An organization called Women United/Code Red has organized a demonstration in front of the hotel timed to take place while Mad Jad is inside, starting at 5:30 pm. For more information, call Women United at (212) 726-1124, email, or visit Anybody who’s in NYC this afternoon should go over to East 42nd Street between Park and Lexington Avenues and get in on the action
The guest list so far…
- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
- World Council of Churches
- The American Friends Service Committee
- Mennonite Central Committee
- Quaker UN Office
- Religions for Peace
Uninvited Guests!
- - - - - - - - -
- Women United/Code Red
- 9-11 Families For a Safe and Strong and Safe America
- ACT for America
- Alliance of Iranian Women
- Amcha
- American Center for Law and Justice
- American Coptic Unin
- American Maronite Union
- Americans for a Safe Israel
- American Values
- Arabs for Israel
- Anne Bayefsky, Eye on the UN
- Brigitte Gabriel, authorCatholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
- Center for Security Policy
- Phyllis Chesler, authorChristian Solidarity International
- Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights
- Committee on the Present Danger
- Concerned Women for America
- Council for a Democratic Iran
- Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld
- Aryeh Eldad, Israeli Knesset
- Endowment for Middle East Truth
- Family Security Matters
- Foundation for Defense of Democracy
- Fuel for Truth
- Dov Hikind, New York Assembly
- Institute for Religion and Democracy
- International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem
- International Christian Union
- Jewish Political Education Foundation
- Jerusalem Reclamation Project
- Jewish Action Alliance
- Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
- Jihadwatch
- Rory Lancman, New York State Assembly
- Log Cabin Republicans of New York City
- Open Doors USA
- Rabbi Zev Friedman, Rambam Mesivta high school
- Rabbi Joseph Potasnik
- Glenn Richter, Founder Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry StandWithUs
- Stop Shariah Now
- Sudan Freedom Walk
- The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
- Traditional Values Coalition
- United American Committee
- David Weprin, New York City Council
- Jeffrey Wiesenfeld, Trustee CUNY
- Women’s Freedom Movement of Pakistan
- World Committee for the Land of Israel
- Zionist Organization of America
and many more….
Today, Thursday 9/25
Rain or Shine, 5:30 p.m. on East 42nd Street between Park and Lexington Avenues
I wonder who really these groups are:
-World Council of Churches
-The American Friends Service Committee
-Religions for Peace
Ahmadinejad having dinner at the Grand Hyatt in NYC as a guest of honor! What a joke! It's almost as surreal as seeing the twin towers collapse.
All three of them are paleolithic-era Soviet front-groups. (No shittin'; look it up.) They're polyps in the intestines of the worldwide hard-left socialist octopus.
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