Sunday, January 13, 2008

It’s Not the Alcohol

Regular readers know that I’m a broken record about Denmark. “Denmark the model! Blah, blah, blah, Baron — we’ve heard it all before!”

But I keep saying it because new evidence for it keeps popping up. Take, for example, this translation from the Danish sent by Henrik of Europe News. He comments:

Looks like we Danes are too dumb to be scared, or something. Here’s an item from the Danish press yesterday, an opinion piece in Jyske Vestkysten — a medium sized newspaper, and certainly MSM.

This is translated from the print version of the newspaper; no online version is available:

Henning Sørensen, chairman of Alcoholics Anonymous, believes that alcohol is the cause for the many recent attacks with knives and guns. This is hardly the situation any longer.

Even though television consciously avoids relating who are behind these — for ‘us’ — meaningless killings, we are finding out anyway. On the internet there are newspapers which do not shy away from informing about the cultural and religious background of the criminals. When this is known, it is clear that these acts are not random, it’s only random who they hit. These killings fulfill the demand of Islam to create terror, and terror among civilized people — which is used to locate the cause (blame) within themselves — makes them bend over and grant an increasing number of rights to ‘them’ from the culture in question. We already know how far we have been bending to fulfill the demands of the occupation powers for ‘special consideration’.

It is urgent that our politicians realize what many common citizens already know: We are at war! But still, we are not permitted to discriminate between ‘them’ and ‘us’.

This is a parallel development to Kosovo, which now will be separated with help from NATO and the EU. Here a culture of terror has emerged from the local population, burned their churches and monasteries, killed priests and nuns and desecrated their graves, and finally the terrorists are about to win a referendum granting the land to them.

How does this religion and this culture impact the civilized world?
- - - - - - - - -
First we put up more scanners in all airports and let the police take part in security checks at each flight departure. Then access to all seaports was banned. Pocket knives of every kind are about to be banned. Streets in our cities get video surveillance. Firemen and ambulance drivers are to be protected against assault, bus drivers gain a security guard, and certain politicians have around-the-clock protection. Teachers, doctors and nurses are assaulted on a daily basis, and social workers are requested to abide by the Sharia. Entire parts of cities are turned into no-go areas for the original population. Just as in Kosovo.

We established a minimum age of 24 years for participants in forced marriages [when returning with a bride from overseas]. A law intended solely to protect Muslim women in distress, but because of the liberal anti-discriminators it became a burden also for the Danes. Speaking of discrimination, there is no worse place than the Islamic countries themselves.

The European Union has adopted rules for the press and critical authors which makes it punishable to write articles such as this one. Brussels, the captial of the EU, is run by Muslims.

At the recent Danish elections, social security and global warming were the top subjects. Nothing was uttered about the greatest challenge we have ever faced. Islamization, sneaking in everywhere. Juries in Århus and employees in Pentagon! People do not know what they are doing. They accept mosques, the charging stations of terrorism. The fear of contradicting the representatives of what the Middle Ages would have rejected.

Sure, it ain’t polite to distinguish between them and us.

We must understand that it really is: THEM OR US!

Peaceful coexistence is banned in the Quran. That’s why.

Yours sincerely
Poul Berg


Anonymous said...

Can someone from Denmark please provide links to articles about these attacks? I have heard of them also from a pal in Denmark, but could not find much news in English online. Apparently Muslims are attacking native Danes in order to steal petty items such as cellphones, jackets, even stocking caps.

Henrik R Clausen said...

Veritas Universalis frequently posts these stories. Look for blog items marked 'Kulturberigelse' ('cultural enrichment'). There are quite a few of these, and the MSM usually edits out any comment about ethnicity.

My impression is that the criminals don't systematically target native Danes. It might be the other way round, that they abstain from targeting (at least some) immigrants, which is a subtle difference.

Yes, there's a lot of petty crime. A lot of hard crime over drug dealing, too, And stoning of police, firemen etc. that enter certain zones. Fortunately not nearly as many as in France.

laller said...

