by Paul Weston
As the haunting wail of the Muezzin — recently described by Barack Obama as the sweetest sound in the world — roused the slumbering Pakistani inhabitants of Mirpur, Kashmir, to Morning Prayer, young Sammy Mohammed was awakened somewhat more brutally by the boot of local Mirpurian MP, Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry.
“By ’eck Sammy lad, tha lazy young beggar, tha’ll not be thwarting democracy in Britain by festering in t’pit all day, by gum. Hand over them proxy votes sharpish, me lad, lest tha want thy backside tanning!”
The beginning of a satirical article? I am afraid not. It is routine practice for dual-nationality Pakistanis residing in Kashmir to sign thousands of proxy vote forms for the British General Election, in order that their Pakistani brothers in Britain may use them to subvert our democracy.
One “British” Mirpuri resident described the blind signing of the electoral proxy votes thus:
“They said I didn’t have to fill in any details, just to sign my name at the bottom of the form,” he says, smiling. “So I signed two…I personally know 25 other people who did the same thing, lots of people just on this street, but everybody does it.”
Having collected thousands of forms, Pakistani politicians such as Sultan Chaudry hop on the Kashmiri red-eye to Britain, where they distribute said forms amongst the many Muslims in our vibrantly diverse, exotic and eclectic multicultural cities, whilst advising them where their fraudulent vote should be cast to best represent their decidedly un-diverse and un-vibrant 7th Century mono-culture. In a BBC interview conducted in Manchester, Chaudry said:
“I’m here for the 6 May election. I always come during elections…it’s basically so I can tell people how to vote and who to vote for…most of the Pakistanis here are from Mirpur, and I am the MP from Mirpur, and I know the issues here and who will be the best candidates to help solve the issues in Kashmir.”
Even more astonishing than Pakistani politicians visiting Britain to tell the “British” electorate who to fraudulently vote for in order to solve the Kashmir Question, is the positively surreal concept of British politicians travelling to Pakistan to woo the local vote for precisely the same reason. That this actually happens is a damning indictment on how reliant Labour/Socialist politicos have become on the Third World vote if they are ever to regain power.
Many people will be flabbergasted that such Third World practices can occur in Great Britain. These flabbergastees however, do tend to be foreign. The British, immersed in a cauldron of rapidly warming multicultural soup and floating alongside a clearly overheating yet curiously blasé frog, have been subjected to such a relentless barrage of propaganda over such a lengthy period of time that most fail to realise what is being done to both themselves and their country.
And it gets much worse.
A few thousand peripatetic Kashmiri proxy votes pale into insignificance when compared to the postal voting fraud that is now endemic in what was once the seat of European democracy. When the Labour Party introduced postal voting on demand, they did so in the full knowledge it would create massive fraud, yet were more than happy knowing that the fraud would benefit Labour above all other parties.
How does one apply for a postal vote, or even multiple postal votes? Simply download a form from the Electoral Commission, make up a name(s) and address, and one or more postal votes will miraculously appear on your doormat. It does not need to be your own name, of course, and if you are one of the 100 bogus-named people living in a solitary two-bedroomed flat in Tower Hamlets, it is unlikely you will even be investigated, particularly if you register at the last possible moment before the election.
In other words, you do not need to exist in order to gain multiple postal votes. Taking it even further, some houses do not even exist! A row of terraced properties may end at number 64, but whilst the wraith like apparitions of numbers 66-70 may not actually exist in reality, the local postman, Mr Abdul Aziz, knows very well where he should deliver the extra 200 postal votes designated for the non-people within the non-houses.
The Electoral Commission simply cannot keep up. Multicultural Britain is experiencing such a massive racial and demographic shift that to track and record individuals has become an utterly impossible task. Particularly so when each official form is printed and distributed in over 20 different languages before being processed by staff who among them speak only three.
This has led to dangerous levels of fraud. In 2004, Judge Richard Mawley QC presiding over an electoral vote-rigging case in Birmingham had this to say: “The (postal vote) system is wide open to massive, systematic and organised fraud that would disgrace a banana republic.”
Shortly before the 2010 election, the police were investigating upward of 50 cases of electoral fraud, principally in Labour-controlled areas. Since the election this number has climbed to 81 cases, but little has happened since, because the alleged fraudsters were invariably Muslim and the police are loath to prosecute for fear of appearing “racist.”
