One of the reasons that shariah finance and the halal food industry are flourishing in the West is that there is a lot of money to be made in these fields, by Muslim and infidel alike.
Western banks aren’t pushing shariah-compliant mortgages because they’ve suddenly seen the light by reading the timeless verses of the Koran. No, they’ve seen the bottom line: shariah financing is very, very profitable — often more profitable than standard interest-based loans, since shariah loans are subject to a different regulatory regimen.
The same applies to certified halal food products. Restaurants and groceries that carry them can expect more trade from culturally enriched customers. Exact figures are hard to determine, but billions and billions of dollars in profits are made at all levels every year by the halal industry.
In both of these fields, a shariah-mandated portion of the proceeds must be handed over to the Islamic authorities as zakat, or alms — one eighth of which must be applied to financing jihad.

And don’t forget the symbolic significance of Córdoba for the Reconquista. Spain is now in the midst of a “de-Reconquista”, and the presence of the Halal Institute in Córdoba is concrete evidence of that ongoing process.
Our Spanish correspondent Hermes has this to say about Halal Training and the Halal Institute:
This is the first course of its kind. There is a bit more at the Halal Institute: halal cosmetics, halal holidays, halal economics, halal ecology, halal TV... and halal placenta for the Muslim woman’s skin.
There are sections in English here and there, for example at the bottom of the “secciones” list, at “turismo halal”.
Many thanks to Hermes for translating this course information, taken from a PDF file made available by Educaislam:
Technical Course on the Production of Halal Food
April 13 - May 13, 2012
Educaislam is a training center sponsored by the Islamic Council and dedicated to the teaching of Islam in its different dimensions (culture, politics, economy, religion, etc.). Society’s growing interest in Islam and Muslim-related issues has made necessary the creation of a dynamic and plural learning environment.
Halal is a global concept which refers to a set of practices and conducts which are allowed under Sharia, or Islamic law. Nowadays the halal industry is growing, creating a special demand for qualified personnel in order to ensure the quality in the different stages of the production of halal food.
That’s why this Training Course on the Production of Halal Food has been made possible, a course in order to increase the participants’ knowledge in such aspects as the halal slaughter, animal welfare, food handling or the usage of ingredients and additives. The main goals are:
- To provide theoretical and practical knowledge on the different phases of the halal food process-lines and production in an industrial context.
- To provide proper training regarding the maintenance of professional practices and ethical guidelines in order to guarantee the functioning of the halal production line.
- To make Spanish, European and international halal guidelines known.
A structured and partly face-to-face study methodology has been prepared. It includes different module contents which deal with a wide range of aspects from the most general to the most specific ones. Assessments, exercises, exams and practical activities will take place. The course will also have a permanent virtual platform on which discussion forums will be held. An initial and a final face-to-face session will take place in order to comply with the performance of the practical sessions.
The course is designed for people with an interest in performing professional activities in any of the stages of the halal production line, such as food-handler, production technician, kitchen manager, slaughterer, butchery operator.
The course program will be guided and imparted by experts in Islamic food legislation, scholars of Shariah and Islam, and professionals of the industrial environment. This will convey a kind of learning which will ensure that students receive the tools, documentation and knowledge required to become a specialist in the production of halal food.
In order to fulfill this goal the following activities have been developed:
Course opening and face-to-face session
Rectorate building of the University or Córdoba — April 13 (from 9:30 to 14:00)
9:30 — Natalia Andújar / Hanif Escudero Uribe // Rector of the University of Córdoba
Opening of the course
10:00 — Isabel Romero Arias
Halal, a door to integration and the opening of new markets
10:30 — Manuela Jodral
Bromatology and safety regarding halal food
11:00 — Halal breakfast
A small tasting
12:00 — Kamila Toby
Consumption patterns and basic information when buying halal food
12:30 — Hashim Cabrera
A spiritual vision of halal
13:00 — Questions and round-table
Online training
Module 0: Course instructions
April 13
Technological group.
General instructions, usage of the online platform, resolution of particular doubts and questions of technological aspect.