Actually Queen, the guy who was murdered for his "stocking cap" wasn't an ethnic dane. Atleast, on the pictures and video I've seen of him, he appears dark-skinned. Could be a mulatto(dunno if that's an offensive term in todays PC world?) I suppose. Either way, it doesn't change the fact that it was a heinous crime; killing someone over a stocking cap...

I'll agree with Henrik that it doesn't appear to systematic targetting of ethnic Danes. Ofcourse, it's hard to say for sure as there are no statistical or scientific reports on the subject, and the newsmedia rarely touches on the ethnicity of the victim(s)(much rarer than revealing the ethnicity of perpetrators, and usually only when the crime is believed to be racially motivated).

Exile said...

I put my two cents worth in today. I don't think a ban on knives will help.
It's here, if you're interested.

Henrik R Clausen said...

"I don't think a ban on knives will help."

Oh, it will. We aready have a ban on any form of knife that'll be used in combat. Now mainly criminal or violent types carry knifes, which helps them tremendously when settling their 'busineess affairs'.

We're now also mowing towards banning tiny swiss army knives etc. That would give us a further false sense of security. But at least 'something' will be done.

What we need, of course, is a culture where people are not tempted to carry knives. But that's quite a way off, I guess.

Zenster said...

How does this religion and this culture impact the civilized world?

Like an effing asteroid. The bigger question is: How does it not impact the civilized world? Islam is so contrary to modern civilization that it represents nothing less than a drastically retrograde force.

Again, I'll repeat an oft asked question:


Give any answers you may come up with. I can assure you, there are disproofs for all of them.

laller: I'll agree with Henrik that it doesn't appear to systematic targetting of ethnic Danes.

What does it matter? The fact remains that a vast number of these attacks are carried out by Muslims. It represents the intentional importation of a culture of violence into a peaceful one. What's more, it forces the Danes to begin accepting violence as an ordinary Muslim trait and therefore something that would be "Islamophobic" to object against.

Of even greater importance is the pervading atmosphere of danger and threat, all of which is a form of low-level terrorism and jihad. This is nothing less than Islam seeking to dismantle the orderly and tolerant structure of Danish culture so as to break down any future resistance against Muslim domination.

Henrik: We aready have a ban on any form of knife that'll be used in combat. Now mainly criminal or violent types carry knifes, which helps them tremendously when settling their 'busineess affairs'.

We're now also mowing towards banning tiny swiss army knives etc. That would give us a further false sense of security. But at least 'something' will be done.

Do you not see the immense folly of this? Violent individuals will think nothing of carrying an easily concealed knife with which to continue their criminal activities. Regular people will be disarmed and unable to protect themselves against such thugs. Disarmament NEVER works. What would have happened if—after WWII ended—America had unilaterally decommissioned its entire nuclear arsenal, including the means to build new atomic weapons?

We all know damn well that every single one of us would be living under communism. Disarmament is never the answer. Armed resistance is the only way to greet such an outright assault upon your society. Your approach makes you wholly reliant upon response by the state. So far, your state is so busy surrendering to Islam whereby there is absolutely ZERO assurance that the police will even pursue Muslim criminals, much less do so in an aggressive fashion.

You are making the fatal mistake of serving your government when it should be serving you. This is the crucial lesson that Europe has yet to learn: That government must serve the people and not otherwise.

Henrik R Clausen said...

Crap, good question about a redeeming feature of Islam.

I read books by Robert Spencer, Andrew Bostom, Serge Trifkovic, Daniel Pipes, Thomas F. Madden, Craig Winn, Taner Akcam, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Sam Solomon, Mark A. Gabriel, Al-Tabari, Ibn Ishaq, Marjane Satrapi, Dore Gold, Rachel Ehrenfeld, Sam Harris and more.

Probably my best shot is that infanticide is banned.

Otherwise, I'm still at loss. Somehow, my stack of unread books (Bat Ye'or, Andrew Bostom, Spencer again, etc) doesn't look like it'll come up with something good.

Something not in Islam proper, but provoked by it, is our will to stand for our values and civilization. But that can hardly be credited to Islam directly.


Henrik R Clausen said...

