Saturday, August 18, 2007

Lars Vilks Dogged by Death Threats

Our Swedish correspondent LN has sent us a couple of reports with additional information about Lars Vilks and the Modoggie drawings, including translations and commentary.

First, concerning a death threat against Mr. Vilks:

Yesterday Lars Vilks got a threatening letter that promised to arrange to have his head cut off.

Lars Vilks’ ModoggieBismillah Lars, I have already contacted my brothers about what have you done. If I can get the opportunity I would inshallah slaughter you and you should scream like a pig and, you are a pig Lars, we are afraid only for Allah Subhanehu we Te’ala and I have the honor to let you know that you will go to hell. I will be satisfied first when your head is being rolled inshallah

Lars, I promise you by Allah, you will die a terrible death and you are not secure in the vicinity of me. I know what you look like. To draw my Prophet Mohammed sall’allahu ’alejhi we selleme like a dog you went over the border, there is no return. Just wait till my brothers from Al Qaeda will get to know what you have done?

Also, the Swedish original was in faulty language!

I just wonder if it is genuine Muslim or a fake by some humorist. The Al Qaeda threat seems to be somewhat presumptuous.

LN also reports that the issue of the Modoggies has been raised in the Swedish parliament:
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From an article in yesterday’s Dagens Nyheter:

The Mohammed dogs will become a question for the parliament

The Artist Lars Vilks’ Mohammed drawings were removed from an exhibition due to security concerns. Now the member of parliament Cecilia Wikström (liberal) wants the government to guarantee protection to institutions that are showing controversial art.

“Freedom of art and speech are possibly neglected and must be defended,” she says

She referred to the self-censorship of the Berlin Opera over Idomeneo, and the fact that since Motoon affair in Denmark a lot of consideration has been shown towards the Muslims.

She also pointed out the exhibition of “Ecce Homo” [featuring Christ and the apostles as homosexuals, transvestites, etc.] in Jönköping. Somebody tried to burn the posters outside, which ended in a big fight with some thirty persons participating.

“Something is happening in our society,” she commented. In her written question to the minister of justice she asked for parliamentary action; an answer will come very soon.

The artist Lars Vilks finds Wikström’s suggestion rather over-elaborated. “There is no threat against the art institutions.”

“It is a fantasy on the part of the organizers. They have seen too much TV,” says Lars Vilks.

“But,” he says, “if certain institutions feel threatened it would be a good thing for them to have an opportunity to consult.”

Previous posts on this topic:

The Swedes Narrowly Avert Their Own Motoon Crisis
Modoggie #2
The Prophet as an Obedient Retriever
That Doggone Mohammed
Swedish Muslims Will Exhibit the Modoggies


Francis W. Porretto said... 1

It appears that "advanced," supremely "tolerant" Sweden is slowly awakening to the viper it's admitted to its bosom.

For a long time now, the Swedes have been numb to the regimentation of their society. They've given up virtually every freedom except freedom of speech, and even that has been whittled back. Now the Muslims they've permitted to settle among them are showing them the end of their evolution. Will they accept it passively, or will they resurrect their inner Vikings and rise to the occasion as a free people should?

We shall see.

Profitsbeard said... 2

He was expecting strudel?

The Holy Avenger said... 3

Give me one reason why this picture was created. Has vilks ever read anything about the Prophet or about Islam? If he wanted to compare the Prophet to a dog did he see some similarities? if there are pray enlighten me. If there are no similarities it is obvious he did it for publicity.

Why would one want to attack a person in history, to show he is bad? In this case he is attacking to incite muslims to violence and then he will say look at, them violent animals.

Have the muslims ever mocked christians? their Prophet? their tradition culture? anything? the only thing they have against europe / usa is the blatant support of Israel, a state created from nothingness and into muslim lands. Is their any justification? They wanted a safe place for jews they could have given them a piece of land somewhere in their own country . It was britian who created Isreal they should have given them space on their own bloody island.

About afghanistan there are a million unanswered questions abt 9/11 abt building 7 all the jews being absent the military in relaxation the high officials told before hand not to travel by air etc etc. the whole thing is a complete farce.

for those who are unbiased it is clear that muslims have a lot to be pissed about. If a UN mandated east timor partition could be accomplished under referndum why not in Kashmir. Bosnia Herzegovina massacare ... the lists are endless.

for those who dont they make those pictures and support israel the unofficial nuke holder in ME while Iran has sanctions and no nukes!

Unlike christians, muslims are not permitted to draw figures of men /animals their art is about calligraphy. Which is why such attention grabbing pictures cause such an intense reaction.

