Monday, October 25, 2010

Elisabeth’s Voice is Growing

We’ve just concluded the fourth day of our appeal to help Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff fight a “hate-speech” charge in her native Austria. Elisabeth had the temerity to speak out about Islam, and the Austrian establishment has responded by filing a criminal charge against her.

Elisabeth's Voice (small)Today Elisabeth received a ringing endorsement from LTC (ret.) Allen West, who is now in the final phase of his campaign for Congress in Florida’s 22nd District:

Elisabeth, you saw what happened with Geert Wilders, just STAND and never ever back down from your principles and love of our western civilizational values.

Best regards, Allen

Since last night we have added seven more blogs to the list of participants in Elisabeth’s Voice: Yid With Lid, Citizen Warrior, Tasty Infidelicacies, Het Vrije Volk, summer patriot — winter soldier, Here’s The Right Side Of It, and Irate, Tireless Minority.

The complete list of participants:

Readers who wish to donate to Elisabeth's defense fund should visit the Save Free Speech site. The defense fund is not under her control, and disbursements from it will be made solely to pay her legal fees.

Previous posts about the hate speech case against Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff:
2009 Dec 5 Fighting a Hate Speech Charge in Austria
    11 Heckling the Counterjihad
    14 Whose Law?
    17 Defaming the Muslims of Pinkafeld
2010 Mar 11 A Mother and an Activist
    20 An Austrian “Hate School”
    22 Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff at the Freedom Defense Initiative
    29 Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff and the Wiener Akademikerbund
  Sep 9 “Islam is a Political Ideology Disguised as a Religion”
    16 “Justice Must Not Be Made the Handmaiden of Sharia”
    17 The Truth Does Not Matter
  Oct 11 Interview With Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff
    16 Is the Truth Illegal in Austria?
    20 A Court Date for Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff
    21 BPE Press Release on Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff
    22 Elisabeth’s Voice: An Appeal
    23 Elisabeth’s Voice: A Follow-Up
    24 Raising Our Voices


Stogie said... 1

Hey, what about me? I posted about Elisabeth too.

Baron Bodissey said... 2


Send me the permalink to your post -- which should include a link to Elisabeth's legal defense site -- and I'll add you to the list.

unspiek (at) chromatism (dot) net

Schwejk said... 3

Please don´t forget the support of German speaking websites! The complete list including German websites is here (regularly updated!):

1389 said... 4

The entire article is also mirrored on 2.0: The Blogmocracy.

sheik yer'mami said... 5

We are part of this:

Winds of Jihad