Friday, October 22, 2010

Turning the Tables

An update from VH:

Now Geert Wilders has filed a complaint against Tom Schalken, of the judiciary of the Amsterdam Court, who ordered the prosecution of Geert Wilders. Mr. Schalken risks imprisonment of up to four years. According to Article 285a of the Criminal Code:

1. A person who intentionally verbally, by gestures, in writing or image expresses against a person, apparently to influence that person’s freedom to deliver a statement with truth and in conscience in front of a judge or officer, while he knows or has serious reason to suspect that that the statement will be made, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding four years or a fine of the fourth category.


Yorkshireminer said... 1

The cat is really among the pigeons, here in Holland. I usually don't watch the television here in Holland, but today I am making an exception. I am going to finish the day off with a cold beer watching Pauw and Witermann, it should be very interesting because Bram and Jansen are the Guests. Geert has not been on apart from a few short sound bits after the ending of the court case. This soap is going to run and run. Well over 800 comments in the Telegraph, none of them particularly complementary concerning the Justice system. I particularly liked one that said that Netherlander has now passed its exam to join the rest of the Banana republics in the world.

Being the Cynic I am I have a nasty feeling that this has been orchestrated by Bram. This should have come out before as the meeting between Jansen and the so called independent Judge happened on May 3rd of this year. Bram must have known this, Jansen was one of his defence witnesses, he must have spoken with him many times. Then he brings it up on the last day of the trial. It cannot be pure coincidence right down to Brams telephone going off during the trial The ring tone was from a Dutch Children's program called FAbletjes Krant roughly translated The fairytale newspaper. Then Geert straight after the court finish was off to the Police station to lodge a complaint against the Judge. An absolute peach of a day.