Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/26/2010

Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/26/2010The President of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands has criticized Geert Wilders, saying that the PVV politician has undermined the authority of the court with his public statements. The President of the Court evidently believes that it is Mr. Wilders, rather than the actions of the prosecution and the judges, which has brought discredit upon Dutch jurisprudence.

In other news, some analysts believe that Greece will default on its sovereign debt in the next two to three years. Although the Greek government has imposed austerity measures in line with IMF specifications, it will not be enough to take care of the country’s massive load of debt.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to Bobbo, C. Cantoni, DF, Erick Stakelbeck, Fjordman, Gaia, JD, JP, KGS, RC, Steen, Vlad Tepes, Wally Ballou, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.



Department of jokes
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The Swedish Minister of Integration, Uncle Ullenhag,
has recently visited Malmö.

Jedilson Bonfim said... 2

During the row, which took place during a meeting between the European and Turkish parliaments in Istanbul, Egemen Bagis called MEP Barry Madlener a racist, the paper says.

Of course calling Madlener "racist" has to do with his criticism of mahoundianism, which is and has never been a race. On the other hand, though it's Eggman Bagis's fellow arabs-pretending-that-they-are-not-arabs' treatment of Kurds living within Turkey's borders which is actual racism, I've never seen anyone calling the Eggman racist; or, on a different side of that mahoundian pig, poking fun at him because of how his vanity made him undergo stomach-stapling surgery and get hair implants.

If such bedouin savages getting statesman treatment these days were treated as they ought to be, the Beatles' I am the Walrus would be played every time the Eggman got a turn at the podium at the European Parliament.

Anonymous said... 3

re: Moderate Muslims share fears

Even though the point of the article is helpful, that even some observant Muslims are apprehensive around Muslims in traditional dress, there's a howler that shouldn't pass:

"His niece, an observant Muslim who fasts during Ramadan even though it leaves her parched and tired at work, feels nervous when she sees men whose appearance expresses extreme Muslim observance"

Just to be fair, I double-checked what the Ramadan fast entails. It's only a fast between dawn and sunset. One can eat breakfast before dawn, and dinner at sunset and beyond, every day. In other words, with a little planning, it's no big deal. So the author of this article is pretending that the Ramadan fast is some kind of ordeal. Sorry folks, that's how a lot of people live every day, including me, because I'm on a diet, and it's not an ordeal at all. Even though I fast 19 hours every day, I'm not parched and tired at work. It feels pretty good, actually. This article is just one more example of how, every time Muslims try to show how moderate they are, they can't help slipping up. The writer, who is related by marriage to moderate Muslims, is flat out lying about the supposed difficulty of a short fast, trying to guilt-trip the infidels. To me, "parched and tired" sounds a lot like "but you have to understand."

goethechosemercy said... 4

If she's parched and tired, remember that she has had some agency in making herself so.
The practice of this faith, or the extent of its practice, involves some kind of decision-making. Islam is not organic.

goethechosemercy said... 5

It goes back to the idea that no one can seduce you without your consent. Heed well, Ms. Booth!

Anonymous said... 6

re: parched and tired

I imagine, latté island, that although you do not eat you do drink occasionally during the 19 hours a day you are fasting, correct? goethechosemercy is completely correct that fasting for Ramadan is ultimately a choice, as is fasting for any religious reason, e.g., for Yom Kippur. Still, I don't think it's quite a "howler" for someone to state that she feels "parched and tired" at the end of a liquid-free workday. Whether such a feeling is really anyone's problem or should lead to food-free workplaces during Ramadan is, of course, another matter altogether.

Anonymous said... 7

Nonsubhomine: the howler isn't that the niece doesn't do well on a fast...the howler is that the writer mentions it, out of context. My point is that, no matter how supportive some Muslims can be on any particular issue, and the article's writer is supporting free speech here, the very fact that she and her family are involved with Islam makes them throw melodrama into the argument, because they can't help it. Islam itself makes them regress emotionally. Yes, I do drink water all day, and that helps. This has nothing to do with why the writer felt compelled to exhibit her family's suffering during Ramadan as part of her argument.