Sunday, July 05, 2009

What if Hells Angels Are Right?

That’s the question posed by Søren Pind today in a post from his blog at Berlingske Tidende. Many thanks to Zonka for the translation.

Note: The term “rocker” in the Danish context is an appellative for (presumably criminal) motorcycle gangs. It was probably borrowed from British English back in the 1960s, when conflict raged between the Mods and the Rockers — the latter were known for riding motorcycles in large groups. In the USA the most likely equivalent would be “biker”.

What if Jønke is right?

By Søren Pind

Can a convicted murderer, whom many consider a psychopath, be right?

The possibility has been debated, after the biker club Hells Angels published the so-called “Jackal Manifesto”. Informing, describing, and painting a picture of some people — named Jackals — who behave violently and infamously. Some people whom one is led to understand that Hells Angels are now reacting against.

In this blog entry I will skip the intermediate steps. Because I don’t care who “one” is when something is being said — I want to judge the message, not the messenger. I am also aware that there are several reasons why Hells Angels suddenly express themselves ideologically. On the other hand it is not unheard of. At the end of the 1960s the police in Los Angeles (LAPD) amongst others let the rockers pass by the police lines and assault “hippies”, whom the rockers didn’t much care for either, at that time.

So I don’t care to dwell on the intermediate steps. I would rather directly consider the message. And here I have to — unfortunately — say that the message isn’t that far off. So much the worse.

That such a message from such an organization can have such an appeal says several things:

First, it is devilishly well written. There is a deep appeal in the manifesto. It is not dimwitted simpletons who have authored this manifesto. But people who know what works and how.

Secondly, it is a mark of the total failure of the authorities. I will repeat it: I have predicted this development for years. The extent I had not imagined, after all: that we in 2009 should see rockers and murderers present themselves as the protectors of society is horrifying. The police leadership, particularly in Copenhagen, have for years believed that one could settle things by talking. And suppress the brutality of reality. Well — today we reap the fruits. And they aren’t appetizing.
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In the more curious department the other day we saw a goldsmith, who after being assaulted had published a video recording of the perpetrators, is now being punished with a fine. Is it really odd, that more and more feel powerlessness first-hand, when they hear what those who ought to protect them — the police — publicly state, and at the same time see a dubious character as Jønke appear as the guardian of society? And is it strange, that more and more react by wanting to be able to defend themselves, should it become necessary?

To me it is sad and depressing to realize — but I find it hard to blame common citizens. I miss the country, and the poster that hung in my childhood’s home abroad, of the ducks being guided across the street. And I can see that those who ought to defend it don’t. Instead they deny the facts.

Yesterday I put the following text as a note on my facebook page:

Yesterday I sat with one of the hotshots of Danish politics. He was worried; he had always had a humanistic approach to things — his teenage son had become a “racist”. The son had learned to talk the “right way”, as he said. If an ill-adapted immigrant boy hit him on the shoulder he didn’t reply, “What the F#&% are you doing?” — or “Ouch that hurts”. No he answered: “Excuse me for standing here”. It had happened so often, that he had learned how to act so that he didn’t get into trouble. He added at the same time, that it was well known that boys at the age of 15-17 no longer held parties in their homes — not even in Gentofte, as he said. Because invariably a couple of young people with immigrant backgrounds showed up and demanded access to the party. If rejected, they soon returned with a larger group and vandalized and ruined both party and home.

I looked at him and remarked that I had a hard time believing that it was true. But he insisted. I believe that these things are better off being brought into the light. Even if I for years have warned against this development. There is no doubt that Jønke with his rhetoric is currently hitting — younger — people. This might be one of the causes. My good friend dryly remarked that in a few years even people like us will hire people like Jønke to protect our parties…

I would thus like to know: Is there any here on facebook, who have personal experiences of this kind? Is it real? Please spare me from ‘I have heard from somebody who have heard from somebody’. I ask if any of my almost 3500 friends here on facebook personally have experienced similar stories. If yes, then please tell it here. It is necessary that the myths be killed, or that we do something about them. I promise to raise the issue politically, if they hold water.

To me it is a depressing and sad realization that I have never before on my facebook had so many reactions to a posting. With concrete stories. Human fates. A clear and irrevocable picture is appearing.

