Saturday, October 30, 2010

“We Will Hold You to Account”

Update: Paul Weston in German at Europe News .

Below is the speech given at today’s demonstration at Generatorstraat in Amsterdam by the British author and former Parliamentary candidate Paul Weston.

Paul WestonHello. My name is Paul Weston, and I represent the International Free Press Society.

And I am standing here today because our liberal elites have betrayed our countries to Islam.

Forty-two years ago the British politician Enoch Powell made his famous “Rivers of Blood” speech, in which he stated that “The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils.”

Our politicians today do the exact opposite. They actively promote a preventable evil.

But eighty years ago one man, Winston Churchill, was very clear about preventing a clear and present evil, Herr Hitler and the Nazis. But Churchill was a lone voice crying in the wind of appeasement, and the carnage that could have been avoided came with a vengeance.

And today Europe finds itself in much the same position. Even as Islam grows demographically, territorially, and militantly, it is promoted as the “religion of peace” by the same type of cowardly, careerist politicians who once appeased Hitler.

Islam was not the religion of peace to Winston Churchill. He described it as the religion of blood and war.

Anyone with a knowledge of the foundations and history of Islamic expansion knows this to be the truth.

Mohammed was a warlord. And a very good warlord indeed. By the time of his death he had militarily defeated and converted most of the pagan and Christian tribes of the Arabian Peninsula.

After his death Islam rapidly expanded at the point of a sword, defeating ancient civilisations and overrunning continents as it did so.

And today it is within Europe, it is within the West, and it is calling for what it has always called for: total Islamic domination. And if we wish to resist, then they will use terror against us.

Yet still our treasonous politicians call it the “religion of peace”, and tell us that if we refuse to share such a fantastical and ridiculous notion, that if we choose to believe Winston Churchill’s argument that Islam is a religion of blood and war, then we will be sent to prison.

Of course it is not a religion of peace. Its founder was a warrior, and the highest honour bestowed upon a Muslim is the promise of hordes of scented houris and an eternal leg-over in the after life, achievable not by being a good Samaritan, but by dying as a martyr in the physical battle to expand imperialist Islam.

Islam literally means submission. What kind of a religion can possibly call itself submission?

Islam divides the world into two spheres. The House of Islam (submission) and the House of War. What kind of religion defines itself by military conquest?

Yet our leaders tell us we cannot criticise Islam because it is a religion, whilst the organisation of the Islamic conference, in cahoots with the united nations is striving to make any criticism of Islam illegal.

But Islam is so much more than just a religion. It is a political, social, legal and structural blueprint which totally dominates a devout Muslim’s life, and wishes coincidentally to dominate all devout non-Muslims’ lives as well.

It is profoundly illiberal and it is profoundly undemocratic. It does not believe in the man-made laws of democracy, preferring instead to adhere to the absolute word of Allah, as interpreted by an illiterate 7th-century desert dweller.

And our politicians have imported this illiberal and undemocratic ideology into the liberal democracies than make up the West, and then they dare to criminalise us when we object to this!

But how can we not criticise Islam? Can our politicians really protect it as a religion and therefore place it out of legal reach?

When homosexuals are hung from cranes, is this political Islam in action or religious Islam?

When adulterous women are buried up to their shoulders in sand and stoned to death, is this political Islam or religious Islam?

When Muslims who wish to leave Islam are issued with death sentences, is this political Islam, or is this religious Islam?

When wives and daughters are slaughtered to protect their families’ honour by husbands fathers and uncles, is this political Islam or religious Islam?

If it is political, then it must be denounced as evil and barbaric. If it religious, how can it possibly not be denounced as the same? What is evil is evil and what is barbaric is barbaric and cannot be exempted from criticism because it is sheltered by the word “religion”.

In criminalising free speech, our socialist leaders reveal their dictatorial ambition. The mark of a free society is freedom of speech. To take this away is a totalitarian act, made all the worse because freedom of speech is our only defence in the peaceful opposition against the foreign totalitarian ideology of Islam.

And I hope this irony is not lost on you. In order to protect and advance a foreign totalitarian ideology, our own rulers are prepared to adopt native totalitarian means to stop us defending our democracy and our freedom.

The West lives in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights. Islam does not. They signed up instead to the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam.

