Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Words That Must Remain Unsaid

As we all know, Canada’s Human Rights Commissions have done a very effective job of muzzling any criticism of Islam by citizens of the Canadian Federation. Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant served as salutary examples, celebrity victims chosen pour encourager les autres. A few well-chosen prosecutions — actually, the proceedings of the HRCs don’t even rise to the level of prosecutions — can establish a climate of fear among the rest of the population, inducing docility and self-censorship.

Unfortunately for the elite gutmenschen who would squelch all unapproved discussion, the problems that are censored out of public discourse do not go away, nor are they removed from public consciousness. Not only that, popular ingenuity has a way of getting around the chokehold placed on the media. Vlad Tepes points out the technique employed Canadian talk radio host, who played the issue deftly to avoid any HRC offenses, and still made the issue clear to his audience:

Tuesday Dec 15 2009 a caller to Lowell Green’s CFRA 580 AM radio talk show, was about to discuss adoption in Islam and how it relates to the story of the 75 year old woman who is about to be lashed, probably to death, for having some minor social contact with her adopted son.

Lowell interrupted the caller and explained as clearly as he could, that he could not allow the caller to continue. That he knew what the caller was going to say. That he knew what the caller had to say was likely true. That the station would likely be heavily fined, the host may well lose his job but would certainly be reprimanded for allowing the caller to continue, and that the consequences to the station and staff overall would be greater than the station could bear. That the caller should feel free to trash talk Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism or Buddhism but nothing may be said of Islam that may make it look bad, even if true.
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I am certain what Lowell said is exactly the truth. I hope the rest of us take note. Islam has effectively already removed the most important freedom we have. The freedom to speak what is actually true, and therefore, the freedom to make decisions based on valid information for ourselves.

Kudos to Lowell Green for finding a way around the PC restrictions on speech.

His approach may prove a useful template for future resistance as the “hate speech” screws tighten on us all across the West.

We shall have to resort to samizdat and subterfuge, but we will not be silenced.


Insane Rabbit Daddy said... 1

"His approach may prove a useful template for future resistance as the “hate speech” screws tighten on us all across the West."

It will only work until the HRCs decide that this too is hate speech.

Henrik Ræder said... 2

It will only work until the HRCs decide that this too is hate speech.

'Hate speech enabler' just might be the ticket for the HRC.

Boy, am I getting weary of 'human rights'...