Part 1 may be read here.

The Koran and the Psychopathology of the Prophet (Part II)
by Sergei Bourachaga
Considerable effort was made in Part I of this essay to refute the argument that the Koran is the infallible word of God who declared Islam as “The Perfect Deen (Arabic word for religion)” during the farewell pilgrimage of prophet Mohammad in 632.
Theodor Nöldeke: The Origins of the Koran: Classic Essays on Islam’s Holy Book. The German scholar highlights very interesting points about the confrontations involving Mohammad and his followers accusing him, on more than one occasion, of changing verses and conveying conflicting instructions. Chairman Mo was quick to point out to his detractors the notion of “Abrogation”. Basically Mo argued that “Divine Wisdom” can issue new instructions and cancel old ones, and since Islam is a faith advocating total surrender/submission to the will of God, the most recent instructions should be unquestionably obeyed, and no Muslim should pursue an explanation as to why Allah, the source of “The Perfect Deen”, failed to provide perfect laws and verses in the first place, and had to go back to the drawing board to design, adopt, and convey new laws to Chairman Mo.
Nöldeke addresses also in his writings the issues of arbitrary leaps in the Suras from one subject to another, with total incoherence and lack of chronological progress in the stories promoted by Chairman Mo, all of it complicated by a blatant misuse of non-Arabic names and expressions borrowed from other religions. The German scholar died in 1930 without any exposure to the book of Neuropsychologist Dr. Abbas Sadeghian entitled Sword and Seizure. He would have adopted a more benevolent approach in his analysis, had he known that epileptics, like Chairman Mo, do suffer from memory problems after a seizure. Even a minor seizure that does not lead to unconsciousness can seriously disrupt someone’s train of thought, that is why frequent recollection glitches created a heavy dose of incoherence in Islam’s Holy Book-the Koran.
Leone Caetani, considered one of the unique Western scholars to combine the “Historical Method” with psychological analysis to assess the roots of Islam, its development in Arabia, and the bloody struggles of desert bandits to impose the will of Allah on the infidels of the world. After 22 years of hard work, Caetani presented his conclusions in a monumental work of ten volumes entitled Annali dell’Islam / Annals of Islam. Caetani in very clear and explicit terms indicated that the early history of Islam could be dismissed as fabrications by later generations of Muslim authors entrusted with the task of protecting the vested interests of the ruling Caliphs. Without any hesitation, Caetani suggested in his writings that the Arab conquests during the formative era of Islam were driven not by religion but by the Arab tribes’ and warriors’ inherent affinity for looting and senseless thirst for blood.
Abraham Geiger, a German scholar whose highly acclaimed essay “Was hat Mohammad aus dem Judenthume aufgenommen?” / “What has Mohammad taken from Judaism?” earned him a doctorate at the University of Marburg. In meticulous details Geiger demonstrated the Hebrew origins of non-Arabic words, doctrinal/theological views, legal and moral principles, hygiene and dietary requirements, stories about Abraham and other Jewish prophets, all of them plagiarized, distorted, and attributed to “Divine Revelations” to fit the political ambitions of Chairman Mo.
Tarek Fatah, a Canadian author who produced an excellent book entitled Chasing a Mirage: The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State. With an admirable courage Mr. Fatah challenges, in each and every page of his book, the sanitized version of the history of Islam promoted by conventional Sunni historians to their followers and their Western apologists. Mr. Fatah successfully argues that the history of Islam, from the first Caliph Abu Bakr to the last Ottoman Caliph Sultan Abdulhamid II representing the Muslim Umma (Arabic for nation), was nothing but a long bloody series of building brutal empires rooted in deceit and delusions, with no relevance to any sincere interest in the spiritual salvation of groups and nations who lived in the shadow of bloodthirsty Muslim rulers. The book sheds significant light on the myriad of arguments, accusations, and counteraccusations exchanged between Ali ibn Abu Talib (Mohammad’s son-in-law) and Aisha (Chairman Mo’s youngest wife).
