In a fitting farewell to 2009, or Danish correspondent TB has translated a series of cultural enrichment news stories from Denmark. They probably aren’t the very last incidents of the year — during the dark waning hours on New Year’s Eve, somewhere on the mean streets of Nørrebro or Gellerup, chances are that some “youths” are enriching Danish culture even further.
TB says:
I have translated some ethnic-cleansing news articles from today’s papers in this country formerly known as peaceful little Denmark. Being little is the only word that is still correct in that last sentence of mine, since both peaceful and Denmark have passed into history.
The most catastrophic political decision that was ever made in Danish history — to open up our borders for these wild animals — takes its toll every day now. I will celebrate tonight, even though I anticipate that 2010 will be worse than 2009 which was worse than 2008 which was worse than 2007 which was worse than…
The first article is from Jyllands-Posten:
Threatened with pistol to withdraw money
At 5 o’clock on Thursday morning a 34-year-old man from Thisted was accosted by two masked men as he was walking to the baker in Hurup. The two men wanted the 34-year-old man to deliver up his cash, and forced him towards a cash dispenser so that he could withdraw his money.
First they tried to collect 3000 kroner at Nordea Bank in Bredgade in Hurup, but when it failed they took him to Danske Bank in Jernbanegade. Here they collected 1000 kroner before they ran off.
Before they ran they stole the man’s wallet, which also contained his girlfriend’s credit card. Injured by blows and kicks, the man was taken to the hospital in Thisted.
The police search for witnesses to the episode. There is only a vague description of the two:
“28-35 years old, 180 cm high, dark clothes, black hoods, and they spoke Danish with a foreign accent.”
From Berlingske Tidende:
Drinking party ended in knife assault
Two Rumanian men — 41 and 42 years old — were imprisoned on Wednesday, charged with violence.
The two men ran amok while participating in a party for six Rumanians in an apartment on Skovvej, Nørresundby. The drinking ended when a 33-year-old man was stabbed in the stomach with a knife.
“During the party they started a discussion and it ended when the two men stabbed the third in the chest,” police officer Bjarne Maeng states.
Present in the apartment were also two other men and a woman. They did not get away unharmed, and were hit in the face by the two perpetrators.
In the apartment police have found the knife that was used, and the attack was so violent that the knife had broken.
Next, a little love from Somalia:
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30-year-old man imprisoned after home robbery
The court in Aarhus has imprisoned one of the three men who on Sunday committed a violent robbery in an apartment in Lystrup. The two other robbers are still at large.
The police state that the man is a 30-year-old Somali who is being charged with violent robbery.
The three robbers threatened the people in the apartment to force them to hand over an unknown amount of money, and they also hit the inhabitants during the robbery. Two of the men were armed with guns.
The questioning Thursday was held behind closed doors since the two other perpetrators are still at large.
Of the last one, TB says:
I can’t say for sure this was done by immigrants, but it has all the fingerprints of the Muslim jackals. I’ll follow the case, and if it turns out I was wrong I’ll of course notify you (but I’m ready to bet a lot of money on this one).
From Ekstra Bladet:
Priest assaulted by four youngsters
At around 8 o’clock a priest suffered an apparently unmotivated assault in Thorsgade [Nørrebro] in Copenhagen. The priest was walking with another man when four young men attacked them with blows and kicks.
The priest suffered the worst, since he was kicked several times in the face. He was later taken to hospital, where he received treatment.
The four perpetrators ran of before the police arrived and they are still at large…
Happy New Year, everyone!
For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.
" an apparently unmotivated assault "
There is always a motivation. Bordom, delinquency, immigrant hatred of the historical and religious nature of their host country....
lol, I wonder what ethnic group the Romanian people were... *coughs*
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