Friday, December 04, 2009

1937 and All That

Free Geert banner

Heads up, everyone! On January 20th, 2010 the show trial of the century will begin.

Actually, “show trial” is not really an accurate description. Stalin’s hapless victims in the late 1930s were beaten on the soles of their feet with iron bars to make them confess to fabricated charges. In contrast, Geert Wilders is facing trial for making statements in public, in print, or in his movie Fitna. The words in question are incontestably his. What he said — when not his simple opinion — is indisputably true.

But the truth is no defense, and Geert Wilders will have to pay for his manifold sins against Multiculturalism.

This operation doesn’t rise to the level of “railroading”. The legal procedures in this farrago would have to improve several orders of magnitude just to reach the status of “kangaroo court”.

Mr. Wilders has now received his official summons from District Court Office of the Public Prosecutor, PO Box 84500, postcode 1080 BN, Amsterdam:

I hereby summon you to on Wednesday 20 January 2010 at 09:00 o’clock appear as the accused at the hearing of the three-judge criminal division in the district of Amsterdam, Parnassusweg 220, in order to be tried on that which is specified below.

I refer to the notices under 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 on the reverse side of this page.

A notice of objection submitted by you will be handled on the date and time as specified in the summons. In case of dismissal the Court can directly proceed with deliberation of the case.

                                               The Public Prosecutor
                                               [illegible signature]

His offending words are alleged to have contravened Articles 137c and 137d of the Dutch Penal Code (for more on these articles, see here and here):

The aforementioned summoned person is charged with the fact that


he, on one or more dates in or about the period from 8 August 2007 up to and including 27 March 2008, in The Hague and/or Amsterdam and/or (elsewhere in) the Netherlands, on multiple occasions, at least once, (each time) in public, orally, in writing or through images, intentionally offended a group of people, i.e. Muslims, based on their religion, by (each time) intentionally in

  • De Volkskrant and/or
  • on the internet on the website (in the film Fitna)

placing (having placed) and/or showing (having showed) and/or having heard one or more texts and/or images and/or footage and/or audio fragments with the following content:

[iterated quotes]

- - - - - - - - -
he, on one or more dates in or about the period from 7 October 2006 up to and including 27 March 2008, in The Hague and/or Amsterdam and/or (elsewhere in) the Netherlands, on multiple occasions, at least once, (each time) in public, orally, in writing or through images, incited to hatred of people, i.e. Muslims, based on their religion, by (each time) in

  • De Volkskrant and/or
  • De Pers and/or
  • Dagblad De Limburger-Limburgs Dagblad and/or on the internet
  • on the website and/or and/or
  • on the website of Radio Nederland Wereldomroep and/or the Wereldomroep and/or
  • on the website (in the film Fitna)

placing (having placed) and/or showing (having showed) and/or having heard one or more texts and/or images and/or footage and/or audio fragments with the following content:

[iterated quotes]


he, on one or more dates in or about the period from 7 October 2006 up to and including 27 March 2008, in The Hague and/or Amsterdam and/or (elsewhere in) the Netherlands, on multiple occasions, at least once, (each time) in public, orally, in writing or through images, incited to discrimination, within the meaning of article 90 quarter of the Dutch Criminal Code, against people, i.e. Muslims, based on their religion, by (each time) in

  • De Volkskrant and/or
  • De Pers and/or
  • Dagblad De Limburger-Limburgs Dagblad and/or on the internet
  • on the website and/or and/or
  • on the website of Radio Nederland Wereldomroep and/or the Wereldomroep and/or
  • on the website (in the film Fitna)

placing (having placed) and/or showing (having showed) and/or having heard one or more texts and/or images and/or footage and/or audio fragments with the following content:

[iterated quotes]


The full text of the summons is posted at Jihad Watch for those who are interested.

Below are some notable excerpts from the list of Geert Wilders’ most heinous crimes. First, a quote from — gasp! — Oriana Fallaci:

‘A moderate Islam does not exist. It does not exist because there is no distinction between Good Islam and Bad Islam. There is Islam and that is it. And Islam means the Quran and nothing but the Quran. And the Quran is the Mein Kampf of a religion that intends to eliminate others and that refers to those others — non-Muslims — as unfaithful dogs, inferior beings. Read the Quran, this Mein Kampf, again. In whatever version, you will see that all the evil that the sons of Allah commit to us and themselves originates from this book (Oriana Fallaci, The Force of Reason, post-script, page 305, February 2006).’

Then a few statements that are quite unremarkable by the Islamophobic standards of this blog:

‘The core of the problem is the fascist Islam, the sick ideology of Allah and Mohammed as laid down in the Islamic Mein Kampf: the Quran. The texts from the Quran leave little to imagination.’


‘The demographic composition of the population is the biggest problem of the Netherlands. I am talking about what comes to the Netherlands and what reproduces here. If you look at the figures and the development therein* Muslims will move from the big cities to the country. We must stop the tsunami of the Islamisation. This hits us in the heart, in our identity, in our culture. If we do not defend ourselves all other points from my programme will appear to be useless.’