Ali was the cousin of the prophet before marrying his daughter Fatima, a close companion, and one of the first to accept the “Divine Source” of the revelations recited by the messenger of Allah. With a solid knowledge of what the prophet said, and doubting the existence of a long list of Koranic verses that the prophet never mentioned, Ali often accused Aisha of inciting Caliph Umar to impose punishments, such as stoning for adultery, that had no sanction or support in the Koran. Mohammad’s youngest widow, in a lame attempt to convince Ali that she was not fabricating lies, insisted that when the Angel conveyed to the prophet the verses of Rajm (Arabic for stoning) “…they were written on a piece of paper and kept under my [her] pillow. Following the demise of Prophet Mohammad, a goat ate the piece of paper while we [Aisha plus the 11 wives and concubines] were mourning.” (Chasing a Mirage p.127). May God forgive her for the “Careless Storage” of sacred verses that became feed for animals, and thus very important non-existent commands had to be rewritten based on frail memory recollections tainted heavily by personal prejudices and ambitions.
If the Koran is nothing but a collection of plagiarized stories, full of venomous verses attacking the infidels of this world (especially Jews and Christians), what was its author masquerading as a messenger of Allah trying to achieve in promoting his totalitarian ideology? To answer this question, we first have to take a close look at the “man of God” who molded the book in his image, beginning our examination with his early childhood, the key stages of his life that had a significant impact on shaping the dark side of his psyche, and last but not least how an average orphan born in Arabia successfully managed to create and propagate one the bloodiest religious/political legacies known to mankind, which will pave the way for disastrous ramifications within our Western culture if we keep burying our heads in the sand and insist that the danger does not exist.
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I would like to highlight to readers that for the “Official Version” of the prophet’s history, my source was The Elazhar University, The Supreme Council For Islamic Affairs, Ministry of Al Awqaf Arab Republic of Egypt. Variations in historic events do exist between Egyptian and Saudi Arabian sources, and on too many theological issues no unanimous consensus does exist between both sides. On the contrary, since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan almost three decades ago, and the heavy involvement of both countries in fuelling Islamic fundamentalism worldwide, a fierce competition between both sides does exists to ascertain who the “True Muslim” is, and whose interpretation of Islamic history should be adopted to prepare new generations of “Genuine Muslims”.
The prophet, Mohammad Ibn Abdallah son of Abdul Muttalib, was born in Mecca in the year 570 AD. Note the name of his father: Abdallah — abd (Arabic for slave/servant) of Allah. This point confirms clearly that Allah did exist prior to the start of the prophet’s earthly journey, as part of a pantheon of pagan gods worshipped by the Arab tribes of Mecca. The prophet did not invent a new deity belonging strictly to Islam, but took an existing one, declared him supreme, and made him fit his political agenda.
Chairman Mo’s father died before his birth. Due to severe poverty and other hardships, his mother Amina entrusted Mohammad’s nursing needs and primary care to different woman in the Quraish tribe up until the age of five. At that point of his childhood, he was returned to his mother who died a year later. This critical factor paved the way for the development of a mental problem known as “Reactive Attachment Disorder” (RAD).
RAD is a serious condition in which infants fail to establish healthy bonds with parents, caregivers, and/or “significant others”. Moved multiple times from one caregiver/foster home to another prior to reaching the age of five, the child’s basic needs for nurturing, bonding, physical and emotional comfort, are constantly disrupted and unmet. The emotional trauma experienced by the child alters the healthy development of the brain and the fragile emotional balance it controls, thus providing the fertile ground for RAD to take root and seriously hamper the ability of the child to establish genuine, meaningful, loving and caring attachment to others playing a critical role in his/her survival. Overwhelmed by the painful feeling of being uprooted, in the perception of the child life becomes nothing but a series of unpredictable events, full of anxieties that eventually trigger a series of obsessive compulsive behaviours, systematically used with a defence mechanism known as “psychological projection” to acquire a sense of control on a chaotic existence.
