Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Countdown to the Wilders Trial

Free Geert banner

Three weeks from today, Geert Wilders will go on trial in Amsterdam for defaming Islam.

From the point of view of the Counterjihad, this is the trial of the century. No matter which way the case is decided, the outcome will profoundly influence the struggle against Islamization over the entire continent of Europe, and even across the rest of the Western world.

Our Flemish correspondent VH has dug through the official material available online and prepared a translated package of relevant information for media people and other interested parties who might want to attend Mr. Wilders’ trial.

Important points to note are:

  • Spectator seating is be quite limited, and will be made available on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • Press seating is limited, and will be assigned in advance, one representative per outlet.
  • Press must be accredited in advance.
  • No video recording, audio recording, or photography will be permitted except by the state broadcasting service.

I recommend that bloggers and forum administrators cover this trial in depth, because Mr. Wilders can expect no favorable coverage whatsoever in the major media. If prior experience is any indication, everything possible will be done to use carefully selected sound-bites and biased reporting to paint the accused as a “racist” and a “neo-Nazi”.

Wilders court case preparations / Press info

Consideration of objection to subpoena

On Wednesday, January 13, 2010 the Amsterdam court will deal with the appeal against the summons to Mr. Wilders. He takes the view that he should not have to be summoned by the Public Prosecutor [OM, “Openbaar Ministerie”] for the facts that are charged against him. The law states that the treatment of such objection must be made behind closed doors, therefore this session is not open to the press and public.

If the objection to the subpoena is declared inadmissible or unfounded, then a directional hearing will follow on Wednesday, January 20, 2010. That session will start at 09.00 hours and takes place in the Amsterdam court, Parnassusweg 220, Tower E [“Toren E”].


If the objection to the subpoena is (or is in part) upheld, then by law the Amsterdam Court will have to give an opinion as soon as possible on the decision of the court. It is then uncertain whether the directional hearing will continue on January 20.

Services open to the public during directional meeting [regiezitting]

The public can follow the hearing in court on January 20 via a direct video link to the courtroom. There are 100 places available. It is not possible to make reservations. Those who arrive first will be allowed in first, until the number of seats available are taken. Everyone will be searched at the entrance for safety and they should be able to identify themselves [passport]. The courtroom will open at 08.00 hours in the morning.

It is prohibited to film, take photographs, and make sound recordings inside the courthouse. The directional hearing will be entirely recorded by the NOS.

Press services accreditation scheme
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For journalists there are a limited number of places available in the courtroom. The media will therefore get one seat for one representative assigned to each, but only if accredited with the presentation of a valid press card.

One must report before Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 12:00 am via e-mail or by means of the attached accreditation form [pdf].

On Friday afternoon January 15 at around 15.00, the department of Communication will announce which media are accredited.

The press room at the court at the Parnassusweg is available as workspace for the accredited press; there is a direct audio connection to the courtroom.

Services for audiovisual media during and after hearing

If the directional hearing is held on the 20th, then the NOS [National Public Broadcaster] will arrange the pool assignments on January 20, 2010. The entire session may then be recorded. Representatives of radio and television can contact the production department of the NOS — tel: +31 (0)35 677 8052.

After the session the accredited radio and television reporters may arrange interviews in court. NOTE: The personal information of the camera and soundman should therefore be enlisted on the accreditation form.


For further information you can contact the Department of Information and Communication of the Amsterdam Court: +31 (0)20 541 2882.



Ron Russell said... 1

As I see it the Wilders trial is a win-win for those opposed to expansion of radical Islam. If convicted he will become even more of a hero and if found innocent of the charge his positions will be given more substance. I don't see a bad outcome in the grand scheme of things.