The latest additions just came in a short while ago, from Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs and Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, the two largest blogs in the Counterjihad.
Having this kind of power-hitting behind her will help give Elisabeth the extra push she needs, not just to raise funds, but to raise awareness in the United States about the risk to free speech in Europe. Many thanks to Pamela and Robert for stepping forward.
This is exactly what the founders of Elisabeth’s Voice were hoping for when we launched the original appeal on Friday. Now we have eighteen participants, and the list of big American blogs has dropped to ten. Not bad!
The list of participants as of
- Tundra Tabloids
- Europe News
- Politically Incorrect
- The International Civil Liberties Alliance
- Vlad Tepes
- Gates of Vienna
- 1389
- Mark Steyn
- Lawrence Auster
- Infidel Bloggers Alliance
- 180grader
- Diana West
- Hodjas Blog
- Patriot's Corner
- Right Side News
- Eticha
- Atlas Shrugs
- Jihad Watch
- Yid With Lid
In addition, ACT! For America will be backing her big-time, and today Citizen Warrior also volunteered to help.
The remaining ten of the original list of major American blogs:
- The Corner
- Gateway Pundit
- Hot Air
- Ace of Spades HQ
- Hugh Hewitt
- Daily Pundit
- Instapundit
- Michelle Malkin
- Power Line
- TigerHawk
If any of our readers have reason to believe that one or more of the remaining blogs in the list is likely to read your email, please drop them a note and ask them to be part of Elisabeth’s Voice.

Anyone who wishes to contribute to Elisabeth’s defense fund should visit the Save Free Speech site. A reminder: the defense fund is not under her control, and disbursements from it will be made solely to pay her legal fees.
Previous posts about the hate speech case against Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff:
I'm in, fellow counterjihadians!
baron, dymphna:
i am not a major blog by any stretch of the imagination, but if i may be allowed to join in the support of elisabeth sabaditsch-wolff i would be very pleased.
i have known her for some time, and corresponded with her after she spoke at a geller-spencer sponsored soiree in washington d.c., ala geert wilders.
again, one of those deals where c.p.a.c. chose not to allow one of the world's most sterling fighters against the jihad speak!!
be that as it may, if you care to list me as a supporter i would be more than pleased.
john jay
p.s. please let me know what i can do.
I have posted it to my tiny blog as well as to facebook, for whatever good that may do.
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