Zenster, I think if you re-read my post about knifes, you'll see that, in an underhanded fashion, I absolutely agree with you. I wrote about a complete ban:

That would give us a further false sense of security.

Further, here's a letter I had printed in International Herald Tribune last November:

The right to bear arms
Regarding the article "EU legislators push tougher gun controls" (Nov. 29): The enigma of school shoot-outs is haunting. Yet, the proposed tightening of gun ownership seems too strict a measure. With youth rioting escalating, as just witnessed in France, we need the option to defend ourselves, especially when the police are unwilling or unable to do the job.

Made myself clear?

Diamed said...

Islam has many good qualities, it's superior to the socialist hellhole of Europe, through sheer darwinian practicality.

Islam encourages people to fight and die for the greater community, Europe does not. It couldn't form an army if it tried, and it runs away from every fight.

Islam encourages women to stay home and have children. Europe does not. If you're lucky some feminist sophisticate will pop out one baby and call it quits, saying it's too fatiguing and hurts her waistline blah blah.

Islam has a sense of destiny and purpose, atheist Europe is awash in anomie and hedonism.

In fact every argument you could make against Islam is preposterous in the face of Europe's own slavish impotence. "take out the beam in your own eye before criticizing the mote in the other's eye."

Zenster said...

Henrik: Probably my best shot is that infanticide is banned.

If you believe that murdering a pregnant woman is double homicide, then you'll need to retool that statement. Just how many pregnant Muslim teenagers do you think are the victims of so-called "honor" killings?

That would give us a further false sense of security.

I saw that and hoped it was what you meant. Thank you for clarifying. A ban on knives is a Really Bad Idea™.

Diamed: Islam has many good qualities, it's superior to the socialist hellhole of Europe, through sheer darwinian practicality.

That certainly explains how Europe spawned the printed word, an industrial revolution, gave birth to the scientific method and is home to a company (Nokia), whose revenues of five billion dollars somehow manages to equal the entire combined industrial exports of the MME (Muslim Middle East). As to "Darwinian practicality": I'm confident that old Chuck would have less than kind words for a culture that practices consanguinious marriage to such an extent that mental retardation and other serious birth defects are an enormous issue throughout the MME.

Islam encourages people to fight and die for the greater community, Europe does not. It couldn't form an army if it tried, and it runs away from every fight.

If by "fight and die", you mean to strap on a bomb vest and murder innocent people, then maybe you're right. If by "fight and die" you mean to intentionally launch rockets at shoolbuses and children on their way to class, then maybe you're right. If by "fight and die" you mean how the combined Arab nations continue to lose war after war to tiny Israel, then you would be quite obviously wrong. I fail to see how that would be very encouraging to an Islamic soldier of any stripe. Consider the following:

ARABIC-SPEAKING ARMIES have been generally ineffective in the modern era. Egyptian regular forces did poorly against Yemeni irregulars in the 1960s. Syrians could only impose their will in Lebanon during the mid-1970s by the use of overwhelming weaponry and numbers. Iraqis showed ineptness against an Iranian military ripped apart by revolutionary turmoil in the 1980s and could not win a three-decades-long war against the Kurds. The Arab military performance on both sides of the 1990 Kuwait war was mediocre. And the Arabs have done poorly in nearly all the military confrontations with Israel.

Diamed: Islam encourages women to stay home and have children.

Only if you can call being a physically abused, imprisoned and illiterate broodmare some sort of encouragement. Also, having children who clamor to kill themselves for Allah represents one of the most heinous forms of child abuse in existence.

Islam devours its young.

Few more dire condemnations can be made of a belief system. The first assassination attempt on Benazir Bhutto's life involved an infant strapped into a carseat loaded with dynamite. Having children doesn't stand for much when they are nothing but cannon fodder. Plus, Islamic backwardness is responsible for killing masses of children each day. Be it through simple starvation, refusal to have them inocculated for polio or a host of other Neanderthal practices, it is difficult in the extreme to praise how Islam values its children.

Islam has a sense of destiny and purpose, atheist Europe is awash in anomie and hedonism.

