Thursday, October 28, 2010

We Are Elisabeth’s Voice

The video below was a joint effort by the Counterjihad Collective. Many thanks to all who participated, but an extra portion of gratitude is owed to Henrik Ræder Clausen and Vlad Tepes, who worked so hard to make it happen:

There is also a German-language version of this video in progress.

You may donate to Elisabeth’s legal defense fund at the Save Free Speech website.


al Rassooli said... 1

My contributionto Elisabeth can be as an adviser to her defense or as an authority on Muhammad, his Quran & his Sunna.

My credentials are in my web

All you need to do is go to

IQ al Rassooli at HER service!

billwhit1357 said... 2

God Bless Elisabeth and help her in her fight against the madness of Islam and the Politically Correct Sickness that has infested Austria's Political Scene! The SPÖ, ÖVP, and the Greens have sold their souls to the EU and Islam! Vote for the only party that cares about Austria, it's People, and it's Culture, VOTE FPÖ! End the insanity of satanic Islam in Europe!