+ We recommend that everybody bring a laptop or mobile device in order to get access to the virtual platform during the session.
Module 1: Introduction to Islam
April 13 to 17
Mustapha Hassane
General aspects of Islamic culture and religion. The pillars of Islam. The religious fundaments of halal. Definition of halal, haram and Masbouq.
Module 2: Halal, a global concept
April 18 to 22
Muhammad Escudero Uribe
Scope and boundaries of halal. Basic conditions of halal. Application sectors of halal. International perspective of halal market.
Module 3: Halal certification, a tool for a trusted choice
April 23 to 29
Vanessa Rivera
Requirements and procedures of the halal certificate. The value of a certificate. Tools and practical mechanisms for the implantation of a halal certificate.
Module 4: Security in the production of halal food
April 30 to May 6
Salud Serrano
The handling of halal food. The importance of raw materials. The usage of additives and its limits. Traceability. The risk of cross contamination.
Module 5: Welfare and slaughter of animals in Islam
May 7 to 13
Said Bouzraa
Animal welfare in the context of halal, slaughter techniques, most common tools.
The importance of labeling. Common features and differences between the European and international norms.
May 12, from 08:00 to 16:00
Installations of the COVAP [Food and milk products enterprise in Córdoba-Andalusia] in Pozoblanco.
Those who have successfully fulfilled all theoretical and practical requirements of the training program and passed the exams will receive by the end of the course a certificate of proof of their degree as a Specialist in the Production of Halal Food.
1 Face-to-face session: not compulsory (April 13)
1 Practice session: not compulsory (May 12)
1 Theoretical and practical face-to-face exam: not compulsory (May 12)
Virtual platform during the course: compulsory (April 13 to May 13)
Management and Training team:
The course instruction team consists of academics and experts in the halal industry :
Academic Instruction
Natalia Chevrollier Andújar
Content Instruction
Hanif Escudero Uribe
Teaching Staff
Isabel Romero Arias
Manuela Jodral
Kamila Toby
Hashim Cabrera
Mustapha Hassane
Muhammad Escudero Uribe
Vanesa Ribera
Salud Serrano
Said Bouzraa
Course Information
Classes scheduled: From April 13 to May 13
4 weeks / 40 class hours
Enrollment period: Expires on April 12, 2012Price: The price of the course is €400. It includes enrolment, learning materials, and the costs of to and from traveling between Córdoba and Pozoblanco. All students will receive a “Halal Institute” grant, which will cover half the price of the course so that students will have to pay only €200.
Enrollment: The fee must be paid to the current account number [xxxx] at Unicaja, and clearly indicate the full name of the student and the title of the course. The application must be filled and sent together with the evidence of payment to secretaria@educaislam.com or by mail to P.O Box 2, Almodovar del Rio, 14720, Córdoba.
Location: The theoretical session as well as the accompanying lecture will be held at the University of Córdoba.
The practical session will take place at the COVAP installations, in Pozoblanco.
The virtual sessions will run through the virtual platform of the European School for the training in Halal.
Course category: semi-face-to-face
Remarks: To be held in the Spanish language Minimum number of students: 10 Maximum number of students: 100
Information: For more on this course and how to apply, please contact the address below:
Halal Training School
Tel: 957634071 - 957713203 - 652523510
Organized by:
Educaislam - Halal Training School
Supported by:
Halal Institute, S.C. Valle de los Pedroches (COVAP)
Association of Consumers and Users “Vida Halal”
University of Córdoba
Majles Ulmas from Indonesia (Halal Mui)
International Halal Integrity Alliance (IHI Alliance)
Islamic Board
All of the definitions of Halal mention that during the slaughter and preparation, a prayer to Allah must be given.
Christians will have to decide for themselves whether this is in fact a "meat offered to idols" Act 15:29.
I for one now decline to consume halal meat for this reason.
On the other hand, if You read 1 Corinthians 8 and Matthew 15:11, then it's not really a problem. Either way, folow your conscience.
There is nothing "methodological" about Halal.
It is pagan magic being sold as technical procedure.
Here's another reason to avoid halal food.
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