It is never too late to change things. In politics there are only pauses — the game is never finished. I have myself stated here and in this post that I was asked to do for Venstre — and was harshly criticized — what I believe has to be done. But I have to admit as well that for a long time it has been an uphill battle. The last time I went public with criticism of the current conditions was after the riots in which Copenhagen was set aflame. It was not a particularly pleasant experience. Since then some of the politicians who criticized me most strongly have become wiser. But it hasn’t helped much.

It is time to attack things differently. I’ll be damned if I want to live in a world where I, when my kids come of age and want to throw a party for like-minded people, have to call Jønke. Hell no, not in a hundred years. So I insist: Come on — if my thoughts of what works and what is needed don't work, well then, suggest something else — personally I don’t believe there is another way. The rule of law must be restored. And the fear that it is necessary to go vigilante and arm oneself must be removed. Period.

UPDATE: I have just had a giant fight with Ritzau. This is the leading news agency in Denmark, who believe that when I wrote “That we in 2009 should see rockers and murderers present themselves as the protectors of society is horrifying” is the same as “Rockers are the protectors of society”. I’m furious. The media have at the same time offended my and Berlingske’s copyright by omitting to refer to the source and at the same time misquoting it. But in situations like this politicians are powerless. It is not the first time that Ritzau have managed to behave in this way. Also during the riots in 2008 my views were distorted, and made into a general attack against the police, even though it was the police management I was after. This caused a long line of unpleasant reactions. I have now chosen to clarify my message, even though it should be unnecessary when one reads the post, and write “present themselves as the protectors of society” instead.

It is hard to conclude otherwise than there is the same clear tendency at Ritzau to live up to the votes at the “Journalist School” where Enhedslisten and SF can form a majority government [Enhedslisten is a mix of hardline former communist parties; SF is a Marxist/socialist party to the left of the Social Democrats — translator].

Previous posts about Hells Angels Denmark:

2008 Sep 13 Fighting Fire with Fire
2009 Mar 10 Who Owns the Streets?
  Jun 8 The Fatal Consequences of Danish Policy Towards Muslims
    21 Territory, Islam, and the Submission of the Danes
    30 The Jackal Manifesto
  Jul 1 Reacting to the Jackals
    2 This Is War


Frank Kitman said... 1

This all goes to show how GoV in spite of criticisms excercised excellent judgement in the coverage of the current gang war.
Søren Pind is the most serious traditional conservative MP in Denmark. When a man of his stature doesn´t hide his sympathies, bloggers need not be afraid of appearing "unintellectual"

The bikers are only a first step, in a couple of years they will probably fuse with the danish football hooligans, as it happened in serbia. And after that...
well, then a lot of people live together who doesn´t like eachother any more.

eatyourbeans said... 2

Today they're called Hells Angels. Tomorrow they'll have titles like the duke of Copenhagen and the Count of Odensee, It won't be the first time in history that roughnecks have founded states. Their title to rule is their willingness and ability to protect people.

Zenster said... 3

I miss the country, and the poster that hung in my childhood’s home abroad, of the ducks being guided across the street.

Do you mean, this one?

This same poster graced my childhood home and I have framed miniatures of it in my house. Upon its introduction, it won first prize in a competition for travel posters. Many years later, the Danish tourism authorities were submitting a new poster for consideration. Lacking any other packing materials, they used an old copy of the "Wonderful Copenhagen" poster as a wrapper for the new one.

Somehow the submission and its wrapper became separated and the much older "Wonderful Copenhagen" poster won the competition all over again!.

For me, it is an iconic image that will forever connect me to Denmark with the fondest of memories.

As to the article in general, the "Jackal" meme is both useful and illustrative. It needs to become a widespread code for both Muslim thugs and Muslims in general. The predatory nature of Islam must not be tolerated any longer.

Can a convicted murderer, whom many consider a psychopath, be right?.

While it is tempting to use the old "stopped clock" addage, this situation goes far deeper into the collective European psyche.

Quite simply, it is increasingly clear that the issue of functional retaliation against Europe's colonizing Muslims will most likely require significant violence to resolve.

