic Danes are specifically targeted.
Shortly after the interview with the local police however, www.bt.dk receive a phone call from the head of the entire Funen Police. After a brief reflection, the head of police suddenly confirmed that ethnic Danes are particularly targeted.
“When I read the daily reports and the like, it is my notion that ethnic Danes are over-represented as victims of burglaries in the area. I definitely cannot deny that,” Ebbe Krogaard says. Krogaard is the general manager of the Fyn Police.
He says that in 2010 a total of 94 burglaries were committed against residences in Vollsmose. That figure doubled in 2011. The increase mainly took place in late 2011. Krogaard has no idea as to why it is Danes who are especially hit.
“I have no idea why anyone want to look at the name of the mailbox before committing a burglary. Nor does it have any influence on our approach to this case. We are investigating these cases, like all other matters, and I would like to emphasize that we do everything we can to find the perpetrators.”
For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.
War is coming to Europe.
All hail the Muslim conquest of Denmark!
Where are the Vikings when we need them?
The Vikings dissappeared due to monogamy.
If you want to defeat Islam, you will have to become MORE polygamous.
@Colomnist, in case you were being serious, polygamy is not necessary to match population. Monogomists must simply decide to embrace having more children. Western men and women must be willing to do what it takes to rear larger families. We have not been and are not now willing to do so in order to keep this way of life alive.
If there were a number of Danish families with five or six strong boys each all living near eachother in that area, I know which houses would not be burgled.
Why am I not surprised?
You are correct. It can only be a matter of time before the open warfare begins. Islam is already at war, it only remains to be seen when enough people decide that they have had enough. This might not happen until it is too late.
The current availability of European women is actually too low for polygamy to be a serious issue. There are more than enough European men for all the European women that actually want to marry one.
Of course, that ratio changes considerably if you discount all the men that simply "have no idea"...about anything.
I would like to know how bad is the situation in Aarhus and on its muslim ghetto to the West of the town.
Afonso Henriques
and the Christian Danes are doing what about all of this?!!
The Vikings dissappeared due to monogamy.
If you want to defeat Islam, you will have to become MORE polygamous.
polygamists are pedophiles.
Christianity commands having a large family,....Christian monogamy means that conquered people are wiped out. Not only men, but also women and children are killed. - columnist
you only need to be christians/monogamists.
polygamy damages the genepool.
Polygamy does not work.
Why? Because the majority of the women would be going to the top males (the alpha males). Many guys would be left out in the cold with no wife, no woman, nothing. This is great for the top guys and the women are taken care of, but what about the guys without any chance of having sex or passing on their genes?
They lose their motivation to work and contribute to society as they are not going to be rewarded for it.
It has been tried and failed.
1/24/2012 3:31 PM
It looks like your spare females are more likely to be pensioners than nubile young ladies! LOL
You can't raise mentally healthy people by them being a part of a severely messed up family unit. Our societies didn't get great by all of our people being the result of being raised in a messed up polygamous family unit.
When men imagine what living in a polygynous society might be like, they imagine themselves married to several wives. What they don’t realize, however, is that, more than likely, they would be left without any wife in a polygynous society.
If you were to legalize polygyny, you'd end up with a major increase of pissed off rapists.
the best way to preserve the white race is to protect white territory.
Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen's daughter Viola(18) was kicked in the head by male(36) in Copenhagen
Mikkelsen doesn't want to comment on the assault which took place in Copenhagen Saturday night.
In a previous TV-program, Mads Mikkelsen went back with his brother, to the Copenhagen streets where he grew up. They had changed a lot... Everywhere there were "Kebab" signs and other elements unknown to the young Mikkelsen brothers.
George Soros foresees riots in US streets
A commenter to the article in the Daily Mail has a good description of the situation
"Ineptocracy I love this word. Finally, a way to describe Obama and his voters.
Ineptocracy(in-ep-toc-ra-cy) -a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Let the riots begin!!!"
"It seems like it is a kind of revenge" -- a white "progressive" would interpret it that way, no doubt. "Revenge" must be the motive; non-whites couldn't possibly possess malicious motivation that wasn't somehow white people's fault for "starting it" in some skewed sense, even if that correlates to whites "starting it" by having the audacity to continue breathing and exist. Absolutely appalling sentiment to make excuses for terrorists. Look how it's Nazi Germany all over again and this person has to tell the truth anonymously because he fears the reaction of the fascist multicultural apparatus of forced colonization and dispossession that will dispossess him of his livelihood if he so much as remarks candidly. "Hello and Welcome!...you've official entered the Country of Utter Tyrannical Subjugation. Feel free to never, ever speak your mind. We hope you enjoy your stay in our model, tyrannically oppressive state of Denmark, the envy now of Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan."
