Monday, December 24, 2012

The Canary Islands Are Full

Map of the Canary Islands

The Canary Islands are an autonomous province of Spain, and also the westernmost outpost of the European Union. Like the rest of the EU, the islands are facing a crisis brought on by years of open-ended immigration.

Many thanks to our Spanish correspondent Hermes for his translation of this article from Alerta Digital:

Canary Islands: there is no room for more immigrants. The Canarian president warns that the Canarian economy cannot provide solutions for more people.

The Canarian president, Paulino Rivero, asked last Sunday for a “calm and scaremongering-free” debate to be held on the number of inhabitants in the archipelago, because in his opinion, the economy of the islands is unable to manage the population growth and reduce unemployment.

Paulino Rivero states in his blog that the figures speak “loud and clear” regarding the almost 180,000 foreigners who arrived in the last 10 years, and the 23,000 newcomers registered in 2011 due to migratory flows.

The population in the Canary islands has grown by 388,178 in almost 10 years, and the reality confirmed by the statistics “must force us to calmly reflect on the archipelago’s carrying capacity”, the president explains. He asks for carrying out an analysis on how many jobs the Canarian economy can create, and to detect the impact of this unstoppable population increase in the islands and in the delivery of public services.

“I think it’s rather evident that the Canary Islands cannot grow indefinitely and expand without end, a demographic growth which began in 1960,” Rivero reflects.

A debate with a “mature approach”

That is why he asks for a debate “with a mature approach and without delay” on the capacity of the islands to provide solutions in terms of employment, health care and education to this kind of population growth.

“We should not brush away a debate by contaminating it with gratuitous and unjustified accusations of promoting attitudes of rejection towards people coming here. It is not about marginalizing those who are different, but about establishing certain limits that allow our economy to supply jobs for all who are now in need of one, and to offer a proper level of public services,” he explains.

He warns that it is very difficult to accommodate the public system of basic services to such a huge population growth, and he adds that above all it is materially impossible for the Canarian labor market to accept so many job-seekers.

Paulino Rivero points out that it is not possible to “stand idly by” nor make cuts to the funds for educational policies “just as the Popular Party did” by reducing from 42 to 10 million euros the funds for the Canarian Integral Employment Plan, thus leaving thousands of Canarians in an unfair and unacceptably vulnerable position.


Anonymous said... 1

“We should not brush away a debate by contaminating it with gratuitous and unjustified accusations of promoting attitudes of rejection towards people coming here. It is not about marginalizing those who are different, but about establishing certain limits that allow our economy to supply jobs for all who are now in need of one, and to offer a proper level of public services,” he explains.

Yet for years anyone who spoke out about this phenomenon was marginalised and targeted by gratuitous and unjustified accusations.

Now it's becoming clear that those people were right all along.


William Gruff said... 2

How can it be possible to have a 'calm and scaremongering-free' debate on immigration, whatever that is - presumably one in which no one draws attention to the problems immigrants bring with them, when the calls for a debate are prompted by widespread concern, if not actual alarm? People throughout the Western world are saying clearly, as they have for some while, that the time for talking is past and action is required urgently.

Mr. Rational said... 3

The counterjihad meets Limits to Growth, VDARE-style opposition to race replacement and ZPG.  That's bound to cause some serious cognitive dissonance on the left, particularly since applying the latter two to "persons of color" is labelled with nasty words beginning with the letter R.

This could shake out in interesting ways.

Anonymous said... 4

I agree, no country has the tax money to support so many. Consider this, Canada has been taking more than a quarter of a million people a year. Yes, we have the space, but do we have the $$$? Canadians have been asking our government to stop immigration of muslims to no avail. muslims come and creat silos of themselves, never having to talk to or be Canadians. This in my opinion should stop.

wheatington said... 5

Immigration by leeches is an act of war. Westerners need to wake up and take control of their gateways.

Butch Anderson said... 6

Not only does no government have enough money to support so many, not one citizen should be forced to support even one!

Anonymous said... 7

Sooner or later, your overloaded lifeboat swamps, and sinks.
You can't accomodate--and SUPPORT everybody. It is really that simple; good intentions, or no.

Glub, glub......

Mr. Rational said... 8

Suppose for a minute that it is concluded that the Canary Islands cannot accomodate any more people.  Maybe not even all the ones who are already there.  What happens then?

I think this will not go down well with the globalist PTB.  Even the slightest grudging acceptance that there's such a thing as too many people in one place opens the floodgates.  If it remains taboo to oppose Islamic immigration, a cessation of all immigration accomplishes the same end for acceptable reasons.  Once the end is deemed acceptable, the economic arguments in the Canaries can become ecological arguments or social arguments in other places.

Unless the PTB have suddenly seen the light (and there is no indication that they have), expect this to be ruthlessly tamped down.

Anonymous said... 9

Mr Rivero still thinks immigration is about economics?

Anonymous said... 10

Ahh, now there’s a thing, reality is putting the boot right into the entrails of utopian ideology. Good: It is no longer a question of if but of when – when we rise up and take our countries back; assuming, of course, that there are enough of us left with sufficient moral backbone to do the dirty work.

Indeed, these are interesting times. Do enjoy this Christmas, guys and girls, for it may well be the last enjoyable one for some time to come. But, then, these are the rhythms of history and we will just have to live with them. Or otherwise.

Seneca III

Anonymous said... 11

Difficult for an Englishman to comment on this one as I suppose British pensioners have been heading for the Canary Islands for the last 40 plus years. I suppose there are plenty of retired Dutch, Germans and Scandinavians there as well though.

The problem is that until somebody can stop the third world from overbreeding then the be nice approach will not work. Muslims for one are told they must breed like rabbits to ensure that they take over the world.

At the risk of repeating myself, which I probably am, organisations like the Optimum Population Trust here are just banging their heads against a brick wall because their logic and reason is either screamed down with accusations of racism or ignored by politicians and businessmen who either want immigrant votes, cheap labour or to profit from a housing shortage or the building of new houses all over virgin countryside.

The optimum population of Britain has been estimated at 30m, which was the population it was a mere hundred years ago. Now the population of England alone which has received over 90% of mass immigration is 52m and we are almost the most densely populated country in the world. This problem seems to affect islands, which should be able to keep unwanted people out, most. Still, as somebody has said, if you keep squeezing things into a bag then eventually it bursts with a loud bang. I think that bang is coming shortly.

Anonymous said... 12

Just back from a one week vacation to Fuerteventura: to my amazement, 95 %, I repeat, 95% of the shopkeepers and vendors in a place with thousands of hotel beds, were either indian or moroccan.I do not blame them for making business there,but what about the unemployment rate among the spanish population? Did I hear numbers like 25-40%?So what can I say?Well. selling T-shirts and perfumes till 9.30 p.m. seems not to be a cheerished activity of the Spaniards.