A follow-up on the exciting adventures of our new hero Harry de Winter: “Harry Goes Red.”
by H. Numan
I reported on Monday about Mr. De Winter’s advertisement in left wing newspaper De Volkskrant. He called upon fellow Jews to support his struggle against the multiculturally incorrect Blond. He paid €10,000 for his advertisement, no less. And for that amount he got a lot. A lot of ridicule, to be exact.
Harry had the opportunity to clarify his advertisement. Not very successfully, as Prof. Jansen swept the floor with him. And that in “Pauw en Witteman”, a left-wing program from the VARA (abbreviation for: “Free Laborers Radio Association”). So he fell flat on his face, while playing for a home audience…
Video: Arabist Hans Jansen versus Harry de Winter (in Dutch)
Prof. Jansen’s final remarks are worth translating: after listening to the repetitive non-arguments of de Winter, Prof. Jansen clearly had had enough. When Harry asked (again) what Hans Jansen tries to achieve by writing a book against Islam, he answered politely: “What I try to achieve? That little blind men, like yourself, may learn what is going on in other religions. For I have the feeling that you do not want to know it. You share that feeling with many others of the Dutch elite, but I find that not a wise decision.” (at 4:33 in the broadcast)
Harry was utterly at a loss for words…
Not only that, it was much worse. The press smelled blood, and asked well-known people of Jewish origins how they felt about this advertisement. Only one celebrity — the former mayor of Amsterdam, Ed van Thijn — more or less supported him. All the others: no.
Most were quite offended to be drawn into something they actually opposed. And everybody agreed that Mr. De Winter’s arguments were at least far fetched, or utterly biased to say the very least.
In Het Algemeen Dagblad today Harry whined he had received death threats — usually the last card one can play before fading away into oblivion. Later he reported he was misquoted. He didn’t receive death threats:
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De Winter: “While I attack nobody [sic!], everybody takes me for a fool and a demagogue, and I receive death threats by e-mail. This land has gone crazy. People say it’s those filthy Jews again who support Muslims.” De Winter considers reporting [the death threats] to the police.
Well, to be honest: nobody thinks the filthy Jews are behind anything. Though I do admit Mr. De Winter could do well with a bath (in Lysol), a haircut and some serious shaving, in my opinion.
And yes, I do think a particular Jew is behind the Muslim “conspiracy”, namely Mr. De Winter himself. As for demagogue: nope. That would be too much honor for a man who has no idea what debating is. His appearance on Pauw and Witteman showed a stammering teenager in his forties who couldn’t present an argument, and tried to defend himself by repeating his ludicrous statements over and over again. Every time a bit more vocal.
But it is nice to see many important Dutchmen openly stating that Muslims are not under any threat at all, unless by their own choice. Many stated that the Muslim minority in Europe is the best-protected minority in the world, and likely in world history.
And our dear Harry? Well, in another day or two he’ll fade away into oblivion.
"What I try to achieve? That little blind men, like yourself, may learn what is going on in other religions. For I have the feeling that you do not want to know it. You share that feeling with many others of the Dutch elite, but I find that not a wise decision."
Wow... That is a good answer. It looks like a Lord talking to his horses...
Brave Man he is for speaking like this.
And the Jews answer: No, we don't like muslims! One more point for the Jews!
But now, let's get serious because real problems are happening in Europe.
We may assist to battles. I know few, all I know is here!
It's scarying! I mean, blood may be being shed as we speak...
Bedankt for the video link!
How M. De Winters fails to notice the startling lack of fundamentalist Jewish and Christian suicide bombers, or Mormon or Taoist or Ba'hai or Buddhist terrorists is one of those selective sets of psychological/philosophical/historical blinders that such "defenders of the poor Third World underdogs" always affect.
Does he really want his country to become Gaza II?
Or Pakistan Lite?
Or Yemen, Jr.?
Gekke klootzak!
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