What is needed is a little tribalism.
The Danes, English, and etc can't fight back if they don't have a sense of fellowship with each other.
I'm sure many P.C. minded people will say that the muslim immigrants are just as much a part of the community as everyone else and to say otherwise is racist. However the muslims are not immigrants they are colonists.
They make no attempt to assimilate to the nation they've moved to instead they demand that the nation bend to their wants and desires.
War was once describe as a movement of the peoples. The muslims in this story identify themselves as a people. In this story it even said that, "They want Vollsmose for themselves." That's not the attitude of an immigrant. An immigrant wants to join the host community. It's the attitude of a colonist. It's the attitude of one who came to conquer.
The West cannot fight this unless we in the West adopt a more tribal outlook. If muslims do not identify as one of us then they must leave but in order to do that we must first acknowledge that there is a us to begin with.
Polygamy means war. The excess unmarriageable males will turn to crime if not given an outside enemy. Polygamy provides its elites with an expendable army who will leave no orphans or widows if killed.
When polygamist nations are too weak to fight wars of conquest, their "armies" of excess young men are allowed to wage war on the nation's females. Look at the bra inspection squads in northern Africa, the Saudi religious police pushing bare-faced young girls back into burning buildings, etc, etc, etc. The sexual instinct is perverted to sadism against women.
Lastly, polygamy promotes inbreeding. If women are basically property to bought by a bride price to the father, then why not keep both bride and price within the clan. Why strengthen another clan? Inbred immigrants and their defective offspring are a huge cost to the West. We should outlaw cousin marriage on our shores, and we should reject immigrants whose DNA shows inbreeding.
If good practices are to prosper, we must let false ideas punish their believers. Denounce polygamy, and let polygamous nations endure their own consequences free of western aid.
polygamists run the young men out of the community.
I personally can only have one wife, I can't imagine two telling me to take out the trash.
Monogamy is the ideal. It is a system which favors the most men and the most women, and in the end makes for a more productive society.
"Current world sex ratio at birth: 1.07:1 male(s)/female (107 boys to 100 girls)."
The normal healthy sex ratio is 105 boys born to every 100 girls.
All polygamy would seek to do is leave alot more single White men with out mates, and unable to pass on their seed. Most polygynist society females marry richer older males.
This creates more of a problem for ordinary guys than it solves.
Why should men kill themselves off so some other man could have excess brides?
Western societies beginning with the ancient Greeks and Romans and extending up to the present have had a powerful tendency toward monogamy....
Has anyone ever asked themselves what happens to boys that are not the first born son in a polygynous cult?
"Barlow – the son of polygamist Dan Barlow, banished from the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in January 2004 – is one of dozens of a group known as the Lost Boys, who have fled or been kicked out of the polygamous communities of Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City, Ariz."
"Barlow puts it less subtly: “Once you leave or you’re kicked out, no one gives a damn about you.”"
"But the elder Barlow continued to use his son to claim government benefits, drawing Social Security funds in his name. The Glausers found that out in November, when they had Barlow apply for a Medicaid card so he could get health and dental care."
How sick is that? Kicking a minor boy out of your family and continuing to draw social security benefits in his name to take care of this polygynous?
polygyny actually would reduce the number of men that would be able to pass on their seed, and reduce our gene pool.
Smaller generations, as men marry women younger than themselves, this will create a shortage.
I would like to point out that not every man is a soldier. Only a small percentage are soldiers, and even smaller percentage die in battle, and nature has caused a few more males to be born to accomodate soldiers.
Widescale polygyny reduces diversity within a group. As many males would not be able to pass on their male line, and many Y lineages would become extinct over time. Over time, widescale polygyny would reduce the genepool.
Polygyny does not mean that a people have more children. Children born per woman does not increase by polygyny.
"polygynous cults" - they believe that the "priesthood" should choose who a young woman is to marry.
Would like to add, that the nordic countries have very small populations Denmark only has like 5 million or so people. That means they really have to do something about their problems soon. Places like Germany or the U.K have around 80 million and 50 million or so people, So I guess in terms of demographics (if immigration was controlled properly) there would be more of a chance (in worse case scenario.
Secondly I think Gates of vienna should get a forum going it would be good to debate some of these topics.
Excess men die fighting enemies. That is what Muslims do, and it seems to work.
Excess men can capture enemy women. This war is about religion, not about the purity of the race.
Again, compare Khaybar to the Holocaust. If Hitler were a polygamist, Jewish women would be spared.
