Elisabeth, you saw what happened with Geert Wilders, just STAND and never ever back down from your principles and love of our western civilizational values.
Best regards, Allen
Since last night we have added seven more blogs to the list of participants in Elisabeth’s Voice: Yid With Lid, Citizen Warrior, Tasty Infidelicacies, Het Vrije Volk, summer patriot — winter soldier, Here’s The Right Side Of It, and Irate, Tireless Minority.
The complete list of participants:
- Tundra Tabloids
- Europe News
- Politically Incorrect
- The International Civil Liberties Alliance
- Vlad Tepes
- Gates of Vienna
- 1389
- Mark Steyn
- Lawrence Auster
- Infidel Bloggers Alliance
- 180grader
- Diana West
- Hodjas Blog
- Patriot's Corner
- Right Side News
- Eticha
- Atlas Shrugs
- Jihad Watch
- Yid With Lid
- Citizen Warrior
- Tasty Infidelicacies
- Het Vrije Volk
- summer patriot, winter soldier
- Here’s The Right Side Of It
- Irate, Tireless Minority
Readers who wish to donate to Elisabeth's defense fund should visit the Save Free Speech site. The defense fund is not under her control, and disbursements from it will be made solely to pay her legal fees.
Previous posts about the hate speech case against Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff:
Hey, what about me? I posted about Elisabeth too.
Send me the permalink to your post -- which should include a link to Elisabeth's legal defense site -- and I'll add you to the list.
unspiek (at) chromatism (dot) net
Please don´t forget the support of German speaking websites! The complete list including German websites is here (regularly updated!): http://savefreespeech.org/2010/10/25/vielen-dank-fur-die-weltweite-unterstutzung/
The entire article is also mirrored on 2.0: The Blogmocracy.
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Winds of Jihad
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