Before I post Mr. Vilks’ latest fatwa-bait, an explanation of what he is doing is in order.
Lars Vilks understands the scope of Sweden’s political correctness as well as the vulnerabilities of the thin-skinned and perpetually offended Muslims. In his genius he has produced the perfect artistic blade, one which can penetrate both the armor of Multiculturalism and the shields of its radical Islamic allies.
Sweden is perhaps the most homophilic country in the world. Not only do the Swedes tolerate alternative sexual lifestyles, they celebrate them continuously. Every year “Pride Week” draws the most prominent of Sweden’s politicians to march alongside the transvestites, the transgendered, and the transgressive transsexuals.
Nobody can outdo Sweden in the promotion of gay culture.
At the same time, nobody can outdo the Swedes in Multicultural tolerance, to the extent that it is virtually forbidden in polite society to discuss forced marriages, the incidence of immigrant rape and other crimes, and the “honor killing” of teenage girls who dare to violate their family’s cultural mandates.
On Thursday he posted his latest outrage on his blog: a drawing of Mohammed visiting a gay bar.
Our Danish correspondent TB has translated the caption under the drawing. To help explain the context, TB points out that Mr. Vilks, in “Surah 116”, is referring to recent news stories (see here and here) about a move by the Swedish government to make sex education mandatory in the schools, eliminating all religious opt-outs.
Here’s the translation of Lars Vilks’ exegesis:
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Here we have the Prophet who has slipped into a gay bar in Stockholm to catch some speedy lyric poetry with coffee and a highball. Then came Surah 116 (the surah of breeding and swimming) in the Quran:
Allah is the only one
Who does not breed
Humans breed, however
And therefore have to be taught
in this art
As the school board has said
The swimming we have made into an exhortation
About resurrection
And for the benefit of all those
Who move forward on the ocean
Let the veil and the clothes fall
Before you walk into
the municipality’s swimming pool.
He finishes the post with this:
The original Quran has 114 surahs. In the year 2001 came Sura 115, the multicultural surah called The Surah of Bandy [a Swedish game, ice hockey without the ice — translator].
The genius of Lars Vilks’ artistic actions lies in their exposure of the contradiction inherent in Sweden’s official multicultural policy.
Islam and the celebration of homosexuality are incompatible. They simply cannot be reconciled.
According to Orthodox Multiculturalism, “alternative” lifestyles are not only tolerated, they are to be encouraged.
Also according to Orthodox Multiculturalism, diversity is to be celebrated. As a corollary, “diverse” cultures in all their rainbow splendor are to be welcomed and their customs embraced. No culture is superior to another; all are equally valid and praiseworthy.
Yet Islam, the most prominent beneficiary of Multiculturalism in Sweden, refuses to tolerate homosexuality.
This paradox will overload the collective circuitry of Sweden’s bien-pensants.
Expect the same thing to happen to polite society in Sweden.
We must not criticize Islam.
But Islam hates gays.
We must not criticize Islam.
But Islam hates gays.
We must not criticize Islam.
But Islam hates gays.
We must not criticize Islam.
But Islam…
(The sound of sparks and frying circuits. The smell of smoke. Sweden reaches overload.)
And what then? We’ll just have to wait and see.
For previous posts on Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs, see the Modoggie Archives.
When Sweden collapses will Liberal Swedes learn the folly of their PC ways or will they merely feel they failed because of poor execution and hope for a do-over in a neighboring country? Much the same way the Liberals who have ruined California are fleeing the mess they've created but instead of having learned the error their ways are hoping to start again in a new, now purple, state?
Lars rocks. I think we should start something like that here. We should advertise a diversity night at local coffee shops, invite just the GLTB people and the local mosque, create two sets of fliers that would offend each group based on their philosophies, grab a video camera and enjoy the show.
There are a few Finn's doing their part as well.
The Finnish cartoonist Seppo Lehto decided to videotape himself drawing a Mohammed caricature. He posted the result on YouTube: Mohammed as a “pig pedophile prophet”.
the video is here at
Another salvo from Pat Condell. Oicked it up at Sheik Yermami's place:
Many thanks for the link Sir Henry , Pat Condell really is a national hero
, he deserves a Knighthood . His rallying calls are Churchillian in style and deserve to be listened to .
Before I post Mr. Vilks’ latest fatwa-bait, an explanation of what he is doing is in order.
Fatwa-bait. Priceless, simply priceless!
Islam and the celebration of homosexuality are incompatible. They simply cannot be reconciled.
America's liberals seem to have no problem doing this. Of course, you can hear their heads vibrating from cognitive dissonance way down the street but that's another matter.
the doctor: Many thanks for the link Sir Henry , Pat Condell really is a national hero, he deserves a Knighthood . His rallying calls are Churchillian in style and deserve to be listened to .
Pat Condell is about the closest thing that Britain has to a Churchill right now and the way things are going, England will need a dozen more like him to turn your mess around.
The Swedes have done better than most at protecting their national identity, and so it's a great shame to see them bowing to the poison ideology of multiculturalism.
Is it not time to take the gloves off and let the West see the vile cartoons churned out by Muslim countries so everyone understands the Orwellian world in which they have the nerve to say a word about western practices and intolerance?
There could be a warning: "these images are supremely offensive and may disturb some viewers".
The man on the street who doesn't visit the conservative blogosphere needs to see with his own eyes the complete lack of credibility that Muslim complainants have on the issue of tolerance.
Even that may not do it. One wonders what it would take to wake up the sleepwalking. The Sudan teddy-bear fiasco got a fair bit of play in Western media because a British woman was involved but few seem to have understood the lesson that the religion of intolerance dares to swagger about calling the tolerant intolerant.
Why doesn't Israel or a well-heeled supporter take out full page advertisements in newspapers that otherwise won't publish the truth and compare "Rights of Arab Muslims in Israel" on one side of the page vs. "Rights of Muslims in Saudi Arabia" in the middle vs the shortest list "Rights of non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia"?
Why not start an expose on the Koran and Islamic beliefs with the best minds of the day deconstructing the takkiya artistry of Muslim apologists and even better, getting Muslim voices who hang the Islamists and their apologists out to dry?
The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the - Web Reconnaissance for 03/10/2008 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the check back often.
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