In other news, a couple who run a café in England have been ordered by their local council to remove an exhaust fan from their kitchen because the smell of frying bacon offends their Muslim neighbors. The husband himself is a Muslim from Turkey, but this appears to make no difference to the council.
To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.
Thanks to DF, ESW, Fjordman, Gaia, heroyalwhyness, JD, JP, Kitman, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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Baron, I don’t know if you’ve heard about this.
The big news in Scandinavia at the moment is the Laser man case in Malmo, which has similarities to the belt way sniper case in the US. He (the laser man) is singling out random coloured people in the city and shooting at them with a high powered rifle. He has been active for more than a year now and he has already managed to kill one person and injured 13 others.
Could quite possibly be several individuals carrying out these shootings.
re: kritisk_borger's tip, links via the
•Two more immigrant shootings in Malmö
Malmö police have recruited the detective who played a decisive role in apprehending "Laser Man" gunman John Ausonius as a new double shooting has further raised fears of a repeat of 1991's racist attacks.
The news comes as a further two women were hurt in a new shooting in Malmö on Thursday evening. The women, aged 26 and 34, were shot while in an apartment in the Kroksbäck neighbourhood of the city.
"They are immigrants from a European country," said Calle Persson at Skåne police.
Detective inspector Eiler Augustsson is credited with having played a decisive role in the investigation and arrest of John Ausonius, who terrorized Stockholm’s immigrant population in the beginning of the 1990s.
Ausonius received his "Laser Man" moniker because his victims were targeted with a red dot from a rifle equipped with a laser sight.
Police fear that the shootings are the latest in a wave of attacks which are deliberately targeting people of immigrant origin. A total of 50 shootings have been recorded in the city this year, and police fear a number of these may have been carried out by a lone gunman.
Aside from the two women, there was also a child in the apartment when the shootings occurred.
. . .[more at link]
•Police warn immigrants after Malmö shootings (21 Oct 10
•Malmö shooter targeting immigrants: police (20 Oct 10)
•Three injured in Malmö shootings (20 Oct 10)
Outreach does not always work out. The Muslim culture is a very difficult one to deal with. Our President has also reached out. It stillr remains to be seen just how poorly it will work out. Sorry, I just do not have much confidence that it will improve our relations.
"The Pentagon has acknowledged that it hosted the American-born fugitive terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki at a Pentagon luncheon during the months immediately after 9-11. Mr. al-Awlaki, who went on to become the United States’ most-wanted (dead or alive) Al Qaeda leader, was not yet a fugitive at the time. His invitation to the Pentagon was part of a military policy of outreach to moderate Muslims."
This speaks to the veracity of those who are now called moderates and are invited to speak and walk the halls of our capital freely right now. How many of them are Awlaki. It also speaks to the incompetence and disatrous wilful blindness that is being employed by our nations misleaders and even misleader in chief as a matter of policy that has no self respect and is unworthy of freeman but more typical of a people accustomed to slavery and subservience;I guess in a servile and appeasing hope that self imposed childlike naivete will somehow melt the hearts of those who despise them. Which is not altogether strange seeing that these people are first and foremeost slaves of vices and servants of lust and pleasures first and foremeost, it being only a matter of time before physical correspondence to this inner reality follows.
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