By stating you can have MORE than four wives, you could recruit the fiercest Muslims. Think Genghis Khan, but he lacked a clear religious vision.
As regards excess men, Christians can join monasteries, and Atheists can look porn.
Given that there is no currently pressing need for permitting polygamy, and that there are real, proven social and genetic dangers which can arise from abuse of such a system, I'd tend to agree that European nations should adhere to their historic support for monogamous marriages (the JudeoChristian version of polygamy was mainly only applicable in the case of a widow of a man's close relative anyway...does that thought make anyone else feel as not-very-keen on polygamy as it does me?).
I do think that the testing of immigrants for transmissible genetic damage is a valid (if somewhat politically difficult) measure. I wouldn't resort to it by choice, to be just the law would have to apply to all forms of definite, provable, transmissible genetic damage, not just inbreeding. And because it is a law that is only effective in the long-term, it could hardly be justified as a measure to be imposed only during war-time (I am generally more favorably disposed towards war-time immigration restrictions).
However, as long as voluntary, permanent sterilization is offered as a remedy so that even people with severe genetic defects have a way to immigrate if they qualify in all other respects, I see no insuperable difficulty.
As for tribalism, I would maintain that the Danes, English, French, etc. will find it easier to fight back as individual tribes than they will as a single entity. The defects in national immigration controls that result from the EU's mandate of free movement do not seem to be an accident of the EU's structure but a necessary development of overriding the national distinctions between the various ethnic cultures of Europe. I simply do not see substantial historical evidence to support the notion that a pan-European racial identity is in any way helpful to preserving the ethnic character of Europe.
However, if it were proven to be the case that the idea of a "white race" was helpful to supporting the essential tenets of Western Civilization, rather than an hindrance, I would give it serious contemplation regardless of the scientific merits (or lack of any). After all, I regard both Catholicism and Protestantism as being unscientific and illogical distortions of essential Christianity, but support both ideologies as being part of the historic foundation of Europe which have proven their value in preserving and advancing Western Civilization.
But while I would accept the results of such an experiment were it to prove successful, I cannot lend support to attempting it under present circumstances. I don't see any reason to expect that racist ideology can help to save rather than further damn Europe. And there is too much at stake to wager all on a theory with such poor support.
Chiu Chun-Ling.
The idea of polygamy is laughably stupid all the way around. Western Civilization did not become powerful, prosperous, and sophisticated by being polygamous. It became that way in part by instituting practices of Christian monogamy.
myurbanphilosophy --
Gates of Vienna's rules about comments require that they be civil, temperate, on-topic, and show decorum. Your comment violated the last of these rules. We keep a PG-13 blog, and exclude foul language, explicit descriptions, and epithets. This is why I deleted your comment.
myurbanphilosophy said…
I never understood this. Before I got reading into the behaviour of muslims in European countries other than the u.k, I always had in my head that places like norway sweden denmark etc would be the last of places to take this kind of [nonsense].
I would imagine Europeans are far less violent than the brits?
I suppose in Europe you can turn to (non racist) political parties that stand a chance. But even so I have met quite a few swedish and norwwegians, and they all seem quite feminine, which I thought was odd.
It seems in the u.k whether lack of representation from the media or politicians or whether we are just generally a bit more up for a fight, it would seem we have taken the lead on speaking out against militant islam.
We frequently have several thousand people protesting with the edl on the streets, which I have not really seen happen in other european nations. I think europeans need to learn how to stand up for themselves, because on the ground level, the politicians and even the cops cant really protect them.
Again back to the generalisation of muslims not all are bad. In the u.k there are well assimilated muslims and descendents. But it is becoming less and less frequent, and there are muslim enclaves within society, that make it impossible for non muslims to enter safely.
Baron bodissy: Apologies, Im used to youtube rules. Will try not to let it happen again.
"However, as long as voluntary, permanent sterilization is offered as a remedy so that even people with severe genetic defects have a way to immigrate if they qualify in all other respects, I see no insuperable difficulty."
Again, there is this substantial misconception that the West is responsible to accept immigrants.
Perhaps immigrants should stay in their own countries - and then fix those countries instead of simply exploiting destination countries.
Also, if the welfare state is dependent on citizens having children to support citizens in their old age, then immigrants who cannot bear 'productive' children are a substantial liability to the welfare state.
Immigration should be based on the needs of the existing citizenship. But Western culture implies a need to allow immigration of persons based on individual qualities other than their genetic health.