In adolescence and later on in adulthood, children with RAD develop and maintain disinhibited behaviour patterns characterized by attention-seeking activities often defying social norms, coupled with controlling and aggressive attitudes when attention is not granted. With an extremely poor sense of self-esteem, RAD suffering adults create a phony mask of superiority to combat their chronic relationship problems, antisocial behaviour, anger management difficulties, and last but not least sexual promiscuity.
After losing his mother at age six, Mohammad’s grandfather became his legal guardian. At age eight, his grandfather died, and he was uprooted one more time and placed under the care of his uncle Abu Talib, a man of modest means who was forced to place Mo in the labour force of Mecca as a caretaker of the camels used in the caravans moving merchandise from Mecca to “bilad al sham” (Arabic for modern day Damascus-Syria).
Extensive travel in Arabia exposed Mohammad to the religious and cultural traditions of societies established in the region. An asset that he used later on in life to create his own warped ideology of destroying and controlling the society that ruined the innocence of his childhood and suffocated his ambitions by confining him in early adulthood to one of the lowliest menial jobs in Arabia, a herdsman. Extensive travel also inflicted on him one of the most terrible and traumatic experiences of his life. It turned him into the hapless victim of pederasty — the common practice of adult men having sex with young boys.
According to the British historian Richard Francis Burton, travelling caravans at the time had several camels carrying custom made “Camel Panniers” or small cubicles reserved for “Travelling Wives” — young boys, initially hired as general helpers to load and unload camels, who were dressed at the outskirts of major cities in women’s outfits for the sole purpose of providing sexual gratification to male adults, who would be away from their wives for several weeks in the inhospitable environment of the Arabian desert.
There is also the distinct possibility that the prophet Mohammad resisted the early attempts to sodomize him, and physical force was used to restrain him. A blow could have been directed to his head, thus damaging the frontal lobe and paving the way for his epileptic fits and psychopathology. It is not surprising that eventually, after launching his new career as the messenger of Allah, the basic needs of orphans for care and protection, his disguised hatred for women, his open contempt for homosexuals and for the Arabian tolerance for pederasts, became psychological projections attributed to Allah in his personal authorship of the noble book/hate literature called “The Koran’.
According to the Elazhar’s chronological development of events, by the time Mohammad was nineteen, his uncle’s business began to dwindle, coupled with the fact that his epileptic fits were making him a liability during the long trips in the desert, with the help of Abu Talib he earned his living as a shepherd,”…this occupation gave him full scope to contemplate the universe and commune with the creation.” And contemplate Mohammad did for the next six years.
In the social universe of Arabia and beyond, he discovered the critical role material wealth plays in the hierarchy of power that controls any society — control the shrines that generate the gold for the Meccan elite, and you can easily manipulate the entire population of that city including the ruling class. Gold/money can neutralize discontent and gather marginalized individuals and substantial segments of a society around a strong leader. He realized that strong leaders need good oratorical skills to articulate the resentments dammed up in the psyches of the neglected and the downtrodden. Chairman Mo noticed also that great leaders must create grandiose dreams and breathtaking agendas that would motivate followers to destroy their bitter day-to-day realities and escape into the promised land of an extraordinary bright future. He heard in his travels the stories of great emperors, kings, and military commanders who crowned themselves as totalitarian rulers of empires. He reviewed each and every story to glean the talents he needs to develop to become a great leader, and thus settle the scores with a society he hated, and with its more than 300 gods who failed to protect him when he was being subjected to physical torture in the process of being sodomized for sexual pleasure.
After a close scrutiny of the “Great Leadership” stories he heard, Chairman Mo concluded that a unique intelligence, a noble spirit, a refined character, and total originality of a doctrine are not “essential prerequisites”. However the following characteristics are a must:
- An absurd joy and defiance of social norms.