Unknown said... 4

So Husein, let me get this straight:
a. Israel is the source of all evil in this world
b. Had it not been for israel, the muslim countries in question would be tolerant and peace seeking nations
c. If incited by silly and disgusting pictures (which is what i think of these particular drawings of the great prophet)one has the right to react with violence including head decapitations of nutty artists.
d. the previous rule obviously does not apply to the f.. jews, for them we should arrange an international convention of all the top anti jewish cartoons ever made (prizes included, how does all expenses paid trip to meccaa sound?)
e. and i know that even paranoids have enemies but give me break with the 911 conspiracies, whats next jewish aliens with matso balls cannons, get over it.

The world is not a just place, it has neever been one for that matter. At this point in history it is our muslim brothers who are on the receiving end (i am not a muslim but i do consider them my brothers). Want to do something about it? get off your sofa and buy a plane ticket to iraq, otherwise enjoy the relative freedom and safety your chosen country of residence has to offer. But remember the rules here were drawn way before we arrived AND THEY INCLUDE NOT CHOPPING OFF THE HEAD OF THOSE WHO SAY OR DO THINGS THAT OFFEND US.
Clear enough?

Miles Militis said... 5

"Give me one reason why this picture was created. Has vilks ever read anything about the Prophet or about Islam?"

It actually does not matter what is the reason he drew it, or if he has or not read about prophet (BTW: Prophet lived a life wich gives -- at least in westerners point of view -- many things to make fun of him).

"Have the muslims ever mocked christians? their Prophet?"

As far as I know muslims are not mocking christian prophets (If I am right muslims think that Jesus was a prophet so why would they mock their own prophet? BTW: Why aren't muslims mad about westerners drawing very blasphemic pictures of Jesus, if Jesus is their prophet?) but they have mocked many sacred -- because english is my third language I do not know if sacred is the right word for kinda holy value, hope so -- values of ours, like freedom of speech.

For me, non-beliver, human life is the most precious thing and among others muslims too mock that value all the time and their religius leaders are all the time ordering "true belivers" (What a frightening idea true beliver is) to kill people, it seems that they do not respect human life at all (Where are those moderate muslims hiding?). And other "holy" thing for me is freedom of speech, which is mocked... well you probably know what I mean, or at least you should know.

Lars Vilks drawings are idiotic and I think that his publisher shouldn't have published them, but I still am defending Vilks and his editor, they have right to say stupid and even blashphemic things without someone trying to kill 'em.

There are other means to protest against those pictures.

We should make some kind of internet protest: DOS for freedom of speech

Syed said... 6

hello all..

i am not a writer or a regular blogger.

but came across this topic that you guys are discussing.

i would like to add my views.

first of all no one in this world has the right to make fun of or spread any false thing about any religion or any sacred person of any religious belief.

remember.... my freedom ends where my nose begins...

these are the words of some great writer.

it is quite obvious that if anyone says something bad about our loved ones... we tend to get angry. and , human nature, we tend to revolt.

if i say believe some person is in any religion is bad... let me keep it to myself. i need not make it public and make thousands of people angry by hurting their sentiments. i will breach existing peace by doing so. and i have no right to do that.

if i have the right to call someone bad then his/her loved ones have the right to revolt.

now if i say that if the artist has the right to publish such pictures... then the person who gave warning to kill also has the right to do so...
both got right of freedom of speech...
then you will surely say i am insane. and, sure, i am insane if i say so.

the artist was wrong because he has no right to hurt anybody's sentiments. he should know how to use his freedom.

the person who threatened to kill him is also wrong. clearly he is not a true muslim because Islam does not permit anybody to do so...
Almighty God will punish the wrong doer. only HE has the right.

try to think. who actually initiated all the revolt and anger.

now has he used his freedom of speech?

Henrik R Clausen said... 7

Syad, your question is very easy to answer:

Death threats are punishable under the law.

The question of insulting any religion, superstition or other beliefs is immaterial to this.

VinceP1974 said... 8

hello all..


first of all no one in this world has the right to make fun of or spread any false thing about any religion or any sacred person of any religious belief.

Actually we do have that right. After all Islam contains numerous false statements about Christianity.. Are you saying that Islam has no right to exist?

remember.... my freedom ends where my nose begins...

I dont think you have the phrase right.. but in any case that phrase means you don't have the right to infrindge upon the rights of others. Not being offended is not a right. No one is obligated to be sensitive to your mental condition.

these are the words of some great writer.

it is quite obvious that if anyone says something bad about our loved ones... we tend to get angry. and , human nature, we tend to revolt.

Must mature human beings are able to control themselves. That is what seperates man from animal.

if i say believe some person is in any religion is bad... let me keep it to myself. i need not make it public and make thousands of people angry by hurting their sentiments. i will breach existing peace by doing so. and i have no right to do that.