Of course, the need to restrict immigration based on genetic damage is pretty closely tied to socialist institutions which would necessitate national responsibility for the health (and size) of succeeding generations rather than leaving that a matter for individual parents. I would rather work to eliminate any mechanisms that tend to make the health of future generations the business of the government rather than of parents. And I would be vociferously opposed to imposing sterilization on existing citizens.
But public concern over the genetic health of immigrants is a legitimate reason to restrict immigration, regardless of whether one wants the government involved in any other aspect of public health. Nevertheless, once such restrictions are actually in place, there will be cases when the public has an interest in allowing the immigration of particular individuals. To avoid a practice of "making exceptions" which is ultimately fatal to the principle of uniform application of the laws, it must be allowed that when a genetic condition is not transmissible, it does not pose a bar to immigration.
Chiu Chun-Ling.
Marriage for the western man is suicide. The only ones who benefit from marriage - are the women.
In the current situation, neither polygamy or monogamy work... western women DON'T like western men.
The ONLY option for western males is to find foreign (more traditional) women.
Never mind polygamy, it is neither good nor bad for society. What we need is POLYANDRY: one woman can have four husbands, at least our women will have a few more children then, so we can dispense with immigrants.
Why not get immigrants from South America if they are in fact needed. Clearly no immigrant is needed given high rates of unemployment.
Columnist -
"Excess men die fighting enemies. That is what Muslims do, and it seems to work.
Excess men can capture enemy women. This war is about religion, not about the purity of the race.
Again, compare Khaybar to the Holocaust. If Hitler were a polygamist, Jewish women would be spared.
By stating you can have MORE than four wives, you could recruit the fiercest Muslims. Think Genghis Khan, but he lacked a clear religious vision."
I would agree with you - apart from that "this is about religion". Do most of the fighters, or the thugs on Danish estates that are the subject of this article, spend much time thinking about what Allah will give them in Paradise? I doubt it. But they will definitely feel affinity for any of their "brothers", from Indonesia to Nigeria, and probably get turned-on by thinking about bin Laden and 9/11. In other words, it's a tribal thing. And many tribes - from Scandinavia to Sub-Saharan Africa - made a big point of capturing enemy women and raping them.
And I will hazard a guess that a lot more "enemy women" are liable to be captured during the current >50-year "raid into Europe", than Muslims convert to Christianity, or any other religion, and abandon the unquestioned loyalty to their "brothers". Which means that our politicians and immigration officials are probably among the biggest fools ever to have existed.
As for Muslims only being allowed 4 wives, they are also allowed an unlimited number of "concubines" - a rule that Caliphs from Algiers to Istanbul, with harems of 1000+ women, utilised to its full potential.
They are also alowed to divorce their wives by simply repeating "I divorce you" 3 times, while keeping the children.
So I doubt many of the "excess" Muslims will lose much sleep about being "only" allowed 4 wives...
You have some interesting views on immigration almost none that I find agreeable. Immigration can and under current conditions should be more tightly controlled. I would also remind you that the individual is easily led and defeated. The Left depends on that. There is strength in numbers.
There is one and only one thing that all caucasians have in common -- their race. Of course, only the white race is expected to ignore all aspects of racial identity.
Japan has one of the most tightly controlled immigration policies on the planet and as a result suffers from none of the "diversity" pathologies we find in the West. Jihad is not much of a problem for them. Indeed, they have one of the lowest crime rates in the world.
My view that immigration should almost entirely cease in time of war has been repeatedly expressed, and I refer to it above. But denying immigration based on potential transmission of genetic damage is a long-term measure, not a war-time measure.
@Green Infidel
Under this new religion, you would of course have also the right to divorce and unlimited concubines on top of that.
But why do they see someone as brother, other than religion?
Please explain.
Polygamy is a pyramid scheme, and the Muslim pyramid is already large, very large.
As for Muslims only being allowed 4 wives,
they are allowed to have 4 wives AT A TIME!
Columnist said...
Excess men die fighting enemies. That is what Muslims do, and it seems to work.
Excess men can capture enemy women. This war is about religion, not about the purity of the race.
Again, compare Khaybar to the Holocaust. If Hitler were a polygamist, Jewish women would be spared.
By stating you can have MORE than four wives, you could recruit the fiercest Muslims. Think Genghis Khan, but he lacked a clear religious vision.
1/25/2012 4:47 AM
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Would like to add, that the nordic countries have very small populations Denmark only has like 5 million or so people. That means they really have to do something about their problems soon.
5 million isn't a problem if there aren't foreigners in denmark.
Polygamy is a pyramid scheme, and the Muslim pyramid is already large, very large.
with a high % of birth defects.