In a scarcely believable precedent, Commonwealth electoral monitors were despatched to Britain to scrutinise the election result for the first time in our history, with one native from Zimbabwe suggesting that Britain lagged far behind Mr Mugabe’s regime when it came to democracy. He cited as an example the fact that Zimbabweans could only vote once, because indelible ink was applied to their finger après-vote, whilst non-existent “ghosts” in Britain could make multiple postal votes with no checks whatsoever.
And it is hard to argue with him on this point. Dear God, who would have thought a few years ago that by 2010 Britain could be accused of being a banana republic by Zimbabwe! And still we refuse to wake up.
But we need to. Before the Labour Party came to power it was impossible to register to vote once the election had been called. Labour changed this to allow registration up to 11 days after the election was called. This time-frame allows people to register and vote before any checks to prove their existence can feasibly be carried out — which is exactly what was intended.
The result of this has been an upsurge in postal voting applications, sometimes up to 200% higher than in the previous election. In ex-Home Secretary Jack Straw’s constituency of Blackburn, postal voting was running at 30% of all votes cast compared to only 15% as a national average. In the month before the election, some half a million new “voters” registered with the Electoral Commission, representing an increase of almost one fifth since the election of 2005.
One voter of Pakistani origin, who requested anonymity for fear of reprisals, told The Independent newspaper that postal vote fraud in Blackburn was widespread. “It’s worse than Birmingham, the mosque committee is 100 per cent Labour. They control the mosque. They frighten the people.” Teams of Muslims were seen distributing and collecting sheaves of postal ballot papers which were picked up on street corners en-route to the “sealed” ballot box.
This assertion is backed up by Craig Murray, Britain’s former ambassador to the central Asian republic of Uzbekistan, who was campaigning in Blackburn to unseat Jack Straw. The challenge was rather unsuccessful as it transpired because Mr Straw allegedly achieved 90% of the vote, a margin unheard of outside North Korea. Mr Murray told the Independent:
“I’ve come from Uzbekistan to Blackburnistan…this is very much a Labour rotten borough…there is a nexus of the police, the authorities and business — if we were in the Soviet Union, you would say mafia.”
The Independent is a liberal leaning newspaper experiencing a number of “teachable moments” as Mr Obama might say. Alerted to a possible massive postal voting fraud in Bangladeshi controlled Tower Hamlets, East London, the newspaper sent intrepidly bearded Jerome Tayler to investigate as to why “there have been as many as 20 Bengali names supposedly living in two or three-bedroom flats. When journalists have previously called, all too often there are far fewer living there, in some instances, no Bengalis at all.
Poor Mr Tayler discovered that the locals take exception to being investigated by impertinent young infidel reporters, even if they are liberal and bearded, and having declined to answer his questions gave him a good pasting instead. Given a few more unsuccessful missions into bandit country looking for the source of fraudulent postal ballot papers, it is possible that Mr Tayler may even refer to his assailants as politically driven Muslims rather than “poverty stricken Asians.”
Just in case these fraudulent postal ballots could be detected after the election, the Labour Party allowed them to be mixed in with the ballot papers from local polling stations, where, although identification is not required (why not?) at least faces are recognised and names crossed off a list. As such, any individual attempting to cast multiple ballots in a polling station would be quickly recognised and rumbled, so the vast majority of these ballots are therefore legitimate.
This is not the case of course for the postal voters, which is precisely why postal voting has experienced such a massive upsurge and precisely why Labour Party officials were so keen to lose the fraudulent postal ballots amongst the legitimate polling station ballots.
This destruction of British democracy, although appalling in itself, is not of the highest importance unless the fraud actually affected the election results, but now we learn that it has. In the May 2010 British General Election, the Conservative Party failed to gain a majority by the slimmest of margins, with only a handful of constituency seats swaying the result. This recently led Conservative Party Chairman, Baroness Warsi, to make the extraordinarily explosive claim that The Conservative Party failed to win a majority because of “Asian” electoral fraud.