Government inaction is largely to blame but Islam itself is also a huge factor in this equation. Muslims always require a host country that is intent upon surviving to answer with force. One of the few examples of a nation successfully releasing itself from the thralldom of Islamic subjugation was Spain and this was accomplished only through large-scale violence.

Islam literally demands this violence. Muslims impose themselves violently and, through their use of taqiyya, kitman and hudna, make all peaceful resolutions via truce, pact or accord totally impossible.

How this one simple fact continues to elude the notice of politicians and leaders around the world defies all rationality.

I would be perfectly happy to see all of Europe's and America's Muslims herded onto ocean liners and deposited back on MME (Muslim Middle East) shores. I really do not care if any selectivity is used to determine their individual countries of origin. Dump them all in wealthy Saudi Arabia and let the royal family sort it out.

No such thing is going to happen and everybody knows it. This is why I continue to predict a Muslim holocaust. The only alternative is the complete and total destruction of Western civilization and that is something I am not prepared to tolerate, even if it requires the first use or massive application of nuclear weapons.

Zonka said... 4

That is indeed the poster that Søren Pind was referencing ;)

Anonymous said... 5

This Hell's Angels story is a major development and might be a turning point. Thanks to all those involved with translation and publishing.

Please follow the story and keep us informed.

Could Zonka watch, in particular, Soren Pind's Facebook page, and tell us what the response was to his call for witnesses of teenager's parties being crashed by immigrant youngsters ? What is Soren Pind's political background ? Is he center-right ? Further on the right ? What sort of weight does he carry ?

Jedilson Bonfim said... 6

Zenster, that poster is truly awesome. Thanks for posting the link, though it was sad to look at it when we know that Wonderful Denmark's innocence from those times has been lost, thanks to the mass-import of inbred savages from mahoundistan... Savages who are nothing more than beasts which will never ever be fit for life in civilized societies.

Jedilson Bonfim said... 7

Oops, I should have written "Wonderful Copenhagen" in my previous comment, but I guess that that loss of innocence is a fact all over Denmark.

ɱØяñιηg$ʇðя ©™ said... 8

The picture with the ducks brought tears to me eyes and also reminded me that I have seen at least one or two variations on the same theme when I was younger. However, I couldn't find them even with google. It/them are in colour. I think it is a photograph but there might also be a similar painting though. Those I'm thinking of has Tivoli (the famous fun park in downtown Copenhagen) in the background. The entrance to Tivoli if I'm not mistaken. I don't know if these pictures has anything to do with the Danny Kaye picture as it was such a long time ago I saw it but I guess it could be quite possible. If anyone here knows what pictures I'm talking about, please post them here, so I can save them along with Zensters.

Anyway, if that scenario would play out today, a fair guess is that the outcome (at least for the poor ducks) would be more gruesome. I can already see it play out in my head. All descent citizens, danes or immigrants will of course stop and let the ducks through. Then there comes an arab in his brand new or maybe not that brand new BMW. He will not stop his car. Hell no, he will step on it! Probably giving the finger too and *WROOOOOOOMMM* the ducks will become part of the asphalt.
Bit later when he gets arrested he will immediately start whining and draw the victimization-card. MSM will be fast to hang on to this, since there is a story here but on the arabs side. And the MSM-politicans will probably also support the "poor" arab. Anyone who doesn't will be branded a racist and islamophobe faster than any arab could say allahu akhbar.

Zonka said... 9

Robert Marchenoir,

Sorry I don't follow Facebook stuff, I find the system totally incomprehensible, even to a Tech Nerd like me (or perhaps because of it) -- so somebody else have to do that.

About Søren Pind, he is member of Venstre (nominally the Libertarian Party or Classical Liberal Party) and one of the only members who still clings to the original roots of the party, that after winning the election in 2001 have steadily turned more and more into Stewards of Social Democratic Policies. So yes Søren Pind is center-right with even a streak of conservatism (instead of being a blue eyed Libertarian (read: idealist that thinks an economical model and minimal state is the pancrea of all problems ailing mankind).

About his political weight, it is limited, he is often ideologically at odds with the party top, although he is the party's chairman in foreign policy and development. But he has good communication lines to the public and often raises controversial matters, irregardless of party discipline, so he is hard to put under control, and when he states something it usually does get a lot of attention compared to other political figures....