But they have a very important caveat: when sharia law collides with human rights law, guess which law prevails?

Quite so. Sharia is the top trumps when it comes to human rights.

This is like a signatory to the Geneva convention murdering and torturing prisoners of war, and being given a pass at a war trial because it was “part of their religion.”

And when our politicians today excuse Islam as a religion of peace and allow them to set the rules both at home, at the European Union, and at the United Nations, then our politicians are betraying their countries and they are betraying their people. They are committing treason.

“Can one commit treason in a time of peace?” people may ask. But are we really at peace?

We may not consider ourselves at war with Islam, but Islam considers itself at war with us.

And it is a war we are losing. Territorially, demographically, politically, and democratically.

In fact, it is a war of aggression on two fronts. Radical Islam on the one, and left-wing treason on the other.

Our children are told to celebrate multiculturalism and Islam, without being told the real history of violent expansionist Islam.

Instead, they are told that their own history, their religion, their culture, their traditions, their very being, is just a litany of imperialism, racism, murder and slavery. This is a proven psychological technique designed to render an enemy helpless, or to quote Alexander Solzhenitsyn, “in order to destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.”

Any government that does this to its own people, to its own children, is a government that deserves, manifestly deserves, to be overthrown.

Can anyone really argue that a government that praises the foreign invader whilst psychologically and legally stripping away the defences of its people is a government that is not guilty of treason?

Now here we come to a more uplifting part of this depressing monologue, because in this part of the battle we are advancing. Slowly, admittedly, but relentlessly, and I think we are now unstoppable.

Geert Wilders here in the Netherlands, René Stadtkewitz in Germany, whose immediate popularity caused Angela Merkel to make an abrupt U-turn and denounce Multiculturalism.

The Sweden Democrats, Heinz-Christian Strache in Austria, the Swiss People’s Party, and in England we await a political movement to pick up the baton from the rapidly growing English Defence League.

And that growth can only accelerate. As more and more people become aware of Islam and become aware of the depth of treason perpetrated by their liberal rulers, and most importantly, as people lose their fear of being labelled a racist — which was a label specifically designed to strip us of resistance against a racially designated invader who uses race as a weapon.

In fact, let us deal with this “racist” label right now. It is not racist to defend your country against an obvious and growing threat. It is not racist to defend your culture, your heritage, and your traditions. It is not racist to work to ensure a democratic future for your children and grandchildren.

If you choose not to defend your country, your culture and the democratic future of your children, then you may well pat yourselves on the back in your non-racist champagne socialist cocktail bars in Islington; you may well love other people’s anti-racist credentials almost as much as you love your own; but there is no getting away from the label I have for you.

You are a traitor and a betrayer of your country, a betrayer of your culture, and a betrayer of our yet unborn children.

And you are a racist, indeed a genocidal racist. Young native Europeans will become a demographic ethnic minority within their own homelands if immigration rates and birth rates stay the way they are for just one more generation.

This can politely be called population replacement. More crudely, it is bloodless genocide.

The United Nations is very clear on this. Their definition of genocide is as follows. Quote.

Article 2.

In the present convention genocide means any of the acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, racial or religious group.

We have been betrayed.

And one of the saddest aspects of this betrayal is the effect it has had on those old ex-warriors who fought for their countries in recent living memory.

Ex-Spitfire pilot Alex Henshaw died three years ago. He was acutely aware of the political betrayal of his country. He said:

“I feel extreme emotional sadness for the young men I knew that gave their lives willingly for a cause in which we all believed. And I often say to myself that if those young boys would come down now and walk through the villages, through the towns and through the cities and look around and see what is happening to us, they would say somewhere along the line we have been betrayed.”

Yes, Mr. Henshaw, I am afraid you have, and all of you socialist/liberal/left-wing people need to know what you have done.

You need to take a walk around your cities, towns and villages, take a look at the hundreds of thousand of graves standing as testament to the ultimate sacrifice made by our young men in order that you may live in a liberal democracy today.

You need to understand that this a not just betrayal, but a triple betrayal:

  • The betrayal of all our old soldiers whose sacrifice granted us freedom,
  • The betrayal of my generation who you threaten to imprison if we defend our inherited freedom, and
  • The betrayal of our yet unborn, who, unless we stop it seem set to inherit a country racked with tribal and religious hatred, which must inevitably lead to a continental scale multicultural war that will make the break-up of Yugoslavia look like a bun-fight.

