Saturday, August 13, 2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/13/2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/13/2011International playboy and billionaire George Soros blames German Chancellor Angela Merkel for the Eurozone debt crisis. He says her indecision is what caused the loss of confidence in the euro, and he believes that bailing out debtor countries like Greece was a mistake.

In other news, British Historian David Starkey is in hot water after saying on the BBC’s live Newsnight program that Enoch Powell was right. He also said the attitudes and tendencies of the young rioters in the recent disturbances had been borrowed from black “gangsta” culture, regardless of the race of the criminals.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Gaia, Insubria, JP, Kitman, Nilk, Paul Green, Rembrandt, The Midget, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.


Zenster said...

International playboy and billionaire George Soros blames German Chancellor Angela Merkel for the Eurozone debt crisis. He says her indecision is what caused the loss of confidence in the euro, and he believes that bailing out debtor countries like Greece was a mistake.

The chickens are coming home to roost for Merkel's repudiation of Multiculturalism.

As to "bailing out debtor countries like Greece" being a "mistake"; what other alternative was there? Adoption of the Euro made normal corrective actions impossible, such as routine currency devaluation of the Greek drachma.

More and more, the EU resembles a flotilla of already leaky boats lashing themselves together in the vain hope of remaining afloat. Somehow, they have convinced themselves that each slowly submerging vessel can be addressed in turn, even as the entire group is dragged down further below the waterline.

Socialism is the dead weight that should have been jettisoned long ago. Instead, in a case of profound group denial, the entire EU ignores root causes and slaps yet another layer of band-aids onto the major hull breach of unsustainable social benefit programs.

Zenster said...

In other news, British Historian David Starkey is in hot water after saying on the BBC’s live Newsnight program that Enoch Powell was right. He also said the attitudes and tendencies of the young rioters in the recent disturbances had been borrowed from black “gangsta” culture, regardless of the race of the criminals. [emphasis added]

Everyone please note how (c)rap music is a favored vehicle for scads of terrorist propaganda. This intersection of thug life and Neanderthal brutality is no coincidence. After all, how many al Qaeda press releases are set to opera?

The appeal which (c)rap music's gangsta culture holds for Islamic terrorists is in direct proportion to that genre's concomitant disrespect of women, glorification of predatory criminality and denigration of law-abiding conduct.

Factor in the near-caustic disregard of Britain's political elite for that nation's indigenous commoners and there emerges a howling void of true leadership by example which can only serve to encourage the very worst sort of criminal elements.

David Starkey is right on the money.

goethechosemercy said...

Enoch Powell was right and ridiculed in his time.
And he is becoming more right every day.
Not because people are becoming racists, but because people are seeing their differences more clearly.

Anonymous said...

How ridiculous, the reactions to Starkey's remarks..and how hypocritical! As if it really wère tabu to speak of black culture..
Even if the rightly guided old biddies of all ages who would see an end to Starkey's career over this trifle really mean it when they say that they would not ever use or think of a concept like 'black culture', they are preposterous prudes.
A career ending event, indeed..!
On a more helpful note: maybe if what mister Starkey means were spelled the right way the offence would not be so insurmountable?
Because cool blacks call what was meant in this connotation 'culcha'. It's a black thing dude - not something white squares would understand.. :-)

Againstmohammedism said...

Zenster stated,

"Socialism is the dead weight that should have been jettisoned long ago. Instead, in a case of profound group denial, the entire EU ignores root causes and slaps yet another layer of band-aids onto the major hull breach of unsustainable social benefit programs."

True. I believe most sensible people will recognize this as fact.


"David Starkey is right on the money."

I couldn't agree with you more. (c)Rap music is violent and misogynistic. I know there are those who will defend it but there is no defense unless you're into supporting a heinous form of misogyny accompanied by steadfast cultural debasement. Even Charles Manson has his followers (and supporters) to this very day.

1389 said...

Enoch Powell documentary HERE.

I agree - Enoch Powell was right!