In other news, pirates are plying the waters of a lake that straddles the Rio Grande between Texas and Mexico. They rob boaters on the lake at gunpoint, and are thought to be associated with drug traffickers.
To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.
Thanks to C. Cantoni, Henrik, heroyalwhyness, Insubria, JD, KGS, Mary Abdelmassih, Paul Weston, Steen, TB, TV, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.
[This post is a stub — nothing further here!]
Miss USA Accused of Ties to Lebanon’s Hezbollah
Affirmative Action's poster boy is in the White House and it's poster girl is wearing the Miss USA crown.
The idea is “ludicrous,” said Magnus Ranstorp, a Swedish political scientist and one of the world’s leading experts on Hezbollah.
“She would be flogged if she showed up in any of Hezbollah’s neighborhoods in Beirut,” Ranstorp said.
Yet, all over America and, undoubtedly, elsewhere in the MME (Muslim Middle East), certain elements are celebrating yet another intrusion of Islam upon American traditions even as the tenets of Muslim behavior and conduct are abjectly violated by the object of their approval.
Arab-American and Muslim groups hailed Fakih’s win as a sign of the diversity of their culture and their role in American society.
Thereby demonstrating the absurd degree of moral flexibility and cognitive dissonance that is almost unique to Muslims and Muslims alone.
Yet, all over America and, undoubtedly, elsewhere in the MME (Muslim Middle East), certain elements are celebrating yet another intrusion of Islam upon American traditions even as the tenets of Muslim behavior and conduct are abjectly violated by the object of their approval.
Exactly... I think it was Wafa Sultan who wrote that the mahoundian mind doesn't miss such events as a sign that "victory for mahound and its imaginary alter-ego allah is on the march", and she mentioned Halle Berry's daughter's name and Buraq's middle name as examples that would certainly be interpreted as such by the inbred bedouin savage adherents of mahoundianism.
Well, what are they going to think, in two and a half years, when they realize that Buraq Hussein isn't going to be in power for as long as Hosni Mubarak, Qaddafi, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, Britain's leaders since Tony Blair took office (they've all been exactly like each other in their dhimmitude, haven't they) and other such tyrants have been? Oops, there goes the sign from allah, there goes the "prophecy" from its (allah's) creator mahound...
Presidents in Glass Houses Shouldn’t Throw Stones
“The Mexican constitution expressly forbids non-citizens to participate in the country’s political life,” said Waller. “Non-citizens are forbidden to participate in demonstrations or express opinions in public about domestic politics.
Something tells me that a litte reciprocity is in order. Just as we need to prohibit any further construction of mosques in America until Muslim majority countries permit the construction of churches; So should America prohibit any Mexican immigrants, or illegal aliens from that country, from participating in demonstrations or political gatherings intended to influence immigration law, especially as pertains to Mexico.
It's long overdue to begin giving these hyper-corrupt regimes a dose of their own medicine.
Imagine how quickly Mexico's government would collapse if the USA halted all remissions of money to that country by expatriates. Remember, remittances of money sent to Mexico were some 28 BILLION DOLLARS in 2007. A significant portion of that sum originated from America.
By not addressing illegal immigration, America enables Mexico's corrupt ruling class to stay in power. Were all of the young Mexican men trying to enter America turned back at the border, endemic poverty would spark a massive revolution in just a few short months.
Freed Hamas Official Calls for Deal to Free Shalit
A Hamas official freed on Thursday after four years in an Israeli prison has urged Israeli leaders to reach an agreement with his organisation to release abducted Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.
Whenever Israel is obliged to release any of these "Palestinian" terrorist scum bags, they should always make sure to drop them off in a refugee camp all dressed up in tailored three piece silk suits with pockets stuffed full of money and Havana cigars. Once they are let out of the limousine, lots of kisses should be blown their way along with shouted thanks for all of the valuable assistance provided to Mossad while they were behind bars.
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