When KGS of Tundra Tabloids talked to Lars Vilks last fall, he suggested a topic for a new composition. Mr. Vilks responded favorably to the idea, and today KGS has results to report:
The following cartoon can be considered a part of that ongoing project. The esteemed cartoonist said last year in November that he was willing to consider drawing a special Mo-toon for Baron Bodissey of the Gates of Vienna. The Baron had requested a special picture of John Sobieski, the hero of the “Battle of Vienna” riding his horse in victory accompanied by the famous Roundabout dog.
Well Mr. Vilks just sent the TT via email his most recent work…

“Jan III Sobieski Confronts a Rondellhund at the Gates of Vienna”
A full-resolution version is here.
How does this work fit into its aesthetic context?
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Recalling the Art Project, we realize that KGS’ request and Lars Vilks’ response are part of the overall Project, adding layers of artistic engagement and audience involvement to the ongoing creation of the artistic work.
Reader reactions are also part of the Art Project. Make sure to contribute further infidel offenses so that the outrage of the Mohammedans can continue to grow. It’s all part of our grand aesthetic endeavor!
Notice how multicultural this particular Modoggie is: it was drawn by a Swede of Latvian ancestry at the request of a Finn on behalf of an American. In the background is an Austrian city, and in the foreground a Polish king sits astride his horse.
Perhaps the horse is Arabian, making our ultra-inclusive tableau of diversity complete, and serving as a fitting accompaniment to the turban-capped Rondellhund at the horse’s feet.
Thank you, Lars Vilks.
All I can say is: ARF!
For previous posts on Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs, see the Modoggie Archives.
"Notice how multicultural this particular Modoggie is: it was drawn by a Swede of Latvian ancestry at the request of a Finn on behalf of an American. In the background is an Austrian city, and in the foreground a Polish king sits astride his horse."
Tchh... It seems Northeast Europe is invading America...
The horse is Arabian? I thouht the Modog was the Arab there...
Baron, please forgive me: I've taken the liberty to post the doggie and quote you on Hodjas Blog.
Ah, it grows even more international.
Now we have a Dane commenting and a Portuguese complaining.
kepiblanc: the Baron went over to look at your post. He can figure out about 4 words in 10! That's progress...of a sort.
(The word verification was "blesses"!)
Very nice Baron! The art project never ends. And I love the diversity. Not only all the nationalities involved but both a horse and a dog, even a Muslim...
And Kepiblanc's title “Svea Hund på Göta Lejon” is extremely creative and funny.
Those stains/marks on the Modoggie's front paws look like blood. Are they?
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