Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer sends his translation of an article about crime statistics in the Norwegian city of Sandnes. He includes this introductory note:
This article concerns the increase in domestic abuse cases in Sandnes, a city of approximately 70,000 inhabitants on the west coast of Norway. As you can see from the article, 50% of the people involved in these cases are of non-Norwegian descent, something which corresponds well with the statistics in Oslo, where roughly70% of those involved in domestic abuse are of non-Norwegian descent. One should also keep in mind that the immigrant community in Oslo is a much bigger percentage of the population than in Sandnes.
Knife crime and drug use are also on the rise.
What religion has large numbers of male practitioners that like to physically abuse their women, stab people and sell drugs…?
The translated article from Aftenbladet:
Less street crime, more domestic abuse
The number of domestic abuse cases has doubled in Sandnes and Gjesdal since 2007. Police believe awareness campaigns in schools and kindergartens have contributed to this increase, but they still fear that many cases go unreported.
“While we see a decline in street crime, the number of domestic abuse cases is on the rise. We have also begun to investigate more cases that were initially treated as domestic disturbance incidents,” says acting Police Chief Bjart R. Larssen.
Last Monday the police in Sandnes and Gjesdal released crime statistics from 2011.
Last year 52 cases of domestic abuse were reported to the police in Sandnes, compared to 39 the year before. There has been an increase in domestic abuse cases in Gjesdal too in recent years. In 2011 five cases were reported to the police in the municipality.
“Since 2007, the number of domestic abuse cases has doubled. There has been a 10% increase every year. This is a concern for us,” says the head of investigation, Magnar Hetland, at Sandnes police station.
Persons of non-Norwegian descent were involved in half the domestic abuse cases reported to the police. [emphasis added]
Solves 4 out of 10 cases
In 2011, 10792 cases were filed with the police in Sandnes and Gjesdal. The resolution rate was 37.8% (the same numbers for Rogaland Police precinct was 39.5% and the national average 38%); the average time spent on a case was 97 days.
This is the crime in Sandnes and Gjesdal:
359 violent crimes reported, 23 more than in 2010.
“More domestic abuse cases, less street crime. But we’re seeing an increase in knife crime. On the whole Sandnes is a relatively quiet city on the weekends,” says Larsen. [emphasis added]
Petty crime
2416 crimes reported in 2011, 2,440 in 2010.
“We have a seen a sharp decline in house break-ins. This is probably related to higher arrest rates of members of transient burglary gangs. Police patrols have been advised to be extra vigilant of suspicious activity in residential areas,” says Larsen.
“Only nine house burglaries were reported to the police in Sandnes in 2011, and only two in Gjesdal. We’ve seen a slight decrease in bicycle thefts. A total of 241 bicycles were reported stolen last year in Sandnes.”
There has been a sharp increase in personal drug use cases. A total of 722 cases were reported to the police in 2011 compared to 682 the year before.
“We have actively targeted drug dealers operating out of Ruten [The main bus and train station in the city centre of Sandnes] and this has been a success,” says Larsen.
In Gjesdal the number of drug cases has declined following several police raids targeting the drug community in 2010. Last year only one fatal drug overdose was reported in the two neighboring municipalities, compared with five in 2008 and 2009.
13,000 vehicles were inspected by the police in 2011, and there has been a slight decrease in the number of traffic-related cases in both municipalities.
Growing pains
The police in Sandnes are getting busier due to a younger and growing population. Police Chief Bjart R. Larsen believes that this can lead to challenges for the police.
“It’s pleasing to witness a reduction in violent street crime. It’s important for us to try and make it a safe city for the inhabitants.”
Traffic congestion is also on the increase in the city, and this could lead to more traffic accidents.
Larssen also points out the importance of kids having somewhere to hang out in their free time.
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Thanks to "the Observer" for this information. It is a lesson we Americans should learn about Muslim immigration but most Americans are asleep because they too busy watching American Idol or football. The new administration is currently bringing in loads of Muslim immigrants and Americans are silent. I have written my Reps about this but really it does no good unless there is a mass protest by many Americans about Muslim immigration and its potential threat to our culture and freedoms.
At first glance, I misread the name of the town as "Sadness." Maybe I was right, after all.
Sad. So Sadness wasn't such a bad idea, Jewel.
You can imagine that the city has been turned upside down in ten-thirty years. Ten, more likely.
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