Just before the election, ex- MP Martin Bell suggested that the result could be decided by electoral fraud. And so it has been proven. It is not a surprise that by importing the Third World you become the Third World, but what is surprising is our reaction to the very real subversion of our ancient and bloodily defended democracy — which is that of total appeasement and dhimmitude.
The idea that British democracy has been subverted by Socialist enabled Muslim fraud is an enormous front page story. Or it should be, yet having broken the potentially biggest story in Britain so far this century, Baroness Warsi and the press have become strangely reticent. Her appearance on BBC “Question Time” has been cancelled and the MSM, although not exactly in deep denial, are hardly giving this astonishing claim the attention it deserves.
Even liberals must be starting to realise why Islam, when translated, means Submission. If Muslims can illegally alter the course of a British General Election with barely a word of criticism or investigation — based on our fear of them — then we are in terrible, terrible trouble and that trouble can only become worse.
The multicultural cauldron we Brits share with the overly-optimistic frog is still only warm, but within a generation and the doubling of our Muslim population it will be boiling. The Authorities could turn the heat down if they so wished, but they appear dedicated instead to turning it into a pressure cooker with the lid tightly screwed down, seemingly unaware that the rapidly building steam must eventually find a release somewhere.
And nothing can build the steam quicker than favouring the enemy above your own soldiers and airmen. Whilst I may have given the impression that is remarkably easy to obtain voting rights in Britain, this is not always the case. Members of our Armed Forces for example find it very difficult indeed.
In one of the more perverse outcomes of Socialist rule, we find that whilst British Pakistanis fighting against the British Army in Afghanistan may use their proxy/postal vote to influence British democracy, British soldiers, fighting for their country at the behest of their government, find themselves disenfranchised. It is estimated that in 2005 eighty per-cent of our armed forces were disqualified from voting.
British Forces used to register for elections just once in their career, but this was changed in 2001 by the Labour Government, who decreed the register must be signed annually, unlike the British Muslims shooting at them, who, having registered for a postal vote, are then entitled to it for life.
The Ministry of Defence claimed our soldiers were notified. Not very well though it would seem. The vast majority had no idea of the 2001 rule change, leading Lord Garden, a Lib Dem defence spokesman to remark: “It’s rather sad that we send our military personnel off to establish democracy and set up elections in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, but don’t make enough arrangements for them to vote here.”
Quite so, but Lord Garden labours under the misapprehension that we are a fully functioning democracy rather than a discredited banana republic. And just because our curiously silent Conservative rulers and mainstream media appear disinterested in the death of our democracy, this does not mean all the people are similarly apathetic.
Banana republics are inherently unstable and violent. We are already witnessing the early stages of civil war in England, as the native EDL square up to foreign Islam and their Communist allies. The next few years will witness interesting developments in the art of “steam management.”

Previous posts by Paul Weston:
Excellent article! Shared.
Seems inevitable that Britain will collapse into civli war and societal collapse. It's depressing to believe that Britain, in the next 2 decades, will be a violent, dysfunctional society. Evil? You haven't seen anything yet.
I think most Britons realise it all too well but feel utterly powerless to do anything about it, just as many Americans feel utterly powerless to stop the Obama administration pulling in millions of illegal aliens to stuff up their poll numbers in the United States.
More like the next five years rather than tow decades.
And, yes, we havn't seen anything yet. We still have to organise...but when we do?
Regards, Seneca III
Dear Paul Weston and All:
And talking about Banana Republic,
when you think that the banana is so good and delicious and fresh tasting, it's not even a question of a bad name, eh?
Don't you just love the banana?
When Del Monte went in, screwed the local governments, to kick out the local farmers. then got hold of the land, preventing other versatile crops from being grown, all sorts of delicious fruit you otherwise don't know,
pixbae (Eng. palm beach fruit...fr. a palm)
Papayas- (Eng. pawpaw) the Real papaya- NOt that vague tasting thing from Hawaii
mamey -
guavas -
maranon -Cashew Apple
Dole forced replanting of the land with bananas, as far as the eye can see, Dole did a job, alright!
Giving you the banana.
It's so versatile.
banana split - that was the first. Soooo popular in the States. Then came, banana bread- banana cream pie- pie - banana pudding - banama flambe - banana fritters - banana pancakes - banana smoothie - any combo of banana with rum, and so many other combos.
So, guys, all those poor countries from Central America, have given you a GIFT!
