The English Defence League has posted a commemoration of 9-11 in solidarity with its American cousins:
September 11th 2011
This year, as last, Tommy Robinson had every intention of travelling to America for the 9/11 memorial. However, due to his recent incarceration as a political prisoner arising from ridiculous and exaggerated charges placed on him by the UK’s once enviable justice system, his chances of gaining a visa permitting travel to the USA are probably nil.It is with great regret that he is unable to travel to commemorate the solemn anniversary. Our hearts go out to our cousins. We always have and always will stand in solidarity with you for we continue to share a common goal; the struggle against Radical Islam.
We will never forget all those lives lost on a day when followers of Radical Islam took so many innocent lives just as they did in London on 7/7.
Due to the restrictions on travelling to the USA, the EDL will always welcome our American friends to meet with us in England.
We’d like to close by remembering the words of our greatest leader and English man, Sir Winston Churchill, that aptly described a fight our two nations joined forces in decades ago, and which are just as apposite now:
We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land, and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be.
We will never forget, we will never forgive, we will be unwavering in our struggle and we will never surrender to the dark forces of radical Islam, not now not ever!
> We will never forget,
> we will never forgive, ...
Never forgetting is OK. In fact, it is good for us to remember, so that we do not allow ourselves to become victimized again.
But never forgiving will consign us to the same hell to which the Muslims are destined!
% For if you forgive others for
% their transgressions, your
% heavenly Father will also
% forgive you. But if you do not
% forgive others, then your
% Father will not forgive your
% transgressions. (Mt 6:14-15)
Are we Christians? Then let us act like Christians. Let us humbly and sacrificially forgive, just as Jesus humbly and sacrificially forgave us.
You can't fight the evil of Islam by becoming evil yourself. You fight evil with Goodness and Beauty and Truth and Sacrifice and Forgiveness. You fight evil with Love.
Not all of us are Christians....
When Jihad lays down it's arms and apologises for it's millennia of wars of aggressive conquest, I'd consider forgiving Islam for it sins. I'm not holding my breath.
I'm not sure the more liberal wings of modern, enlightened Christianity are well equipped to know what to do with pure evil any more.
Perhaps I'll ask this as a question to those better versed in Christian theology: does enlightened Christianity asks its followers to forgive those WHO DO NOT SEEK forgiveness and show NO REMORSE for their evil deeds? Does not one have to "accept Jesus" in order for his act of sacrifice to be recognised as providing forgiveness for one's own sins? Is that not what is meant by the (many) "Jesus Saves" signs I recently saw while driving through the deep south?
> I'm not sure the more liberal
> wings of modern, enlightened
> Christianity are well equipped
> to know what to do with pure
> evil any more.
There is no such thing as "pure evil". Evil is the lack of some good which ought to exist. Evil is a privation. Pure evil, therefore, would be the complete absence of anything! (See Saint Augustine for more details.)
Whilst there is no such thing as pure evil, there *Is* such a Thing as Pure Good.
> does enlightened Christianity
> asks its followers to forgive
> forgiveness and show NO
> REMORSE for their evil deeds?
Yes, of course! If we do not forgive others for sinning against us, then neither will God forgive us! (Mt 6:14-15)
In fact, in the Lord's Prayer, we pray, "forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us". We specifically ask God to forgive us in the very same manner as we forgive those who have harmed us.
> Does not one have to "accept
> Jesus" in order for his act of
> sacrifice to be recognised as
> providing forgiveness for one's
> own sins?
Perhaps not! (What about a baby, baptized, who has not yet committed personal sin on his own account? Note that 1 Pet 3:21 indicates that, in some sense, baptism *saves* you [just like the Ark saved Noah]. A baby can be baptized, and thus saved, but cannot yet "accept" Jesus.)
However, one certainly *cannot reject* Jesus, especially if you know that Jesus is God, and His sacrifice and perfect life stand to atone as a propitiation for your sins.
Look: this is all about Love. God loves you. God loves all of us. And He made us to love. He made us not only so that He could love us, but so that *we* could also *self-sacrificially love* each other, and Him.
Love wins in the end. Love is raised from the dead. Evil cannot conquer love -- not True Love.
No matter how bleak it may appear, no matter how strong the forces of evil and hate and Islam may appear, they are weak and powerless against that which appears to be *even more* weak and powerless: Love and Forgiveness.
Give it a try.
There will be justice in the end. Trust. Believe.
Your job, and my job, is to Love, and Forgive. If only you would try, you would see.
It worked for Ghandi, and he wasn't even a Christian! It will work for you also, *even if* they cut your head off.
Do not misunderstand me. Please do keep on speaking out against evil. Do not shut up. But you don't need to defeat Islam. Islam has *already* been defeated. They just don't know it yet. They will learn. Hopefully, it won't be too late for them. After all, God loves them. Do you?
Lord Have Mercy!!
Brian, as a catholic, I can tell you that my faith does not ask me to tolerate irredeemable evil but to stand and fight it.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that we have to turn our eyes away from vice and corruption and let it slide in the name of keeping the peace and having people like us.
The islamic view of my Lord Jesus is anathema to me, but I'm not supposed to say anything lest I offend those who believe it.
I put up with atheists making smart arse remarks about loonies in dresses and sky fairies, but they are not pursuing a course that would have me put to death in another country for speaking out.
I pray for guidance, and for God to help me with the forgiving of my enemies, such as those who believe little girls should be genitally cut and then married by puberty so that they can't fall into evil ways like talking to boys.
I pray that God will bring to Him those who have a chink in the hardened armour of their hatred so that they can shine a light into the darkness that is their world.
People like Walid Shoebat, like Dr. Daniel Shayester, a former Iranian revolutionary.
If they can see the light, then so can others.
But in the meantime, don't ask me to stop and let the jihadi juggernaut run me down.
/rant over
I have to agree with Brian of London, "humbly and sacrificially forgive, just as Jesus humbly and sacrificially forgave us." is suicide when faced with people who do not give a damn whether you forgive them.
They despise you as their leader Muhammed despised the christians and the jews.
But never mind, while they merely despise you, your beliefs, your forgiveness and your mercy, they really, really hate us atheists!
Meet Ben.....
A man who likes to make UAF videos, about a single female being beaten up, as seen earlier on this blog,via "Vlad Tepes"...
How is "Tommy Robinson" a "political prisoner"? He's not even in gaol. This is a gross insult to the genuinely courageous people in real dictatorships and real police states who are rotting in real gaols and being tortured with real electric cattle prods, with no real access to justice, let alone the media. How dare they claim that somebody who was arrested for violent disorder and football hooliganism is a "political prisoner"!
"How dare they claim "
Well I dare - he's a political prisoner
What does the 'how' mean if you violate the dare?
Mad Morgan
...and in this country you can be arrested for 'violent disorder' without even leaving your house.
When you are in a fight, hate is more useful than love.
Mad Morgan
North Korea is as real as a police state gets. Barring a Nuclear holocaust, do you doubt that in a 100 years Koreans will exist?
What do you think the chances are that the native English people will exist in 100 years?
Did the native people of England ever give their consent to the changes in their state which will lead to their extinction?
If they publicly speak out against these changes and try to resist them are they beaten and arrested?
What is more "real" than annihilation.
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