Anonymous said... 10

Thank you, Zonka. I can't blame you about Facebook. I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole myself.

Anonymous said... 11

Pind is also the spokesman on foreign matters for the ruling party; Venstre.
Pind's blog post are reported as a major story in every MSM in DK today:

Laurel said... 12

I predicted this several years ago. I began to notice that the only people willing to fight for their right to exist were bikers and metal heads.

Zenster said... 13

Zonka: That is indeed the poster that Søren Pind was referencing ....

I had hoped so. It is a classic!

Jedilson Bonfim: Zenster, that poster is truly awesome. Thanks for posting the link, though it was sad to look at it when we know that Wonderful Copenhagen's innocence from those times has been lost ...

Not lost, just a bit tattered and temporarily misplaced. One need only to examine Jyllands-Posten's Mohammad cartoons and the more recent Danish reception of "The Jackal Manifesto" to know that Holger Dansk is still alive and stirring.

Also, please permit me to issue you a warm welcome to Gates of Vienna. It is always a pleasure to have the benefit of well-considered opinion from those accross "the pond".

Charlemagne said... 14

I would be interested in knowing the reaction in the Muslim community regarding the actions taken by HA. Are they avoiding HA areas? Is HA expanding into Muslim areas in search of heads to knock? What is the opinion of the general public?

Politicians in ALL Western countries are equally feckless. They bow and scrape before all manner of minority grievance groups granting favors and concessions that infringe on the rights, traditions, and sensibilities of the majority almost daily. They are so afraid of being labeled "racists" that the limit of their concessions has yet to be established.
Unfortunately we get the politicians we deserve and until such the point is reached where our material comforts are significantly threatened most of us in the West are unlikely to act. Things do indeed have to get worse before they get better.

Zenster said... 15

Charlemagne: Politicians in ALL Western countries are equally feckless. They bow and scrape before all manner of minority grievance groups granting favors and concessions that infringe on the rights, traditions, and sensibilities of the majority almost daily. They are so afraid of being labeled "racists" that the limit of their concessions has yet to be established.

Gol durn it, Charlemagne! When are you going to begin submitting some essays here at Gates of Vienna? You've got the word smithing down pat. Please consider taking a more substantive role in helping all of us, the Baron and Dymphna foremost, in keeping the content at this worthy web site as fresh and pertinent as possible.

Whiskey said... 16

It is in fact, too late. This is the "withering of the State." Already as a practical matter, if you are a merchant and don't want your shop robbed and you and your employees killed, you must pay off Bikers/Gangsters. Since the Police have given up, by politicians wanting Muslim votes, and that of the female bloc voters (hard left).

The alliance in Europe and elsewhere, electorally and culturally, is of women, gays, non-Whites, and of course Muslims against traditionalists, and the average man. That's not an "always" category and local conditions and coalitions can muddy the waters in some places, but as a broad outline it is correct.

Note that most merchants, shop owners, entrepreneurs, etc. are men, often family men, and thus have little appetite for fighting against the broad coalition of women, Islamists, and non-White groups. However, and in Europe this is far worse, the abdication of public safety requires the services of men like the Biker. Gang members. Organized crime fills the void left by the authorities, and long-term this has direct implications: Gangter-organizations challenging the functions and legitimacy of the State. Perhaps to the point of taking it over, Godfather style. Since weakness begets attacks, and the opportunities are not only for Muslim demands but men like the Biker leader.

Offering protection. For a price. [As a practical matter, it is too late, for any other solution. The political coalitions too entrenched and too many Muslims for any other outcome to be likely, as much as we regret it. Who wants the choice to be Gangsters or Sharia? But that is what it comes to.]

Charlemagne said... 17

"When are you going to begin submitting some essays here at Gates of Vienna?"

I could offer up any number of excuses like lack of time, lack of energy, not knowing WTH I'm talking about, or just plain laziness but I really have no excuse. Except perhaps ADD!
I was giving some thought today about a short story set a decade or so from now that starts off with the stoning death of an ethnic Dutch or Swedish girl in a public park. El Ingles' 'dislocations' always have me thinking about the 'where', 'how', 'why', and 'when' of such an event and what it would take to spark the Reconquista.