- A fanatical conviction that he is in communion with the supreme source of power and knowledge, and only a selected predestined few can understand.
- Unwavering faith in his destiny to lead.
- A unique capacity to hate and contaminate the spirit of his followers with the same hatred engulfing his mind, body, and soul.
- A cunning understanding of human nature, and a skilful manipulation of human fear of the unknown.
- And, above and beyond everything listed thus far, the most critical and most elusive skill needed by a totalitarian cultic leader is the ability to use his oratorical skills and impassioned double-talk to numb the reasoning power, and to control the minds of a small group of underlings (his wife Khadija, his cousin Ali, Abu Bakr, and his slave/adopted son Zaid) totally devoted to the cause of the leader, ready to preach and promote his ideology, and willing to make the supreme sacrifice to organize and consolidate the gains of the movement.
Without hatred and a bottomless pool of enemies to hate, a new mass movement leader cannot focus the attention of his followers on the challenges that need to be conquered.
For it is well known that followers remain focused on a cause and happily sacrifice their meagre possessions and lives to a megalomaniac leader, not because of the concrete guarantees of success he offers, but because of their desperate need to escape, through the destruction of well-identified and dehumanized enemies blamed for all their personal shortcomings, a self they hate and a present they abhor.
At age 25, after a six-year waiting period in the obscurity of the desert, Mohammad had a blueprint for action ready, and struck on two fronts simultaneously to set the stage for the new profession that came with the catchy and preposterous title of “Messenger of Allah”. In a tribal society where marriages were arranged for children before they reach the age of 15, Mohammad reasserted his defiance of existing social rules (an important element of his psychopathology) by marrying a widow named Khadija who was his senior by fifteen years, a wealthy businesswoman in the clothing trade and ownership of caravans moving a variety of goods to the key cities of Arabia. For Chairman Mo Khadija was nothing but the materialization of the old Arabic saying (still used up until this very day in Syria, Lebanon, etc.) “el sarwa ijat maal koussayat”. English translation: el/the, sarwa/fortune, ijat/came, maal/with, koussayat/(from the word kouss) vagina. To rephrase, Mohammad’s fortune/money to launch his new profession came with the vagina. The Arabs use the above saying to point the finger at opportunists, who hide behind the mask of love to marry older women with the clear intention of eventually controlling every single financial asset they have, and bring themselves closer and closer to the self-serving agenda they entertain.
Following his marriage to Khadija, Mohammad moved to her house and became a neighbour of Abu Bakr, whose father Uthman Abu Qahafa was a wealthy clothing merchant himself, with very close ties to the ruling elite of Mecca. For Chairman Mo, Abu Bakr was an excellent target of opportunity to exploit. Beside running the flourishing business of his father and travelling extensively in the land of Arabia, Abu Bakr was a political appointee entrusted with the semi-official role of a judge in charge of awarding “blood money” in Mecca, a practice that still exists today in too many Arab countries. It is essentially a measure used in situations involving loss of life. To prevent the spread of a bloodbath in the tribe or village through endless acts of vengeance and retribution, a mediator awards to the victim’s family an amount of money or other valuables (goats, camels, gold, etc.) considered a “fair compensation” for the lost life by both sides.
From the early stages of their relationship, Mohammad and Abu Bakr shared a passion for poetry, and spent countless hours swapping stories about their travels in the region, the turbulent realities of Arabia in general, and the corruption of the ruling elite in Mecca in particular. Chairman Mo noticed a strong sense of idealism in Abu Bakr and a readiness to adopt and impose change, to escape the pains inflicted on him by a life in the crushing shadow of a father whose success and achievements he failed to match no matter how hard he tried. That is why Abu Bakr became a champion of “meritocracy” after the death of the prophet, and refused to surrender the leadership of the newly established Islamic “Ummah” to a family member of the prophet (cousin and son-in-law Ali). He fought for a recognition of his personal contributions to the glory and fame that became associated with the name and achievements of the prophet, and like his master he managed through manipulation and coercion to be the first supreme ruler or Caliph of the believers.