And, of course, it is also the betrayal of freedom and democracy.

Because freedom and democracy did not just magically appear. They evolved over two and a half thousand years, rooted in Greco-Roman Judeo-Christian ancestry. And were fought for and defended with much blood and sacrifice.

Democracy and freedom are not the personal possessions of socialist politicians to be handed away, without our agreement, to the descendants of a 7th century desert warlord, who view our attachment to democracy as just a weakness to be used against us.

I do not blame Islam. Fundamentalist Muslims are just doing what it says in the book.

But I do blame our politicians. There are two sides in this civilisational stand-off, and our politicians have sided with the enemy.

So I say to them:

You may well hold the levers of power at the moment, but we are on the rise and we are unstoppable. Do you seriously think you can do what you have done to your own people without repercussion?

You could stop this now if you chose to, by the simple expedient of putting the interests of your own people before the interests of Islam.

But you won’t do that will you? So you put us in an almost impossible position. If we do nothing we must accept our children and grandchildren will one day live under sharia law.

And if we do something, then it must by definition be revolutionary. But we did not start this. You did. Most of us would have been quite happy to mow the lawn, hold down a mundane job, and pay our taxes.

You have made us revolutionaries. And whilst your behaviour suggests you fear Islam more than you fear us, let me tell you something, you lying, betraying, treacherous, socialist careerists:

We might not hold power today, but given another decade, we will, and then we will hold you to account. You will appear before a Nuremberg-style court, and you will be tried for treason, and you will be tried for crimes against humanity, and for the first time in a very long time you will be answerable to us!

Previous posts by Paul Weston:

2007 Jan 22 The Week Britain Died
    26 Britain’s Dystopian School Children
  Feb 2 Questioning the Sanity of Liberals
  Mar 1 Multiculturalism — Merits and Debits
    31 Is European Civil War Inevitable by 2025?
  Jun 26 The Big Story That Isn’t
  Aug 10 An Open Letter to Fellow Europeans
    24 A Brussels Perspective
  Sep 12 Democratic Europe R.I.P.
  Nov 2 The Coming Third World War
    21 Cool War — Warm War — Hot War: Part 1
    29 Cool War — Warm War — Hot War: Part 2
2008 Mar 27 The Face of Moderate Islam in Britain
2009 Feb 9 Wilders in Wonderland
    13 Who is Lord Ahmed?
    25 Temporary Peace Trumps Freedom of Speech
  Jul 1 Muslims, Mosques and Mosquitoes
    2 Islam, the BBC, and Young Children
    8 Review of “A Bridge Too Far”
    17 Socialist Propaganda in British Education
  Oct 15 Multiculturalism Has Destroyed the British Police
2010 Mar 16 Ethnically Cleansing the English
  Oct 7 Banana Republic Britain


Zenster said... 1

We might not hold power today, but given another decade, we will, and then we will hold you to account. You will appear before a Nuremberg-style court, and you will be tried for treason, and you will be tried for crimes against humanity, and for the first time in a very long time you will be answerable to us!

Thank you, Paul Weston, for your effort to this crystal clear. A huge disincentive must be installed to deter these traitors that abet Islam's crimes against humanity.

In fact, I have just spent a good portion of this morning arguing the EXACT SAME THING and have held this position for quite a while.

Further rebuttal in the same thread can be found here.

When homosexuals are hung from cranes, is this political Islam in action or religious Islam?

When adulterous women are buried up to their shoulders in sand and stoned to death, is this
political Islam or religious Islam?

When Muslims who wish to leave Islam are issued with death sentences, is this
political Islam, or is this religious Islam?

When wives and daughters are slaughtered to protect their families honour by husbands fathers and uncles, is this
political Islam or religious Islam?

In a word, YES.

Few people are willing to confront the real issue:


It's as simple as that.

For any faith to be considered a valid religion, it must foreswear theocracy.

Again, it's as simple as that.

Even beyond the gigantic evil of Islam, THEOCRACY looms as the true enemy of mankind. Just as there is no single religion qualified to serve as the supreme moral arbiter of our world neither is there one single government qualified to rule it.