I will commence forthwith and submit to the good Baron and the fair Dymphna upon completion.

PRCalDude said... 18

What does he mean, "What if the Hell's Angels are right?" Of course they're right.

Today they're called Hells Angels. Tomorrow they'll have titles like the duke of Copenhagen and the Count of Odensee, It won't be the first time in history that roughnecks have founded states. Their title to rule is their willingness and ability to protect people.

Yep. Business opportunities abound for tough kids in Denmark.

Jedilson Bonfim said... 19

Zenster: Also, please permit me to issue you a warm welcome to Gates of Vienna. It is always a pleasure to have the benefit of well-considered opinion from those accross "the pond".

Thanks. The pleasure of sharing this space with you is mine.

Henrik R Clausen said... 20

Søren Pind is one of the few bright and principled persons of the old-school political parties. He's outspoken and intelligent, which frequently gets him in trouble with the stagnant nomenklatura, also inside his own party.

Pind is right, and HA are right, this is a genuine problem. I was really lucky to read the manifesto before MSM had told me which prejudice to have about it, and I find it succint and to the point.

Emboldened by the systematic support from MSM and most politicians, jackals now harrass random Harley owners :(

Zenster said... 21

Charlemagne: I will commence forthwith and submit to the good Baron and the fair Dymphna upon completion.

Thank you. All of us will be better off for your efforts. Our community can only benefit from a greater expression of mutually held opinions. Well-expressed contrary points of view must always be welcomed as well.

Still, those among us who are able to further clarify the normatives and worthwhile memes that arise must do our best to ensure that they become mainstream.

Is there any better objective than to have our works become mainstream? It is hard to imagine otherwise.

Zenster said... 22

Whiskey: Since the Police have given up, by politicians wanting Muslim votes, and that of the female bloc voters (hard left).

Whiskey, I am in the middle of composing a new essay dealing with polygamy. Here's hoping you might provide further clarification in terms of how "female bloc voters" will react to actual imposition of shari'a law.

It is difficult to imagine that they will voluntarily subscribe to burqas, FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) and all the other elements of Abject Gender Apartheid that make up Islam's fellow travelers.

Perhaps you and I both trust Yuri Bezmenov's model of the most righteous being led to the wall first. In this case, pro-shari'a feminists being beheaded first as lesbian-friendly infidels.

I still have immense difficulty wrapping my head around the fact of women who readily excuse Islam's misogyny even as they exhort women's liberation. I'm sure that you do as well.

laine said... 23

"They are so afraid of being labeled "racists" that the limit of their concessions has yet to be established."

Frankly, I think they'd rather be dead than called racist however falsely.

X said... 24

Zenster, they may well submit to the entire deal for protection It's not unrealistic to say that these second generation feminists are seeking protection from the general male population who they perceive to be violent, misogynist rapists intent on murdering them all - at the moment they seek it through the organs of te state, that are subverted from protecting and serving all people equally toward protecting the interests of women, especially single feminist types.

If they're faced with a break-down of that protection, which will surely come if Islam begins to rise, then it's easy to imagine some of them transfering their need for protection from the state to purdah. It only needs a fraction of them to do so for the transference to gain momentum.

Zenster said... 25

Archonix: If they're faced with a break-down of that protection, which will surely come if Islam begins to rise, then it's easy to imagine some of them transfering their need for protection from the state to purdah.

The prospect of supposedly intelligent modern women voluntarily abandoning their own rights and reverting to Byzantine era constraints upon their personal freedoms is more than a little gruesome.

Should such a detestable turn of events come to pass, the women who knowingly did this will deserve every bit of physical and mental abuse that Islam has to offer.

One of the only similar models in the Western world is that of women who refuse to have their wife-beating husbands arrested. Females of all stripes who have traded in the physical security of monogamous devotion for the "thrill" of bad boys deserve every beatdown they get.

The current trend of feminist abdication to Islam's policy of Abject Gender Apartheid is literally unparalleled in human history. Only Liberal Jews inventing Marxism come close to such a wholesale contravention of basic survival instincts.