We’ve reported numerous times (most recently here) on the culturally enriched Vollsmose neighborhood, a suburb of Odense on the island of Fynen in Denmark. Vollsmose is one of the worst sharia enclaves in northern Europe, on a par with Slotervaart, Malmö, and Tower Hamlets.
On Monday night the Odense police made the mistake of following a suspect into Vollsmose, and discovered what so many have before them: police cannot safely enter a sharia enclave without massive backup.
Here’s the story from The Copenhagen Post:
Police Attacked in Council Estate- - - - - - - - -
More violence against police officers — this time in Odense
A group of police officers who stopped a suspected criminal last night at the Vollsmose council estate in Odense were attacked and chased off by several assailants, reports TV2 News.
According to Funen police, officers in one car had attempted to stop a vehicle with ‘known criminals’ inside, but the driver kept going until he reached the Vollsmose estates. They then stopped, and when the officers got out of their car to approach the suspects they were immediately attacked, with rocks and bottles thrown at them.
The officers were forced to return to their car until backup eventually arrived.
Last night’s incident is the latest in a series of attacks on police by minority groups. Confrontations between young men took place this past week at council estates in both Copenhagen and suburban Ishøj, and a minority-backed Facebook group has been encouraging attacks on police.
Two masked men were arrested in connection with last night’s incident, but police could not directly link them to the attack. They will instead be charged with withholding their identities from police.
For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.
Hat tip: TB.
a minority-backed Facebook group has been encouraging attacks on police
Ummmmm … isn't it somewhere in Facebook's charter not to abet lawbreaking? If that page has not already been flagged and taken down, it needs to be right away. Even better would be if those responsible for it were charged with incitement.
As I followed a link to this The Top 12 Reasons To Burn A Quran On 9/11 Hub on Hubpages I convinced myself that Gates Vienna's commenters have to be able to pass judgment on this link! http://hubpages.com/hub/The-12-Top-Reasons-To-Burn-A-Quran-On-911
This may seem drastic, but better not to wait until winter, when there is a risk of freezing.
Cut off the utilities! Leave water - children need it - but cut off all those services provided by western civilisation and so despised by islamists. Petrol/Gasoline should be the first to be closed down.
As soon as the criminals are "extradited" they can send in the military - to restore order.
Either one lives in the country - and is a member of the community - and obeys the laws - or one does not.
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