Well… Read all the material and decide for yourself. There’s not much to go on, except for the fact that Dr. Deniz and other Assyrian Christians in Sweden had been warned that bad things would happen to them if they didn’t leave off their preoccupation with the Ottoman genocide of the Assyrians.
Previous posts on this topic are here, here, and here.
Many thanks to Henrik for translating the following article from today’s Örebro Expressen:
“The killer knew what he was doing”- - - - - - - - -
Time may be running out for the police in the hunt for the killer of Fuat Deniz.
So says Jerzy Sarnecki, professor in criminology at the University of Stockholm.“Had you asked me on the day of the murder, I would have been sure the murderer would be caught. Now I’m not quite so sure,” says Sarnecki to Orebro.expressen.se.
The knife murder of the university professor Fuat Deniz last week is a mystery.
There is much leading to the conclusion that the police are groping in the dark in their investigation. Tips are flooding in, but officially there are as yet no hot leads as to the identity of the culprit, and the motive is as yet unknown.
Many suspect political disagreement, pointing to the research that Deniz amongst others did on the Assyrian genocide in the Ottoman Empire, a very controversial topic in some circles.
Planned murder
But Jerzy Sarnecki doubts that.
“I don’t think that is terribly believable. That type of forceful confrontation does not exist in Sweden, and I don’t believe a foreign power has sent a secret agent.
“But of course you can’t rule out a political motive. Both the murder of Anna Lindh as well as Olof Palme, if you — as do I — think Christer Pettersson was the killer, were in some ways political even if they were about insane acts without big conspiracies behind them.”
There are also circumstances that point towards the murder being planned, Sarnecki thinks.
“If it is true that there only was one stab in the neck, you can see that as indicating the murderer knew what he was doing.”
“Significant power”
His teaching position could also have been a source of conflict.
“Professors have significant power. They decide the grades and within boundaries decide the future of people. Historically, this has led to violence,” Sarnecki asserts, while he agrees that the case of Fuat Deniz is significantly more complex than other Swedish murders.
“Obviously it is a special case; there are indications in very many directions. He could have become the victim due to belonging to a minority, being a researcher, a teacher, or a private person.
“Murders in Sweden mostly happen in connection with family- and love-related disturbances or in scenes with intoxicated people. None of this seems to be the case here.”
The murderer still on the loose
That more than a week has gone by without the police having any solid leads as to the culprit is disheartening, thinks Sarnecki..
“Had you asked me on the day of the murder, I would have been sure that the culprit would be apprehended. Now, I’m not so sure.
“In most cases, the murderer is caught relatively fast, but every day that goes by makes the chances for his capture smaller.”
Hat tip: Steen.
Not a political murder? That lame excuse fails the straight-face test. Murder is the ultimate form of censorship. The government is allowing thugs to use this tool to muzzle discussion of past or present jihadist wrongdoing.
Jerzy Sarnecki, also called "Stockholm-Bob" (cf. former 'Bhagdad-Bob', now said to be living in Japan!) is professor of criminology at the Sthlm University and is also the legendary spokesman of the Board for Preventing Crime (Brottsförebyggande Rådet = BRÅ). He is born in Warsaw 1947 and became Dr.Ph. in sociology at the Sthlm University 1978.
He is no way a reliable person. No lie is to big for him when making PC statements about the minimal 'immigrant committed criminality' in Sweden.
Many of his declarations could make you suspect that the man suffers from non compas mentis.
Meet Mr Crime Denier - don't miss this picture!
Quite possibly, this sort of self-delusion is even more dangerous than Islam itself. Despite having committed a huge proportion of recent history's genocides, Muslims still manage to head the ranks of genocide and Holocaust deniers. Moreover, they have the singular distinction of violently opposing any attempt to connect them with such crimes against humanity. I invite any of you who might doubt this notion to please examine the near-linear connections between Adolph Hitler, Muhammed Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and his young nephew, Yasser Arafat.
The continuing turmoil over Turkey's role in the Armenian genocide should provide ample notice of what to expect over the less-well-known ethnic cleansing of Assyrian Christians. As I have previously noted—more than anything else—this conspicuous inability of Europe to call a genocide a genocide is a prime indicator of just how likely they will, once again, resort to this favorite problem-solving tool of theirs in how they deal with the current infestation of Muslim colonizers.
I must say the way he leads off his analysis with his preconceptions, makes me doubt the soundness of his opinion.
How can this be? The carrying of knives capable of inflicting these kinds of crimes in Sweden is strictly forbidden.
To take Cincinattus' comment one step further, this guy seems to logically, step by step, explain why there are no valid alternatives. And then concludes that it must have an alternate explanation.
The thought of a political motivation is so scary to the Swedish commentator that he'd rather be caught lying than disrupt what I'll name "The Swedish Illusion".
It's evil. They should take any such risk extremely seriously, for the obvious reason that a political motive would be an assault on academic freedom. Which some powers certainly wouldn't hesitate to do.
Ahh, but there's the psychological side of things. Sweden has always been that way, and just as a miner will continue to insist that his mine is fine even though his supports are cracked with age and the roof is staring to sag, because "it's always been that way", so will a society when the way things have been isn't the way things are. They're clinging to old certainties because it feels safer than confronting the reality of the situation.
As a Syriac\Assyrian this is to me, beyond a shadow of doubt that if not the Turkish government, a fanatic Turk nationalist killed this man. There could be government involvement as well. The Syriac\Assyrian community is feeling some pressure lately by Turks as evidenced by a Syriac monk being kidnapped in Turkey just a couple of weeks ago. They want to put pressure on the Syriac community to stop their advancement towards the recognition of the Assyrian genocide by not just threatening Assyrians\Syriacs abroad but placing heavy pressure on the remaining community in Turkey. They are subtlety telling Syriacs in Turkey that if your bretheren abroad go after this issues, there will be repercussions to you here in Turkey.
THIS IS THE MAIN POINT THOUGH: While Turks can claim an extremely faint and I do mean faint excuse reason for massacring over 1 million Christian Armeninans during WWI with the pretense that a few Armenians took up arms against the Ottoman Empire with Russians and other foreign powers, THERE WAS NO REASON for Assyrians to have been massacred along with Pontus Greeks in the north. At the end putting the pieces together you can see that there was a systematic extermination of not just Armenian\Greeks\Assyrians but a massacre genocide committed against Christians in Turkey. My own family was involved in the genocide. Armenians, as a percantage didn't lose as much of their population as the Syriac nation because of its small population that had been dwindle by constant massacres and kilings by Muslim people.
Turkish government doesn't need to do anything for this to happen. The nationalists, and the Grey Wolves in particular, are perfectly capable of taking the initiative in matters as this.
All that is needed from the government is lazyness and incompetence, combined with an assurance that the matter will be investigated as throughoutly as possible.
I think all of this can be very easily done.
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