Saturday, September 03, 2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/3/2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/3/2011The German foreign ministry has announced that it will not take part in the Durban III anti-racism conference in New York, which is coming up in New York later this month. The Germans are afraid that some of the participants in the conference will use the occasion to engage in more anti-Semitic agitation and propaganda.

Meanwhile, new documentary evidence emerging from the debris in Tripoli indicates that MI6 and the British government worked closely with Col. Muammar Ghaddafi from the 1970s until earlier this year.

In other news, a California man was arrested for biting his friend’s pet python when he (the biter) was drunk. He may face a charge of “unlawfully maiming or mutilating a reptile”.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Insubria, JP, KGS, Kitman, McR, RE, Rembrandt, Thom Jefferson, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

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Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.