The incident prompted Paul Weston to write the following essay concerning “moderate” Islam.
Does Moderate Islam Really Exist?
by Paul Weston
Morocco is generally recognised as a country representing the acceptable face of ‘moderate’ Islam, but as Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan has stated, there is no moderate Islam, there is just Islam.
So it will only be the liberal apologists for Islam surprised by today’s story about a 16-year-old Moroccan girl named Amina Filali who committed suicide after she was forced to marry a man who had raped her.
Article 475 of the Moroccan penal code allows for the ‘kidnapper’ of a minor to marry his victim to escape prosecution, and it has been used to justify a traditional practice of making a rapist marry his victim to preserve the honour of the woman’s family.
The victim’s father said in an interview with an online Moroccan newspaper that it was the court officials who suggested the marriage option when they reported the rape.

Don’t forget that our very own traitor-class politicians allow 85 sharia courts to operate in Britain, dealing in the main with ‘family issues’ and that some 17,000 incidents of Islamic Honour Violence in the UK were noted by the British police in 2008.
It really is high time our promoters of sharia woke up. These include David Cameron, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams and Britain’s most senior judge, Lord Chief Justice Phillips, who has stated he was willing to see sharia law operate in the country, so long as it did not conflict with the laws of England and Wales, or lead to the imposition of severe physical punishments.
Further details are available from The Guardian here and The Daily Mail here.
British Freedom’s point number seven of our 20 Point Plan exists to counter the rise of such terrible Islamic behaviour in the UK: “Halt and turn back all aspects of the Islamisation of Britain.”
Paul Weston is Chairman of the British Freedom Party.
Previous posts:
Does Moderate Islam really exist? Uh, no.
And to think they want to bring their barbaric law codes to our shores via Sharia Law.
Another shocking news, now from Lebanon, concerning women and slavery in Islam:
Mohammedanism does not have any mechanism for critical thinking or learning through argument Meaning you cannot question the Qur'an or any teachings therein (wherein the West, specifically Christianity, has evolved specifically due to apologetics and Socratic method). Ergo, "moderate Islam" simply refers to a disloyal or closet-disbelieving Mohammedan who is trying to seek a middle-ground between the Western values and society they prefer and the cultural Mohamedanism they live around.
The Sufis were the first to try to do this during the Ottoman empire, and een now they are despised by "regular" Mohammedans.
the leftist traitors who sow the wind will reap the whirlwind before too long.
Like in Christainity , a women is to marry her rapist otherwise both will go to hell.
Not new rules.
I posted this on my facebook page. Keep trying to wake lazy, comfortable, Amricans...(sarc) up.
Anonymous, please tell me of the modern Christian country which, like the modern Islamic country of Morocco, has laws currently on the books forcing a rape victim to marry her attacker.
The comments in the linked article were full of comparisons of this event to supposed OT commands. Insanity. People are so desperate to make Islam "no worse than anything else" that they blindly imagine a thousands year old reference in the Bible somehow sidelines the pitiable state of this poor girl's life and horrific death.
Laura, I'm glad you pointed out the stupidity of Anonymous' false "equivalence" between Christianity and Islam on the subject of forced marriage to one's rapist. Libs are always comparing 2012 apples to moldy centuries' old oranges and thinking they've made a point other than their own inanity. They also think one incident of terrorism by a supposed Christian (but one the terrorist did not claim to have done in the name of his religion) cancels out thousands and thousands of Muslim terrorist acts around the world slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people in the name of Allah. Liberalism is a mental disorder but spreads in cult fashion just like Islam, both depending on inability to reason.
@ Qualis Rex---Well said. The absence of the moral choices presented by 'free will' as espoused historically , most especially by Protestant Christianity, removes application of Reason from the acts of the individual. Hence, the " I was following orders" rationale of the radical Islamist is justification. In the West the "God told me to kill them all" is deemed criminal and/or delusional.
Thank you for pointing out this fundamental difference, and chasm.
It is correct to assert that Sunni more moderate than Shi’a.
However, that doesn't change the fact that both sects seek to overthrow Western Civilization and dominate the globe under the rule of Sharia Law.
If we are trying to paint a picture of Moderate Muslims in context of seeking mutual co-habitation with other global religions...
... the answer is definitely, No.
It is correct to assert that Sunni more moderate than Shi’a.
I don't know how correct that is at all. The bulk of the terrorist acts committed on this planet are done by Sunni Mohammedans. They also employ suicide bombin, whereas Shia do not (although there were isolated cases of it in the early 80's, specifically in Beirut). You can certainly find alcohol-drinking/clubbing Iranians or Turks around the world; both claiming to be "moderates", so I don't think you can make a case for Sunni or Shia being "more moderate" than the other.
P.S. @ Prospero - you "went there" didn't you : )
If you didn't read the novel The Last Moderate Muslim, you won't get it.
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