When that "sense of destiny and purpose" involves the desire to violently take over the entire world while destroying a thousand years of art, music, literature and architecural monuments, such aspirations are not just objectionable in the extreme but evil in the most basic definition of the word. The Muslim dream is everybody else's nightmare. That's damningly faint praise for Islam.

In fact every argument you could make against Islam is preposterous in the face of Europe's own slavish impotence. "take out the beam in your own eye before criticizing the mote in the other's eye."

I'm not European, I'm an American and somehow we in the USA DO NOT have the problem of Europeans flying fully loaded passenger jet airliners into occupied skyscrapers. That sort of unimaginable evil seems to be the almost exclusive domain of Islam and its followers. While Europe may have a host of problems, most of them create issues largely for the Europeans themselves. As Winston Churchill noted:

The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.
[emphasis added]

Islam continues to be one of the most barbaric, savage and viciously enforced totalitarian tyrannies on earth. Wherever it attains power time stands still and the victim culture stagnates into putrescence. Islam's political agenda is nothing short of Global Cultural Genocide and pretending otherwise does nobody any good, least of all Muslims. The Koran's doctrine of hatred, genocide and bigotry will one day bring a rain of destruction upon all Muslims. It is destined for history's scrap heap and most likely will carry the bulk of this world's Muslim population along with it to its grave.

I find very little, if nothing, about that to be praiseworthy.

Zenster said...

Broken link: Here is the URL for Atkine's article:

Why Arabs Lose Wars

Charlemagne said...

We had a discussion some weeks ago about an "island strategy" and some receptiveness toward Denmark being the first island in the campaign. Can we discuss developing and implementing a strategy for helping the danish resistance?

Zenster said...

Charlemagne: Can we discuss developing and implementing a strategy for helping the danish resistance?

For starters:

Send them the full video (with subtitles) and a complete translated transcript of Ezra Levant's Motoon dustup with the Canadian HRC.

Translate into Danish all of Robert Spencer's books.

Get some Danish-speaking American lawyers to exhaustively analyse all pertinent Danish law for loopholes and exceptions regarding exceptions to protected religious speech. Us them to begin nailing Islamic clerics for inciting violence and other legal violations.

Subtitle and distribute DVDs of the movie, "Obsession - Radical Islam's War Against the West".

Henrik R Clausen said...

"We had a discussion some weeks ago about an "island strategy" and some receptiveness toward Denmark being the first island in the campaign."

Charlemagne, your appreciation is much appreciated.

While support is good, I suggest to give it where it's needed. Here in Denmark we already know quite a bit about Muhammad and Jihad, that when he's mentioned, people often go "Enough of that paedophile pirate" or something like it.

Support is needed elsewhere. Today in Austria:


Tomorrow it'll be somewhere else. We need to react where the action is, rather than pitch our hopes on Denmark to fix everything :)

What we could really use is a 2nd island. Flanders might be a good choice.

sludge said...

Hehe, it was just yesterday, that Finnish mainstream media reported that number of killings jumped almost 20% last year. Reasons for this included everything between alcohol, mental problems and video games. It was also shortly mentioned, that there are growing numbers of knives on the streets, but ofcourse no reason for this was mentioned. Video games? ;)

PapaBear said...

The problem with banning knives is the asymmetry between defender and attacker.

The defender needs to be armed at all times to defend against an attack which can occur at some unknown time.

The aggressor only needs to become armed just before he decides to take down a victim

Baron Bodissey said...

Zenster --

It would not be a terribly cost-effective enterprise to do massive translations into Danish from English. Most Danes who are fully literate are also literate in English (the same is true for Sweden and Norway).

Subtitling for short movies wouldn't be a bad idea, but right now the time and expense involved in translating entire books could probably be better spent in other activities.

Zenster said...

Word, PapaBear.

Baron: Subtitling for short movies wouldn't be a bad idea, but right now the time and expense involved in translating entire books could probably be better spent in other activities.

Agreed, I'm just throwing ideas into the ring. As someone who prizes innovative approaches to situations, I try to contribute by suggesting methods and techniques. My contributions over at the 910 forum should underline that.