Again, compare Khaybar to the Holocaust. If Hitler were a polygamist, Jewish women would be spared.
it's genocide anyway.
islam has the y-dna of 100 men.
1,5 billion muslims, y-dna of 100 men.
mohammad was a schizophrenic.
Again back to the generalisation of muslims not all are bad. In the u.k there are well assimilated muslims and descendents.
they follow mohammad, enough said.
Polygamy is a pyramid scheme, and the Muslim pyramid is already large, very large.
islam is living on our technology and on our money.
Polygamy - White society has existed and progressed for hundreds of years, without us practicing something disgusting and primitive.
Berzerk 1/25/2012 1:24 PM
The trick of polygamy is marrying captured ENEMY women. Don't target innocent peoples.
Anonymous 1/25/2012 2:21 PM
I have no problem with polyandry.
Anonymous 1/26/2012 8:05 PM
My point was, that Islam will run short of new women somewhere in the middle of this century. A fresh polygamy cult doesn't have this drawback.
An important reason Muslims hate us is because they fear we will go Nazi on them, and kill not just their men, but also their women and children.
Paradoxically, breeding with Muslim women, and accepting their children as part of our 'tribe' (new religion) will alay that fear.
I said paradoxically, because officially, this is strictly forbidden by Islam. But there is a distinction between the official rules, and the subconscious, nagging fears.
Muslims hate everybody - even other Muslims - even other family members!
And, as a woman and a mother, I hate this conversation!
Polygamy is just another name for pedophilia.
Women have zero power to protect themselves and their children from predatory men.
Polygamous societies ALWAYS devolve into much older men forcibly 'marrying' little girls - ALWAYS.
Stop acting like polygamy is a serious solution to any problem.
Polygamy creates problems - and extreme human misery EVERYWHERE that polygamy is practiced.
Polygamy also violates the ten commandments - Thou shalt NOT commit adultery.
Any Biblical fathers who practiced polygamy were sinners in violation of God's law.
I have to say that the suggestion of adopting Islamic strategies of sexual enslavement and concupiscence as a means of...what exactly is the point again? As a means of strengthening and upholding the values of Western Civilization it seems highly dubious. European cultures largely abandoned sanctioned polygamy almost a thousand years ago. And that was only the remaining religious laws that sanctioned (but no longer commanded) marriage to a childless widow of certain close male relatives, it wasn't as if polygamy were the general rule in Europe before that.
It may well be true that the current cultural values surrounding marriage in Europe are not sustainable either. But a return to previous European values rather than the adoption of entirely alien values seems more prudent. Further undermining the monogamous traditions of Europe (even justifying it by saying that polygyny and polyandry will be equally recognized, when it is perfectly clear that such equality situation would not in any way lead to protection of women and children) does not seem like a viable means of preserving Europe's indigenous ethnic heritage.
Chiu Chun-Ling.
Thank you, Chiu. :)
Columnist said... Excess men die fighting enemies. That is what Muslims do, and it seems to work.
Excess men can capture enemy women. This war is about religion, not about the purity of the race.
Again, compare Khaybar to the Holocaust. If Hitler were a polygamist, Jewish women would be spared.
By stating you can have MORE than four wives, you could recruit the fiercest Muslims. Think Genghis Khan, but he lacked a clear religious vision.
1/25/2012 4:47 AM
mohammad was killed by a sex slave/concubine.
If Europeans are willing to give up the pillars of their cultural heritage so easily, then they can simply convert to Islam and avoid having to fight at all.
Of course, it would be the death-knell of Western Civilization, and Europe would suffer the exact same fate as Islamic nations that are resource-poor and have little arable land relative to population size, but then again I don't see how that would be worse than making a more extreme copy of everything that makes Islam such a poor foundation for a civilized society.
The example of Genghis Khan is somewhat instructive. The Mongol military machine he built conquered the greatest empire the world had ever seen while he was alive...but it collapsed (sparing Europe, incidentally) the moment Genghis died and never recovered. If you really just want to wipe out Islam and have no concern about preserving Western Civilization, then those clever gengineered flu researchers have been cooking up some things that should do the trick nicely.
Chiu Chun-Ling.
Yes, Chiu. Your 'solution' is PRECISELY the solution that the New World Order has in mind.
World oligarchs have decided that their large populations of people are completely unnecessary to support the needs of oligarchs.
Therefore, the New World Order plan is to completely eliminate large populations of people via war and the inevitable disease that always attends war.
Prior to elimination, the plan is to cull those any populations that might interfere with the New World Order plan.
See Georgia Guidestones and then Agenda 21 for Dummies
Here is the United Nations document: Agenda 21.
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