Ahmadinejad claims ‘Zionists’ behind Swedish cartoonIranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that “Zionists” were behind a cartoon in Swedish newspaper Nerikes Allehanda, which depicted the head of the Prophet Mohammed on a dog’s body. The drawing sparked an official protest by Tehran to Stockholm.
“They do not want the Swedish government to be a friend of other nations. I strongly believe they are behind it (the cartoon). They thrive on conflict and war,” he said.
The claim came during a tirade against Israel, in which Ahmadinejad accused Zionists of sowing conflict, publishing offensive cartoons and “lying about being Jewish.”
I imagine Lars Vilks was quite surprised this morning when he woke up and found out he was Jewish. Why hadn’t he been notified of this sooner?
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Or perhaps the Israeli embassy in Stockholm has been controlling his mind via tight-beam radio transmissions aimed at Ladonia. Stranger things have happened…
If Mr. Vilks responds in his customary manner, he will start drawing Mahmoud Ahmedinejad’s head on a Rondellhund. Or maybe even the Ayatollah Khomeini. A new series of specifically Shiite Modoggies would be welcome.
Coming up next: The Protocols of the Elders of the Roundabout.
Hat tip: CG.
Previous posts on this topic:
The Swedes Narrowly Avert Their Own Motoon Crisis
Modoggie #2
The Prophet as an Obedient Retriever
That Doggone Mohammed
Swedish Muslims Will Exhibit the Modoggies
Lars Vilks Dogged by Death Threats
Modoggies Make it into the Swedish MSM, But…
Oh, No! It’s Happening Again!
Sweden Gets Sent to the Woodshed
An Ironic Rondellhund
All of us are going to wake up Jewish one day if the Jihad gets its way.
Well, of course the Mullahs have a major problem now, following this cartoon
Translation: Caption: Fokke & Sukke call the Imam
Conversation: "A drawing of the prophet's head on a dog's body..."
"Are you allowed to burn that, or not??!"
Maybe the Iranians found some old Nazi files showing that his great-great grand parents on one side were Jewish. That would do it, you know.
"If Mr. Vilks responds in his customary manner, he will start drawing Mahmoud Ahmedinejad’s head on a Rondellhund. Or maybe even the Ayatollah Khomeini. A new series of specifically Shiite Modoggies would be welcome."
I recall about twenty years ago seeing an Airbud poster with a cutout of Khomeini's head on the Airbud dog. This was in the breakroom of the Pump and Engine room at the San Jose santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant. It was hillarious. Airbud was an advertising feature of Budweiser beer.
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