I do think that getting the "Obsession" movie subtitled into all the major European languages should be a top priority. If anything, it is the less cosmopolitan and non-English speaking citizens who are least aware of the threat. Moreover, those same "rustics" might well prove to be far more immune to multiculturalism's siren call.

Diamed said...

From Darwin's point of view, he doesn't really care how much money people make or what culture or virtue people have, Darwin is interested in preserving and multiplying your genes. The population of the native Europeans is plummeting while the population of the muslim invaders is multiplying, this makes Islam superior to Europe. If you were in an ecology class and you were asked which was the superior breed of flora or fauna, the one dying out or the one spreading across the world and multiplying, what answer would you give?

I grant entirely your description of Islam, I also grant that Europeans are less violent, more productive, etc. Who cares? Europe is driving itself into extinction while Islam is growing and spreading, this couldn't be a more clear cut case of survival of the fittest.

Charlemagne said...

I would use a different analogy than Darwin; an aggressive disease attacking the body of a person with a weakened immune system. Western culture is the body and the post WWII psychological malaise brought on by shame and guilt manifested in political correctness is the weakened immune system. To fight this disease the West needs to break the back of political correctness and regain confidence in itself.

. said...

(sigh) More Kosovo lies and distortions.

Kosovo would still be an autonomous province of Serbia if it weren't for Slobodan Milosevic and the Serbian supremacist ethnic cleansers.

They are reaping what they sow. The rest of the world is not going to turn over Kosovo back to them so that they can re-engage their policy of Albanian ethnic cleansing.

The only hope for Kosovo now is world recognition of its independence, and work within it to build up a stable, Western state that some day can apply for membership in the European Union, along with Serbia itself.

Anonymous said...

The lesson of Kosovo is that VIOLENCE WORKS.

When white Westerners finally wake up to the fact that discussion and debate alone will NOT save our civilisation, maybe then we will make some progress.

It's time to act.

My group is contributing funds and materiel to Serbian patriot groups who are planning on targeting the Kosovo authorities, should unilateral independence on the part of Albanian Muslims ensue. Things are going to get really interesting in that part of the world.

Henrik R Clausen said...

Zenster, we actually have a team working on subtitling "What The West Needs to Know", which is somewhat similar to Obsession.

At the moment we're doing German, Finnish (done), Polish, Hungarian and a couple others.

The resulting movies will be posted to YouTube etc.

Zenster said...

Diamed: Darwin is interested in preserving and multiplying your genes.

What good is it when those genes are heavily damaged by inbreeding? Hemophilia, retardation, significantly higher first-year child mortality, delayed acquisition of locomotor coordination or verbal communication ability, reduced fertility in female adults, increased chance of premature death and higher rates of disabled offspring all represent exceptionally poorly preserved genes.

What use is either preserving or multiplying such badly damaged gene stock?

The population of the native Europeans is plummeting while the population of the muslim invaders is multiplying, this makes Islam superior to Europe.

That doesn't matter much when Islam continues to poke a nuclear armed West with its pointed Muslim stick. All indications are that the entire MME (Muslim Middle East) is going to vanish into nuclear plasma after enough terrorist atrocities have been commited. To me, that indicates how the Koran prohibitively decreases Muslim survival rates. There's not much good in being more fertile—damaged genes notwithstanding—if your death cult is busily marching you over history's precipice like so many lemmings.

I grant entirely your description of Islam

Then why did you attempt to argue it with so many patently false attributions? If you knowingly did this, you are either engaged in taqiyya or being a troll. Which is it?

Who cares?

If you hadn't noticed, quite a few participants here at Gates of Vienna care rather deeply about the outcome of Europe's clash with Islam. Your callous attitude is both discourteous and supportive of a viciously barbaric enemy.

Europe is driving itself into extinction while Islam is growing and spreading, this couldn't be a more clear cut case of survival of the fittest.

Europe has much greater chances of surviving its self-induced socialist morass than Muslims—faced as they are with death penalties for apostasy and blasphemy—have of escaping their hidebound and immutable ijtihad-free death cult. Islamic madmen are assuring that vast portions of this world's Muslim population will perish before another deacde or two passes. I do not call that survival-oriented.