Abu Bakr was a valuable asset for shielding and protecting Mohammad during the lengthy journey of destroying the power structure of Mecca, and ruining the statues of the 300 plus gods which generated a steady fortune used to oppress the poor and the marginalized. Contrary to what traditional historians of Islam want us to believe, it was Uthman Abu Qahafa, the father of Abu Bakr, and not Abu Talib the uncle of the prophet, who constantly intervened with the decision makers in Mecca to tolerate the excesses of a madman named Mohammad, and overlook the fact that his son was in close association with a lunatic.
But before mobilizing Abu Bakr, Mohammad had to recruit three key figures in his household to launch his quest for the new job of “Allah’s Messenger”. Not only numbers will provide credibility for the outrageous claims of a cult leader, but they can exercise adequate pressure to recruit individuals like Abu Bakr who have a more sophisticated understanding of the world. His wife was an easy target to manipulate. By the time he claimed he had his first revelation, Khadija was 55. A woman who failed to deliver a healthy male progeny (his son Qasim did not survive more than a few months), and aggravated this shameful situation (in the Arab tribal tradition) by bringing to this world several daughters, among them Fatima the wife of his cousin/future son-in-law Ali. With no fertility mileage in her reproductive organs, in a culture that worshipped young women because of their potential to produce male warriors, her sense of self-esteem badly bruised, she developed a neurotic co-dependency on Mo, and caressing his ego and her blind endorsements of his claims were critical for keeping him with her. Ali was even an easier target for Chairman Mo. His father Abu Talib had committed him to the care of Mohammad at the age of six, due to a series of hardships (famine, lack of income) that made it very difficult for Abu Talib to provide the basic necessities for a very large family he had. Any child in need for food and the safety of a comfortable dwelling will be an easy prey for the cunning machinations of a professional manipulator. By age ten, Ali was the first Arab male who accepted the “Divine Mission” of Chairman Mo.
It didn’t take much effort for Mohammad to recruit Zaid for his mission. Zaid was a slave he received as a gift from his wife Khadija around 605AD. Initially he saw the presence of a handsome male person in his household as a source of potential trouble with so many female family members living in the same dwelling. Mo decided to set the slave free, but Zaid, exhibited a common reaction too many slaves displayed throughout history: he refused to leave. Freedom meant uncertainty. At least he was well fed in his master’s household and life was very comfortable, compared to the hardships poor free Arabs were facing at the time. He became Mo’s personal servant, and extended a blind and unconditional support for all the absurd claims and abominable acts perpetrated by his boss. An attitude you only see in obsequious lackeys whose thoughts and actions are devoid of any empathy.
With three persons in full support for his messianic mission, Mohammad announced to Abu Bakr upon his return from a trip to Yemen that he would be devoting the rest of his life to implementing Allah’s call. Eager to flee the shadow of his famous father and occupy a bigger place in the history of his tribe, Abu Bakr without any reservation accepted Mo’s mission and pledged his life and fortune for the cause of Islam. Now one of the most venerated psychopaths in human history was ready to launch his new career of prophethood.
In Part I of this article, and frequently in the earlier paragraphs of this part, the medical term “psychopath” was used without a concrete definition that clarifies to readers the key characteristics of this personality/mental disorder. So allow me to introduce a more precise description of who a psychopath is, but first a brief description of the modern history of psychopathology.
In ancient Greek history the word psychopath was used to describe an emotionally deranged person with a “suffering soul”. In the 1880s, with the emergence of psychiatry as a distinct branch of medicine, the term was dusted off and reintroduced into the technical jargon of psychiatrists (in Germany, England, and the USA) treating “incorrigible criminals” who suffered from an irreversible “moral insanity”. By the early 1920s, American psychiatrists working in the US prison system broadened the definition, and criminal psychopathic behaviour became integrated into a new label known as “Constitutional Psychopathic Inferiority”, referring to a set of characteristics found in irredeemable violent criminals with a distinct lack of conscience or remorse.
