Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Nose, Meet Grindstone

A ScholarSeveral people have written me in the last few days to express their concern at the relative lack of posts recently at Gates of Vienna.

It’s true that posting has been light lately, but there’s a good reason: I have undertaken the editing of a book — an actual paying job! — and the task is absorbing all my time. As a result, since Dymphna is not feeling well, posting here has indeed been lighter than usual.

For the duration of this job, I’ll try to post at least one substantive piece each day, and of course the news feed will continue as scheduled.

In the meantime, you will find all the important news that I miss at one or more of the following sites:
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boru said... 1

Hey Baron,Dymphna,FB,

Yup make the bucks while ya can and Best(and much better!)of Health to you's all in the New Year!
P.S. Thanks for the links,and this site too of course,and stay warm!
A concerned winter-hating Canadian.

YoelB said... 2

Work is the curse of the blogging classes (with apologies to Oscar Wilde.)

spackle said... 3

You mean you have a life? How dare you!