‘Of course. 99 percent of the people who came to live there are of an Islamic origin.’


‘Absolutely. The figures show this. One out of five Moroccan youngsters is registered with the police as a suspect. Their behaviour derives from their religion and culture. You cannot consider these two facts separately. The other day the Pope was completely right: the Islam is a violent religion. Islam means submission and conversion of non-Muslims. This interpretation rules in the living rooms of these problematic youngsters, in the mosques. It has been embedded in this community itself.’


‘We have a gigantic problem with Muslims, in every respect it is going too far, and we present solutions that cannot even get a mouse to come out of its hole.’

Mr. Wilders also lays out some simple prescriptions for actions that might save his country:

‘Everybody adapts to our dominant culture. Who does not do so will no longer be here in twenty years time. They will be deported.’


‘We want enough. Close the borders, no more Islamics in the Netherlands, many Muslims deported from the Netherlands, denaturalisation of Islamic criminals.’


‘This book incites to hatred and murder, and does therefore not fit in our legal system. If Muslims want to participate they must renounce this Quran. I understand this is much to ask, but we must stop making concessions.’

But I suspect that quotes such as the following are what made the ruling class call out the gendarmes to put the collar on the Nefarious Blond:

‘The Netherlands as Islamic mission country. If a terrorist like Mohammed B. could yet not be stopped, the tactics of penetration, propaganda, conversion and demographic change will indeed prove to be successful if the cowardly political elite from VVD to PvdA and from SP to CDA and their European equivalents continue to remain silent about it and denounce and demonise those who are not. There is enough Islam in Europe and in the Netherlands. The PVV will oppose this third Islamic invasion attempt with man and might.’


‘The Hague is filled with cowardly folks. Scared people who were born cowardly and will die cowardly. Who feel and stimulate that the Dutch culture is founded on a Jewish-Christian-Islamic tradition. Who issue a general pardon to liars and criminals.’

If statements such as these are actionable, then all of this blog’s contributors and most of its readers would risk arrest if they set foot in the Netherlands.

Our culture is swirling rapidly down the toilet. Our inner cities have become ungovernable nests of violence and criminality. The standards of civilized behavior that have maintained our societies for centuries are being systematically dismantled in our governments, our universities, our media, and all our major public institutions.

And now we become criminals if we dare even to discuss courses of action that might put a halt to civilizational suicide.

The gloves are off. As Diana West says:

The Wilders summons is the perfect dhimmi document, a shameful manifestation of the extent to which Islamic legal restrictions against criticizing Islam have been incorporated into a submissive Dutch justice system.


If this man goes to prison — unthinkable, yes, but possible in these nightmare days — there is no heart, no identity no culture left.


Homophobic Horse said... 1

Dostoyevsky said: "Man has such a predilection for systems and abstract deductions that he is ready to distort the truth intentionally, he is ready to deny the evidence of his senses only to justify his logic."

In Hoc Signo Vinces† said... 2

Geert Wilders case is high profile it should also be highlighted that thousands of ordinary people have been prosecuted and imprisoned by what are thought crimes.

There is also the fear, indoctrination and intimidation, even the children in Scottish schools know they have to be careful how they express themselves as a contribution or comment in say modern, religious or social studies could attract a prosecution.

Geert Wilders must win this case.

boru said... 3

I'm imagining millions of free people converging on the prison where Mr.Wilders would be held (if found guilty) and bustin' him out to freedom. Would that be too much to expect of ourselves?..or would the acceptance of defeat and fear be the "cause du jour" while we cower in our regret of conformance to inane persecution?
It seems "mob rule" is the only law that matters these days. It's no wonder Geert Wilders is easy pickins for these dhimmi hacks.

Anonymous said... 4

What is disgusting is the fact that he isn't sued for libelous claims, which would be understandable. He is sued for saying the truth. To be honest, if the next step is putting people in jail for holding material that is offensive to the Muslims, then we will be back under the Soviet legal system. I'm thinking about how dangerous it is that during communism people here admired the West in the hope that it's better, which undoubtedly it was, but this might lead to an easy move towards the cultural Marxism of the West, which would be sad.

This is basically just a replacement of bourgeoisie propaganda with hate speech. It means the same thing - squashing people who don't agree with us and for someone who has relatives who died because they disagreed with the government's way, I find this really worrisome.

How about trying any person who quotes the Quran's verses about Christians and Jews being apes and pigs or the Imams who say European women are asking to be raped and should be blamed for the crimes of the Muslims or the people who quote the Quran about Kafirs for hate speech? Because it applies. I find the burka and minarets offensive. How about banning both, just because I find them offensive?