Dr. Harvey Cleckley, an American psychiatrist working in the US prison system, decided in the late 1930s to introduce a strong measure of precision into the definition of a psychopath, and succeeded in isolating sixteen traits almost always found in psychopaths. These included being irresponsible, emotionally shallow, self-centered, lacking in empathy and insight, manipulative, etc. In 1941 Dr. Cleckley published his findings in a book entitled The Mask of Sanity in which he emphasized the psychopath’s resourceful ability to deceive his victims, and the disarming power of “concealing behind a perfect mimicry of normal emotions, fine intelligence, and social responsibility a grossly disabled and irresponsible personality.”
Inspired by the work of Dr. Cleckley, and having made similar observations in Canadian maximum-security prisons where psychopaths were confined, it was Dr. Robert Hare who chose the study of the psychopath as his life’s work, and thus became recognized as the pioneer of “The Psychopathy Checklist” (PCL) used today worldwide to assess, mostly for sentencing and rehabilitation prospects, criminals who do not show any remorse for the violent crimes they commit. For those who are interested in delving deeper into the world of the psychopaths, Dr. Hare wrote two books, the first one in 1993 entitled Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us, and more recently (2006) he co-authored a book with Dr. Paul Babiack entitled Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work.
In his first book Without Conscience…, Dr. Hare emphasized the following behavioural points about psychopaths:
Psychopaths are social predators who charm, manipulate, and ruthlessly plow their way through life, leaving a broad trail of bludgeoned bodies, broken hearts, shattered expectations and empty wallets. Completely lacking in conscience and with callous indifference to the feelings of others, they selfishly take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms without the slightest sense of guilt or regret. (p.69)
Now let us take the findings of Dr. Cleckley, Dr. Hare, and Dr. Babiack, and apply them to the history, behaviour, and documented acts of the prophet Mohammad. Before I move in that direction, allow me to point out the key fact that other psychiatric co-morbidities such as narcissism and other “personality disorders” can often exist side by side with psychopathy, making it very hard even for an expert to place the person under scrutiny in one category or another.
First, we will address the issue of sexual abuse in childhood. The circumstances under which Chairman Mo was sexually abused were explained in detail in the early segments of this essay. What remains to be addressed are the key points of how this painful experience shaped and coloured his attitude toward homosexuals, his obsessive-compulsive preoccupation with cleanliness, hatred for women (because as a child he was dirtied and used as a substitute travelling woman) and the projections he ascribed to Allah in the Koran.
It is undeniable that the prophet’s Allah had a strong repugnancy for homosexuals and his instructions were very clear in the Koran and the Hadith:
Of all the creatures in the world, will ye approach males, and leave the wives whom Allah has created for you to be your mates? Nay, ye are a people transgressing all limits. When a man mounts another man, the throne of Allah shakes. Kill the one that is doing it also kill the one that is being done to.
But throughout his entire career Chairman Mo struggled hard to balance political expediency with his personal biases. He hated the common practice of pederasty, but Arab tribal warriors, separated from their wives for long periods of time, hired as mercenary guards to escort caravans and defend them from marauding bandits, were so used to it that it was almost impossible for Chairman Mo to win their hearts and minds and mobilize them for the cause of Allah, if he applied a full ban on pederasty. He had to accept short-term personal pains in exchange for long-term glory. He reasoned that once the banner of the prophet flew over Mecca, Medina, and beyond he could settle scores with the pederasts.
Luckily he died without the agonizing pain of witnessing the practice of pederasty flourish from 632AD to our present day, from the battlefields of the Middle East to the palaces of the Caliphs in Baghdad; from Istanbul to the brothels (for pederasts) of Pakistan to the major cities of today’s Afghanistan. A documentary aired by PBS (still available free online) under the title of Bacha Bazi: The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan ( Producer Jamie Doran and Reporter Najibullah Quraishi, PBS Video) covered the topic in detail.