Anyone who advocates otherwise is an eternal enemy of human liberty and freedom.

Of course it is not a religion of peace. Its founder was a warrior, and the highest honour bestowed upon a Muslim is the promise of hordes of scented houris and an eternal leg-over in the after life, achievable not by being a good Samaritan, but by dying as a martyr in the physical battle to expand imperialist Islam.

While this is out of sequence, I feel it behooves all Western writers not to permit Islam’s abomination of the word “martyr”. Although an agnostic, I find Christian martyrs who refused to forsake their belief more worthy of the title than those who slaughter innocent human life in the name of political supremacy.


The entire notion of a Creator who would sanction wanton butchering of his own flock defies all concepts of sanity, decency and morality. In fact, this is a pivotal point that distinguishes Christianity from Islam and must continually shame Muslims until they, one and all, permanently reject religious absolution of mass murder.

Islam gives no indication of doing so and it bodes exceptionally unwell for any hopes of near-term peace.

To take this away is a totalitarian act, made all the worse because freedom of speech is our only defence in the peaceful opposition against the foreign totalitarian ideology of Islam.

And it is by this act of criminalizing Free Speech, especially against Islam, that these selfsame Multiculturalist politicians make inevitable the most horrendous of outcomes with respect to resolving Europe’s ongoing Muslim colonization. Removal of polite dissent literally guarantees the emergence of vigilantism.

As John F. Kennedy once said:

”Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.”

Steve said... 2

ALL religions and philosophies have an understanding of morality, and the due punishment for immoral acts. To proclaim that only those which do not, are valid religions is absurd, and special pleading of a rather deceptive sort.

The argument you and others are proposing is just another form of Caesar-worship, where only the State is god, only the State can say what is right and wrong and no one can teach the State or disagree with the State. That is just another form of absolute tyranny. Mere freedom in choice of pleasures is not real freedom.

The distinctions between Christianity and Judaism on the one hand, and Islam on the other, do not lie in whether or not there is a moral law, but what that law -is-. On whether or not there is sin and forgiveness, or only submission as in Islam, not whether or not there is a creator, but whether or not the Creator loves us and made us in His Image and likeness, thus with immeasurable worth that we must attribute to each other, or whether we are NOT of such nature and value, but analogously dogs, and then tame or feral, with the resultant appropriate treatment. On whether or not there is real moral choice, or just determinism.

It is Judaism and then Christianity which gave us our freedoms. There are no freedoms in Statism.

Zenster said... 3

Stephen: ALL religions and philosophies have an understanding of morality, and the due punishment for immoral acts.

Please reconcile that statement with how Islam engages in clearly immoral and reprehensible acts.

Or do you declare Islam void of religious value?

Also, do you refuse to recognize theocracy as an enemy of human freedom?

The argument you and others are proposing is just another form of Caesar-worship, where only the State is god, only the State can say what is right and wrong and no one can teach the State or disagree with the State.

Please explain how you managed to extract that notion from my own words, if indeed that is where you got it.

People who follow a moral code and have the benefit of representative government can oblige that ruling body to recognize and enforce such ideas. While that does not prevent democratically installed tyranny like that of Hamas and Iraq, its higher goal of enlightened self-government still remains a principal virtue.

goethechosemercy said... 4

Do not make the mistake of thinking Islam is like other religious traditions or philosophies.
Islam has made a space for itself in Western culture that can be described only as a political, legal, cultural and social fortress.
This institutional fortress must be destroyed.

Henrik R Clausen said... 5

ALL religions and philosophies have an understanding of morality.

I take exception with that.

Islam doesn't. Instead of putting up a clear and independent morality, it basically says: Strive to act like Muhammad did. If one looks into the details of this, what is found is the antithesis of anything we in the Western world would consider 'moral'.

Further, this mockery of morality is being forced upon Muslims throug systematic intimidation.

EscapeVelocity said... 6

I understand what Stephen is saying.

He has voiced concern that Christianity will be thrown under the bus, in dealing with Islam.

What he is saying, is that Islam does have morals and ethics. Its just that they are an abomination, when judged via the morals and ethics of Christianity (and probably other moral/ethical frameworks.)

