Based on the lawn sign wars, Hurt is far, far ahead of Perriello — his signs are running about 10-to-1, at least in the area we live in. This is what we see all over the place around here:

And this is my heartfelt response:

The big question is: How much hurtin’ will it take?
I’m ready to throw the rascals out, despite the fact that we will probably end up electing a lot of new rascals who are pretty much the same as the old batch.
In hoc signo vinces
Republican In Name Only (RINO) when the choice is only of the lesser evil as has been the case in the U.K. for decades now is this the end game of Western Democracies as they are presently constituted.
Are we not now nothing more than political prisoners in these chameleon democracies, is there a better way?
"despite the fact that we will probably end up electing a lot of new rascals who are pretty much the same as the old batch."
"Madness is knowing the System sucks, and continuing to give it your power!"
Oh, how tptb must be ROTFL at the "stupid, peasants." Like the "Nobles" did in the Middle Ages.
The big question is: How much hurtin’ will it take?
More than anyone, politician or citizen, is probably prepared to admit to.
At the very least, much of this Multicultural nonsense will continue until the children of these inept social engineers begin to perish at the hands of their imported cultural enrichers.
Either that, or the enraged parents of children who have been gang raped or slaughtered like sheep by these cultural enrichers will visit their wrath upon the politicians who have brought this about.
Either way, much as with corruption, until it becomes physically painful (or flat out lethal) to carry on with this farce, such conduct is de facto being rewarded.
I am not advocating physical retaliation upon those who continue to flood Europe and America with Third World barbarians. I merely note how, left unabated, such practices will begin to inspire harsh retribution by those who have lost everything because of such abject Multicultural lunacy.
Even the most reasonable and kind person would be understandably hesitant to intervene should they witness a mob getting their hands on one of these Politically Correct Multiculturalists. I know that I would.
Zenster, that's why I've been blogging secession for such a long time!
1389: ... that's why I've been blogging secession for such a long time!
Secession from whom by whom? Please remember that this is an international blog.
Do you not realize that an attempt by any American state to secede would most likely be met with quite justifiable military intervention?
Abraham Lincoln was well prepared to shed enormous amounts of Union blood to preserve the Republic and what is there to indicate otherwise at this point in time?
I do not mean to dismiss your point but wish for greater clarity regarding such a momentous proposition.
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