The prophet miscalculated the promises he made to lure to his cause the pederasts of Arabia, and his ability to contain them once they outlived their usefulness for him. He promised to the potential pederast soldiers of Allah an afterlife rewarded by plenty of boys in a “Heavenly Bordello”,
In it are rivers of water incorruptible; rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine, a joy to those who drink; and rivers of honey pure and clear. In it there are for them all kinds of fruits; and Grace from their Lord. Can those in such Bliss be compared to such as shall dwell for ever in the Fire, and be given, to drink, boiling water, so that it cuts up their bowels to pieces. (Koran 47:15)
And amongst them will be passed round vessels of silver and goblets of crystal… And they will be given to drink there of a Cup (of Wine) mixed with Zanjabil, — A fountain there, called Salsabil. And round about them will serve boys graced with eternal youth, youth of perpetual freshness: If thou seest them, thou wouldst think them scattered Pearls. And when thou lookest, it is there thou wilt see a Bliss and a Realm Magnificent Upon them will be green Garments of fine silk and heavy brocade, and they will be adorned with Bracelets of silver; and their Lord will give to them to drink of a Wine Pure and Holy. “Verily this is a Reward for you, and your Endeavour is accepted and recognised.” (Koran 76:15-22)
It was these verses that two centuries later the Arab poet (of Persian descent) Abu Nuwas (750AD-810AD) ridiculed and wrote: “For young boys the girls I have left behind, and for old wine set clear water out of my mind, I delight in what the Book [the Koran] forbids, and flee what is allowed.” In his infamous writings, Abu Nuwas argued that only a God devoid of logic will forbid the consumption of wine and pederasty in his earthly kingdom and allow both with endless abundance in his heavenly realm. An argument that caught the attention of Caliph Mohammad Al Amin, the son of Harun Al Rashid, a libertine who opened his palace to Abu Nuwas, and shared with him his refined taste for wine and boys.
Abu Nuwas failed to discern that the Book/the Koran was written by a psychopath who was parading in Arabia as a prophet to further his political dreams of grandeur designed to bury his painful feelings of a dirtied boy.
Due to restrictions of time and space (and other considerations), I will have to stop here and without any concrete promises indicate to my readers that I will at some point in the future write Part 3 to complete my psychological profile analysis of the psychopath/prophet Mohammad. As any profiler working for a major law enforcement agency would say: “It is easy to get into the mind of a criminal psychopath, but to come out is a major challenge”. I need time and distance from the subject to come out of the world of the psychopath where my heart and mind were the ineluctable victims of gruesome horror.
Interesting. I've always found it fascinating that "paradise" for muslims seems to consist merely of material objects- wine, honey, milk, gems, women, etc- which would all be desirable to desert nomads. That one thought leads me to the suspicion that Chairman Mo was merely promising his lackeys those things they were most envious of in the real world.
In other words, fight and kill for me, and I promise you that you'll get everything you crave.
Note of course that every other religion (at least those I've studied) have a paradise with spiritual gifts for the believer. Islam alone promises a paradise analogous to a whorehouse.
Satan is cunning.
Well said, Sergei B.
(Late 19th century Russian analysts of Islam called it an "Arian heresy".)
The Koran is one of the most [unconsciously] self-exposing psycho-memoirs is history.
The revenge fantasies of Mohammad, projected onto Allah, were then unleashed back upon the sadistically-scourged world.
Mein Kampf [My Jihad, in Arabic] is merely a modern regurgitation of this same kind of vicious unself-aware socoiopathy posing as sacrosanct revelation.
Mohammad is more a Caligula or an Atilla or Hitler or Mao or Pol Pot than a Jesus or Buddha or Confucius or Lao Tse or Bahubali or Krishna.
