If I had made this story up — a sordid tale involving cousin marriage, pedophilia, and rape all rolled into one — it would have been too much for our readers. “Baron,” you all would have said, “cut it out with these ridiculous caricatures of Muslims! Can’t you make your point without resorting to grotesque exaggeration?”
Alas, the reality of culturally-enriched Britain is too horrendous to be caricatured.
By the way — notice that the father of the “bride” is all of 29 years old.
According to the Beeb:
Man urged son to rape cousin, 12- - - - - - - - -
A man who encouraged his teenage son to marry and rape his 12-year-old cousin has been jailed.
The 54-year-old organised a sham Muslim ceremony between his son, then 16, and the girl at his home in Woolwich, south-east London, in March last year.
At Wood Green Crown Court the boy got an 18-month supervision order for rape.
The fathers of the boy and girl were both jailed for three years for inciting a child to engage in sexual activity following an illegal marriage.
The boy’s mother, 54, was given a 12-month jail term, suspended for two years, for the same offence.
She was also ordered to do 200 hours of community service.
The case came to light when the mother of the girl, who objected to the arranged “marriage”, told police about it.
Scotland Yard child abuse detectives then discovered several relatives of the boy had urged him to rape his cousin.
In a statement, the girl’s mother said: “What happened to my daughter was a nightmare. These convictions will help us move on.”
Speaking after the case, Det Insp Noel McHugh, who led the investigation, called it a “really awful crime”.
He said: “This has been an exceptionally challenging investigation and we are grateful to all those who assisted with the case and ensured the convictions.
“The offences are incomprehensible and the victim is a truly brave girl who suffered at the hands of those who should have offered her protection.”
The girl’s father, 29, and the boy, now 17, were ordered to sign the sex offenders register.
Neither the victim nor any of the guilty parties can be named for legal reasons.
For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.
Hat tip: Vlad Tepes.
check my math--
girl is 12
girl's father is 29
then --girl's father was 17 when she was born
? was the girl's mother under age and was she raped 17-18- years ago?
Christian Soldier,
Your math is wrong. Her mother was raped 13 years ago.
And maybe many other times.
-- In the following analysis --
-- I am NOT excusing rape --
When we read stories like this, I think it is important to understand that in some cases the male is a victim as well - a victim of a system that says it is OK to have forcible sex with a 12 year old girl.
My (insert female relationship here) was recently in Saudi Arabia. For several days she and her female companion(s) were driven around by a Pakistani man who she describes as quite delightful. She discovered he was soon to return to Pakistan for an arranged marriage. She sensed he was not happy about this, to which he stated, "Oh ma'am, it's not a love marriage."
Males and females alike are trapped in an Islamic system from which escape is not readily available.
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