Remember, Banana Republics are Grand!
A Central American
In hoc signo vinces
A large section of the UK indigenous working/underclass do not vote - deliberately withholding their franchise the political elite despise them for this.
4 Symbols
That is an interesting observation.
Do you think they might vote for a Wilders type of figure?
excellent article
Can you confirm that UKIP and the BNP are both discredited parties and unelectable? And that it is essential that a new political party is formed in the UK along the lines of Wilder's PVV?
I don't think the BNP will ever achieve power.
I would like to think UKIP have a chance, with the right leader.
If A Wilder's PVV existed, I think it would out-perform both of the above, but we must work with what we have at the moment.
I think we are moving inexorably beyond conventional politics (maybe 1 more democratic election, 2 at the most) before revolutionary movements make their mark.
Until then, Viva UKIP!
Paul Weston UKIP (diplomatic) candidate.
That's hardly surprising. But again, with Pakistanis and Africans, you will have a Britain that resemble the societies built by those two people, which are banana republics. So the problems aren't really policy wise.
For me the lack of a viable alternative is a real concern.
Voting UKIP (a discredited party) in the mean time as a substitute while holding out for revolution, which may or may not come, is just waiting for Godot.
In hoc signo vinces
@Paul Weston,
"Do you think they might vote for a Wilders type of figure?"
A UK type Wilders would not have been allowed to breakthrough at the last general election, for such a figure to make his move at that time would have been political suicide.
Political power in the UK is consolidating into a neoliberal mass while the citizens are still disorientated by the convoluted politics of the last few decades.
I think there will have to be not only a collapse of political confidence but a decisive collapse of political moral amongst the British people before a Wilders type of figure can breakthrough and claim the new political territory.
Not only are the politics and the politicians bankrupt but the soap box they stand on is rotten, the corrupt and subverted democracy in the uk is in jeopardy and should at least be placed on the totalitarian at risk register.
I must have missed the memo, where UKIP was discredited.
Then again, Im a discredited Tea Partier....others are discredited Sweden Democrats....others are discredited Pim Fortuyn Listers, who are now discredited Party For Freedomers(PVV).
A large section of the UK indigenous working/underclass do not vote - deliberately withholding their franchise the political elite despise them for this.
Right, while many working-class votes go to the BNP and many middle-class votes go to UKIP. Neither have shown so far that they are capable of transcending class divisions.
An effective Wilders-type figure for the UK would have to be able to appeal to the lumpen/working-classes/middle-classes all at once.
"I must have missed the memo, where UKIP was discredited"
A party whose leader offered to disband his party if the Conservatives gave us a referendum in my opinion is discredited.
UKIP = Tories in disguise.
Prison sentences for these Bradford postal vote fraudsters last month.
The sooner they abolish postal voting the better.
Excellent post, thank you. This needs to be known more widely. Linked here.
An effective Wilders-type figure for the UK would have to be able to appeal to the lumpen/working-classes/middle-classes all at once --- Sean OBrian
Looks like they are going to need some more mass immigration of Muslims combined with anti indigenous diversity promotion/discrimination with a couple more 1000 dollops of appeasement/Islamification....before that happens.
Good article. However, it is undermined somewhat by the claim that Jack Straw achieved 90% of the vote when standing against Craig Murray. Murray stood against Straw in the 2005 election in which Straw received 42% of the vote, down from 54.1% in 2001. Straw's share recovered a little this year to 47.8%. His highest ever recorded share was 55% in 1997.
I think there is a lot of evidence that our system has been damaged and electoral fraud has become a problem. However, supporting the case against Labour with statements that are provably wrong does will not help to convince doubters.
Peter Harrison
Thank You for pointing out this error.
I pre-fixed the statement with "allegedly" because I could not find supporting evidence, but did have a strong recollection of having read such a statistic.
I was clearly wrong however. Any future re-print will be amended accordingly.
Excellent detailed article, shared. One of the worst examples was my old home town of Halifax http://tiny.cc/udc31 - police are still 'investigating' 5 months on, waiting until the fuss has died down perhaps?
It is worth noting that although primarily Labour voters, there are examples of Asian fraud for the Tories as well - it is not just a party political issue, it is a democracy issue.
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