In other news, an Italian helicopter was fired upon by Somali pirates when it was on an anti-piracy patrol along the Somali coast. Its fuel tank was pierced, forcing it to return to the destroyer from which it had taken off. No one was injured.
To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.
Thanks to C. Cantoni, Caroline Glick, CSP, Diana West, Insubria, Jedilson Bonfim, JP, KGS, Kitman, Nick, RE, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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Did the Italians do anything about it? Like shoot back? Or did they just limp home?
I realize you can't do much with a leaking fuel tank, but just limping home with no return response just encourages the pirate attacks.
Ref: UK: Hundreds of Muslim Youths Could be Trained as Stewards After Success of Anti-EDL Protest
So our answer to Islamic aggression is to place a bunch of young impressionable young Muslim men in charge of public security... outside the umbrella of trained police response...
... anyone see a problem with that?
It reminds me of the Rolling Stones having the Hell's Angels as their security at Altamont.
Different day, same arrangement.
Sympathy for the devil.
If/When there is an Indian Government with the stones to not "Take IT" after one of these attacks - Pakistan Beware!
Dr. Shalit
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