That's interesting. Are you familiar with the Dome of the Rock structure on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem? All on the inside and outside of the walls is writings telling Christians that Jesus is not the Son of God and that God has no peers. That entire function of the structure is to assert a dominance over Christians.

Do you think the Dome of the Rock should be destroyed?

if i have the right to call someone bad then his/her loved ones have the right to revolt.

No they dont have that right. You just said earlier that your right ends at your nose. You dont have the right to physically attack someone because your feelings got hurt.

now if i say that if the artist has the right to publish such pictures... then the person who gave warning to kill also has the right to do so...
both got right of freedom of speech...
then you will surely say i am insane. and, sure, i am insane if i say so.

the artist was wrong because he has no right to hurt anybody's sentiments. he should know how to use his freedom.

Why is ok to hurt the artists sentiment? Maybe he really wanted to make a nice cartoon and now he is upset that you prevented him from doing so.. Should he be able to firebomb your village and goats?

the person who threatened to kill him is also wrong. clearly he is not a true muslim because Islam does not permit anybody to do so...

Then why in thee world woudl you say the person who is offended is going to revolt if this is forbidden by Allah , the most angry?

Almighty God will punish the wrong doer. only HE has the right.

Then why are mobs of fanatics jumping in the streets wearing dresses demanding blood? Are they saying Allah is a girl and not able to defend herself? Does Allah need a poor Sudanese slave-holder to defend him?

try to think. who actually initiated all the revolt and anger.

now has he used his freedom of speech?

Well the question is.. are Muslims so weak that they lose all sense of control and go on violent sprees like a deranged dog?

Syed said... 9

u just made a wrong interpretation.

i think it was clear from whatever i mentioned that:

all those muslims who resot to voilence are not a part of islam.

and any person who initiates revolts or hurts others sentiments is not a good human being.

"my freedom ends where my nose begins..."
is applicable to all.

"After all Islam contains numerous false statements about Christianity.."

can you explain what you mean by this?

Syed said... 10

"Most mature human beings are able to control themselves. That is what seperates man from animal."

"Well the question is.. are Muslims so weak that they lose all sense of control and go on violent sprees like a deranged dog?"

you just cant impose that to muslims...

i am well aware of the various revolts and protests around the world by different communities.
in that case the word "muslim" is a variable "x" which stands for all communities and religions.

Syed said... 11

first of all no one in this world has the right to make fun of or spread any false thing about any religion or any sacred person of any religious belief.

Actually we do have that right. After all Islam contains numerous false statements about Christianity.. Are you saying that Islam has no right to exist?

why are you taking it as christianity-islam thing?
i think i have generalized the statement.

VinceP1974 said... 12

u just made a wrong interpretation.

i think it was clear from whatever i mentioned that:

all those muslims who resot to voilence are not a part of islam.

It's not up to me to determine who is a Muslim and who is not. I am not a muslim.

They say they are Muslim. Who am I to say they are not.

They offer detailed explainations on why they feel their holy texts justify their view of violence.

Therefore if they really aren't Muslims... then you would be the doing the world a great good if you and all your family and all your friends and all the people in your country speak up loudly that NO... JIHAD IS NOT ISLAM.

But until that day, the rest of us who are not Muslims and who are threatned by people who claim they are Muslim, we will have to take their word for it.

Don't complain to me that they aren't Muslim.. complain to them.

and any person who initiates revolts or hurts others sentiments is not a good human being.

What if Joe is evil. And Mary tells Joe that Joe has no morality and that Joe is hurting people and he should stop.

So is Mary a bad human being becuase she hurt Joe's feelings?

"After all Islam contains numerous false statements about Christianity.."

can you explain what you mean by this?

Islam says
- The Bible is corrupted
- Jesus did not die on the cross
- Jesus was created in Mary's womb but not conceived by God Himself
- That God has no peers
- That Jews and Chrisitians are allies to each other but enemies to Muslims
- That Christians are polytheists.

All of that really makes me feel angry. Are you a horrible human being and should be put into jail.. or even better.. is ok for me to kill you now?

Syed said... 13

Islam says
- The Bible is corrupted
- Jesus did not die on the cross
- Jesus was created in Mary's womb but not conceived by God Himself
- That God has no peers
- That Jews and Chrisitians are allies to each other but enemies to Muslims
- That Christians are polytheists.

All of that really makes me feel angry. Are you a horrible human being and should be put into jail.. or even better..

"is ok for me to kill you now?"