Stephen isnt defending Islam, but rather Christianity (and Judaism), in particular, from arguments that would throw them all under the bus, in confronting Islam.

Christianity does have a place in the public sphere, informing legislation, codes of conduct, etc within our institutions, public and private(businesses, corporations).

Most self proclaimed Western Atheists, havent ditched the values and morals of Christianity. They continue to benefit from the Christian order, which protects their freedom and liberty, whilst they rail against it and seek to remove them from civil society and deinstitutionalization. In fact, Islam waltzing into the Europe is a sign of this weakening of Christian institutions and zeitgeist.

Papa Whiskey said... 7

This speech is definitely a keeper. Everything this fellow says applies on this side of the pond as well.

Fortress said... 8

And at the end of the day, I see one of us, at our own senate hearing; those corrupt and decadent politicians, bloated and decaying in their own elite self-importance, repeating this speech...or should I say summing it up in the same way Starscream of all people did in the Megatron: Origin's story:

"I have a message for you. For all of you. From all those in your cells. Through your own interests you created this. You brought us here. You didn't just make it possible- you made it happen. All we did was give it a badge."

Though I pray when that day comes that we will have chosen a better path than they did.

Anonymous said... 9

Henrik, Islam does have a moral code. If they have a concept of right and wrong behaviour, then it is a moral system. Sure, I abhor it, but this doesn't change what it is.

Just like I reject the modern Western morality of universal equality, I reject Islam's.

nuum said... 10

Simply Perfect.
A Nuremberg-style court for the Governement / Media traitors is necessary.

Our fallen Heroes deserve this.
We deserve this.

Islam is the evil.
Our Governenment and the Liberal Media is far worse than Islam.
They are traitors .


Anonymous said... 11

I received this from a website I subscribe to in the US. ACT for America in a newsletter, wanted to share it with you, her website which is run by Brigette Gabrielle, she is trying to wake up America to the threat of ISLAM also, this letter is scary to say the least. I commend you for alerting people to this threat, no one seems to understand what is happening but the writing is on the wall.

February 16, 2012
A note from Investigative Project on Terrorism Executive Director Steven Emerson:

Please take the time to read this very important story [below] written by a courageous Egyptian liberal intellectual about the Islamist and Muslim Brotherhood lobbies in Washington and the Obama Administration's secret collaboration with these pro-terrorist, anti-Western, anti-women, anti-American and anti-Semitic organizations. This is one of the most important articles I have read in years.

It was just revealed two days ago that FBI Director Mueller secretly met on February 8 at FBI headquarters with a coalition of groups including various Islamist and militant Arabic groups who in the past have defended Hamas and Hizballah and have also issued blatantly anti-Semitic statements. At this meeting, the FBI revealed that it had removed more than 1000 presentations and curricula on Islam from FBI offices around the country that was deemed "offensive." The FBI did not reveal what criteria was used to determine why material was considered "offensive" but knowledgeable law enforcement sources have told the IPT that it was these radical groups who made that determination. Moreover, numerous FBI agents have confirmed that from now on, FBI headquarters has banned all FBI offices from inviting any counter-terrorist specialists who are considered "anti-Islam" by Muslim Brotherhood front groups.

The February 8 FBI meeting was the culmination of a series of unpublicized directives issued in the last three months by top FBI officials to all its field offices to immediately recall and withdraw any presentation or curricula on Islam throughout the entire FBI. In fact, according to informed sources and undisclosed documents, the FBI directive was instigated by radical Muslim groups in the US who had repeatedly met with top officials of the Obama Administration to complain, among other things, that the mere usage of the term of "radical Islam" in FBI curricula was "offensive" and 'racist." And thus, directives went out by Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director Mueller to censor all such material. Included in the material destroyed or removed by the FBI and the DOJ were powerpoints and articles that defined jihad as "holy war" or presentations that portrayed the Muslim Brotherhood as an organization bent on taking over the world—a major tenant that the Muslim Brotherhood has publicly stated for decades.

During the next several months, the IPT will be releasing a series of major investigative reports revealing the secret infiltration by and collaboration with radical Islamic organizations by the Obama administration that has spread to the National Security Council, the Dept of Justice, the FBI, the Dept of Homeland Security, the CIA and the State Department as well as local law enforcement.