He seeks no spiritual enlightment and liberation, but only demands slavelish submission.
And promises no paradise higher than sensual and sordid earthly delights made shabbily eternal.
Caetani in very clear and explicit terms indicated that the early history of Islam could be dismissed as fabrications by later generations of Muslim authors entrusted with the task of protecting the vested interests of the ruling Caliphs.
This has always been my stronget impression of Islam. Namely, that it is merely a superstructure dedicated to reinforcing the traditional patriarchal code of Arab male preference.
As Profitsbeard so succinctly notes:
Mohammad is more a Caligula or an Atilla or Hitler or Mao or Pol Pot than a Jesus or Buddha or Confucius or Lao Tse or Bahubali or Krishna.
He seeks no spiritual enlightment and liberation, but only demands slavish submission.
For something that is supposed to be so spiritual, Islam is an almost unrivaled force of darkness in our world.
A little off-topic, I will admit, but rather than post the comment under the first part, I will post it here.
In asserting that Allah's use of the first person plural as contradictory to Allah's singularity, I found it rather thoughtless that no mention was given to the majestic plural. While it by no means denies the internal inconsistencies of Islam's theology (seriously, an omnipotent and omniscient creator in a universe lacking in free will is just a recipe for contradiction. See if you can work it all out), I just thought it was worth pointing out.
The only other thing I would say is that the use of Chairman Mo doesn't strike me as very clever at all (I see no reason to call a spade anything other than a spade, even if one is trying to be humourous).
G-T-W - a very interesting point. The rewards of Islam were rewards for soldiers (Mohammed and his Merry Martyrs), not rewards for the humble, meek, selfless and kind.
Not that they wear uniforms. Or would the burka count?
I have never understood why islam is considered one of the world's "great" religions. Even the most cursory examination at the history of islam reveals that the big mo simply wanted power and if he couldn't convince the jews around him to give it to him he was going to take.
This should really be printed on paper. Electrons are volatile. I see that Gates of Vienna archives have recently disappeared for technical reasons.
This is stuff for tomorrow's historians.
Incidentally, what is published on GoV is far too important for archives to be allowed to disappear.
The archives have not actually disappeared. The problem is accessing them.
Blogger has imposed a size limit on all displayed pages. That has cut the main blog page down to six or eight posts, and it makes an archive page into a truncated stump.
What I need is a template in the "new Blogger" format. Then the new archive tree might work. But converting the old template to the new one is an enormous time-consuming task. I don't know when I'll find enough time.
The two parts of this article were a fascinating read. I'm kind of itching for the 3rd already.
Also, I'd like to second Robert's opinion, and say that I hope there's a backup (not necessarily on paper) of the tremendously important material in this blog, just in case it will come under attack one day.
When I was doing the reading on the history of Islam for a short seminar for our Men's Retreat at church, I came to the conclusion from a sympathetic history that the Koran was written for Mohammed's self-justification. The pattern of a need followed by the necessary vision to allow him to do what he wanted occurred too often to ignore.
This series will be saved for my later study. I am glad to see a real scholar do this work.
@Bill: AMEN! I have suspected that myself. I seem to recall reading once that he lusted after a follower's wife, and tried (unsuccessfully) to seduce her. When the husband came home and reminded him of what the koran said about adultery, he announced that "God" had told him that the rule didn't apply to him as the prophet.
As I recall it, the couple laughed until he departed, chastened.
There is herein a dearth of information that relates to Jewish interaction, for, after all, much of islam is a "perverse Judaism". By that I mean, whereas Jews pray 3 times a day, Islam says "we do 5", where we say "drink and be merry", they say "No drinking". Where we face Jerusalem, they face Mecca. Where our women cover up in modesty, they cover up where only the eyeballs are visible; Where we fast a few times a year, they supposedly do so a whole lot more; Where we have avoid pig, they have the same. Etc.
So wherefrom this parallelism?
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