To be honest, if you would have told me this when I was 16, I wouldn't have believed it. I wouldn't have believed someone can consider rape a form of cultural expression either. Thinking of it, the next step will be to find people of European descent existing offensive, just like the communists did with a lot of ethnic people.

spackle said... 5

I wish I had enough money for a plane ticket to Amsterdam on January 20th. I would be out there with picket in hand. This is outrageous! There is only one way in my mind that the counter - Jihad is going to gain any traction with needed due speed in my mind. We need someone committed to the cause with a boatload of money. A counter - Jihad George Soros with balls who can hire his own protection.

We can blog and and bitch until the cows come home. But for every inch we move, Islam and their Dhimmis move a mile. We need a bigger voice which sadly can only come through $$$. Call me a cynic but if Geert Wilders was sentenced to jail tomorrow there would uproar in some quarters but he would be forgotten (with the exception of us) in no time. That is until some soldier of allah took him out in prison. The counter - Jihad isn't the sick man of the West he is the invisible man. Sorry for my ire but this just has my blood at a high boil. Today my feelings can best be summed up in the words of a Door's song. "We want the world and we want it now".

Yorkshireminer said... 6

Please don't get your nickers in a twist. We all know that this is a show trial, but a show trial that the Government didn't seek. The Public Prosecuter had ruled before hand that they did not have a case. This was caused by a group of political numb nuts in Amsterdam that forced it through. They most likely thought that they could bankrupt the party with the exorbitant legal costs. The idiots saw it as a win win situation. As Harold Wilson the British Prime Minister succinctly said, a week is a long time in politics. Things have changed that much in the intervening time that it is a win win situation for Geert. It seems his trip too America and his appeal in Holland has given him enough too cover his cost, because we see no more appeals. The results for his party in the European elections has given his party real political standing, at the last gallup poll his party was still no 2, with 31 seats if an election was held now and not 9 as they have now. You must remember that the PVV was a one man band 6 odd years ago when he broke from the VVD. This sort of growth is phenomenal. Here in Limburg where I live and where Geert comes from his party received between 20% and 33% of the vote in all areas in the European parliamentary elections. The Dutch are permanently pissed off.
His defense lawyer is a Gentleman called Abraham (Bram) Moszkowicz a clone of his Dad Max Moszkowicz the only survivor of his family to come back from Auschwitz Max worked his way up to be one of the top lawyers in Nederland, his is a black belt in Judo and it wouldn't surprise me if he is still not practicing it in his 80s. They are both media savvy. Bram even had his own television program a few years ago called (The New Moszkowicz) a talent competition to find the best new advocates, in Nederland. This trial is going to be a media event with the pissed off Dutch as the jury. I can't remember who said it, no publicity is bad publicist, and this trial is going too keep Geert in the Public spotlight and no amount of money could ever pay for this publicity. I am certain that another thing that is concentrating the minds of our elite. They have all just agreed to a European arrest warrant. The consequences of which none of them seem to have foreseen. If a member of the European union wants somebody all they have too do is issue a European arrest warrant against a citizen of another country that country has too arrest that person and deliver him too that country. We all know that Jordan wants him. There is nothing to stop them trawling around the E.U. until they find a country whose laws they think Geert has broken a 100% certainty if Turkey was a member of the E.U. lay charges against him and watch the circus begin, paid for by the E.U. I am not saying that this could happen if Geert loses and loses his Parliamentary protection, but it is a possibility. I leave you too think of the consequences if this happened. Firstly too the politicians when they realize that it could happen too them and secondly when the Dutch realize that they have been screwed once again by there elite. I am going too enjoy this circus when it starts in January with a sadistic pleasure and speculate what verbal verbiage they will use, excuse in other words to let him of the hook and declare him not guilty.

spackle said... 7


"Please don't get your nickers in a twist."

I dont know if you are talking to me or about the post in general? But I stick by my last comment. I also like my knickers in a twist. It lets me know I am alive. ; )

Yorkshireminer said... 8

Spackle The comment was meant generally not personally. Basically what I am saying is that people should not worry Geert which commentaters here seem too be doing, He is not going too jail the political fallout would be too grave for the Political parties concerned, who have started this process. That is all, the British Government tried the same thing with B.N.P. leader Nick Griffin and Mark Collet a couple of years ago. He called Islam a vicious evil religion at a private meeting. They didn't like the verdict they got at the first trial so they had a re-trial. My Government run by that disgusting yoghurt knitting porridge wog Gordon Brown spent millions of the Tax payers money, trying too destroy the B.N.P. they failed again . The B.N.P. are not in the same league as the P.V.V. they don't have any members of parliament and no chance of getting any at the moment. They do have two in the European parliament after the last election which gives Nick Griffin who is one of them a certain amount of protection. Geert is in a different league altogether. if there was to be a vote tomorrow the PVV would have 20% of the seats in the Dutch Parliament. It might not sound much too an American but it is big league here. with our proportional voting system. The powers that be have shot themselves in the foot and they know it. This trial is going to be nothing but an exercise in Damage control. I am sorry for any offence I may have given