3/23/2008 8:57 PM

now you are threatening me.
now what if i say all christians are same.

now all of a sudden where did you get the rights to cause physical harm.

this is your problem.

remember: when you point a finger at others, the other four are already towards you.


we dont say bible is corrupt. but that the present bible is not in its original form.
being a christian, you must be aware that new "editions" of bible are published periodically.
and it no more contains the original words of God as sent upon Jesus (may peace be upon him).
if you have doubts compare a 50-60 year old Edition of bible with the present version. you will see the difference yourself.

rest, what happened to jesus, how he was born, his connection with god... etc there will definetely be difference of opinion between muslims and christians.
it is all about faith.
else, these would not have been two different religions.

use your common sense.

VinceP1974 said... 14

now you are threatening me.
now what if i say all christians are same.

now all of a sudden where did you get the rights to cause physical harm.

this is your problem.

remember: when you point a finger at others, the other four are already towards you.

Um I was not being serious. I was applying your argument to my cicrumstance.

You didn't lilke it at all did you?

So on the one hand you say that people should not insult Muslims religious belief because it causes a mental harm, and therefore the Muslim would be justified to retaliate.

So when I take your principle and apply it to me, you dont like it.

That reaction is what i was hoping to provoke. You prove yourself to hold Muslims to one standard and others to another.

we dont say bible is corrupt. but that the present bible is not in its original form.

That is what "corrupt" means.

corrupt (adj) containing undesirable changes in meaning or errors made in copying

being a christian, you must be aware that new "editions" of bible are published periodically.

There are no "new" editions.. There are new translations from the ancient manuscripts to modern day languages.

And most serious Christians do not rely upon one particular translation but instead use various translations in order to get the nuance from the original manuscript.

There are no changes other than the languages the bible is translated to and the methodology used for those translations.

A majority of Muslims cannot read Arabic.. therefore is it your position then that Korans that are in other languages are brand new editions or corrupted?

and it no more contains the original words of God as sent upon Jesus (may peace be upon him).

That shows your ignorance of what the Bible is. Jesus did not write one word in the Bible.

The Texts that comprise the New Testament were not altered over time , to my knoweldge.

And yes, those manuscripts are the original words.

The New Testament was written by the very people who were with Jesus.

The koran was written 100s of years after Mohemmed.

1 - There ia no possiblity that it was written by Allah, because people write books.. not deities.

2 - If Allah did write the Koran, he needs a new editor becauase he did a horrible job writing the thing. Why would God write a Holy Book that has no chronological or topical order but is instead ordered by the number of words in the suras

3 - The way that Muslims say that Mohemmed received his suras do not match their order as they appear in the Koran, thus mankind radically destroyed teh written order of the Koran.

4 - Are the Satanic Verses that are in teh Koran also in the copy of the Koran that is up there in heaven with Allah?

f you have doubts compare a 50-60 year old Edition of bible with the present version. you will see the difference yourself.

Do you honestly consider that to be a serious argument?

Syed said... 15

"The koran was written 100s of years after Mohemmed"

it is clear to me that you dont have even basic information about islam.
remember: half knowledge is dangerous

"Um I was not being serious. I was applying your argument to my cicrumstance.

You didn't lilke it at all did you?"

manuplation clearly seen.

just to let you know.
i have done 6 years of extensive study in all major religions. be it christianity, islam, hinduism, bhuddism, zorashtrianism etc.

"if you have doubts compare a 50-60 year old Edition of bible with the present version. you will see the difference yourself."

the confidence comes from the study.

koran sure is in different languages... but there is not a single difference in meaning, order or words.

and by the way koran is in definite chapters, verses. and is not ordered by the no of words in surahs..

and if you feel i am ignorant let me tell you i have studied law, psychology, and i am an electronics and telecommunications engineer as well.

VinceP1974 said... 16

"The koran was written 100s of years after Mohemmed"

it is clear to me that you dont have even basic information about islam.
remember: half knowledge is dangerous

If that's true, why haven't you supplied the correct information then? When was the koran written?

and by the way koran is in definite chapters, verses. and is not ordered by the no of words in surahs..

Then tell us... by what critera is the Koran organized? The Bible is organized chronlogically. That means the first book contains the events that happened before the events in the book that follows and on and on until the last book which contains events which are to happen in the future.. So from beginning to end, it is like a history book.

In the koran why is Sura 1 the first Sura? Why is Sura 2 the second Sura? and on and on.

Someone with as much knowledge as you, and who has done such a long time study should be able to not only tell me I am wrong.. but you should also be able to say WHY I am wrong and what the correct information is.

Does a parent tell a child that the child is wrong and nothing more? Or does a parent teach the child what the correct thing is ?

millee said... 17

According to my views & my knowledge VinceP & Syed U both R right on your sides.........
Bt who can bear the insult of his loves one i thnk no one.....
Tell me If I draw such a statue Of your loves one like Your mother can you forget this & leave this on the day of judgement?