We aim to raise public awareness of what is being done to Elisabeth for the “crime” of speaking out about Islam. Our efforts will help her raise money for her legal defense fund while spreading awareness of the erosion of civil liberties that is underway throughout the West.
Since Friday,
- Tundra Tabloids
- Europe News
- Politically Incorrect
- The International Civil Liberties Alliance
- Vlad Tepes
- Gates of Vienna
- 1389
- Mark Steyn
- Lawrence Auster
- Infidel Bloggers Alliance
- 180grader
- Diana West
- Hodjas Blog
- Patriot's Corner
- Right Side News
- Eticha
Also, ACT! For America — for which Elisabeth is Austrian chapter head — has let her know that they will put their formidable organization squarely behind her.
I may have left out some blogs off the list, so if you know anyone who should be on it and isn’t, drop us an email or leave a comment with a link.
When the Europeans asked for my help spreading the word to American sites, I suggested a dozen blogs that are prominent enough to draw significant attention to Elisabeth’s case on this side of the Atlantic. We invited the following sites to help with Elisabeth’s Voice:
- Jihad Watch
- Atlas Shrugs
- The Corner
- Gateway Pundit
- Hot Air
- Ace of Spades HQ
- Hugh Hewitt
- Daily Pundit
- Instapundit
- Michelle Malkin
- Power Line
- TigerHawk
As of this afternoon, unfortunately, none of the above had taken up the challenge.
It can be very difficult for a small blog like ours to get the attention of a major site. Prominent bloggers get a lot of email and a lot of appeals to help out, so that any single request tends to get lost in the shuffle. Our efforts are worthwhile, however, because even a single blog of those twelve could increase the profile of Elisabeth’s case by an order of magnitude.
If any of our readers have reason to believe that one or more of the above blogs is likely to read your email, please drop them a note and ask them to be part of Elisabeth’s Voice.
Austria is a small country, and American support for Elisabeth’s case will make a big difference.
Contributors to Elisabeth’s defense fund should visit the Save Free Speech site. A reminder: the defense fund is not under her control, and disbursements from it will be made solely to pay her legal fees.
Previous posts about the hate speech case against Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff:
From one of those blogs - can Geert Wilders claim 'Double Jeopardy' and avoid a second trial?
If you would consider my blog, then
please add it the list. Patriot's
Corner is much smaller than here
but I am certainly willing to step
up to the plate for Elisabeth.
Personally, she is a hero for taking the stand
that she has.
Baron, the Danish Hodjas Blog - where I am a co-editor - has several posts supporting my good and dear friend, Elisabeth. Please add.
Atlas Shrugs has posted in support of Elizabeth today.
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