This news story bears some similarity to last night’s article about the Coptic girls who were abducted, sold, and converted to Islam. In this case, however, all the participants seem to be Enrichers. Not only that — given that they’re from Bangladesh — all of them, victims and perps, are probably related to each other.
According to The Daily Mail:
UK: Girl, 15, ‘Forced to Marry Illegal Immigrant Who Then Raped Her and Assaulted Her Little Sister’- - - - - - - - -
Police are hunting a suspected illegal immigrant accused of raping a 15-year-old schoolgirl who had been forced to marry him.
The Bangladeshi, in his 40s, is also wanted over claims that he sexually assaulted the girl’s 12-year-old sister.
He disappeared after the elder girl, now aged 17, contacted the Metropolitan Police on June 26 because she feared she was now being forced into a second marriage.
Specialist child abuse detectives based at Stratford were told that the girl, from an Asian family living in Bethnal Green in London’s East End, had been the subject of a forced marriage in April 2007 when she was 15.
Officers have arrested a 53-year-old woman, believed to be another family member, on suspicion of aiding and abetting rape and actual bodily harm. The arrest for assault is linked to an attack on a six-year-old boy.
A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: ‘The sham marriage took place at an address in the E2 area. She alleged she was subsequently raped by the man.
‘Further inquiries revealed a second girl, then aged 12, had also been sexually assaulted by the man.
‘A 53-year-old woman was arrested on July 7 on suspicion of aiding and abetting rape and actual bodily harm.
‘She has subsequently been bailed to return on September 1 to an East London police station pending further enquiries.
‘The male suspect remains outstanding and extensive police inquiries continue to trace him.’
For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.
Hat tip: JD.
Inadequate as the response may be from present day British police, imagine what will happen to victims like this girl when Muslim crimes are handled by the special Muslim police force planned? (see link in Seyio's article above http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/115757/Muslims-could-get-own-police)
By Katherine Fenech
"MUSLIM crime victims could gain the right to have their cases overseen by police from their own religion, it emerged last night".
It would be more accurate to express it as "Muslim CRIMINALS could gain the right to have their cases overseen by police from their own religion...but of course they would not be considered criminals by their co-religionist police following sharia law.
The criminal would be the 12 year old rapee, not the 47 year old rapist.
Brown men with the morality of a rapacious 8th century sex obsessed warlord must be deferred to by us or we'll be called Islamophobic or (shudder) racist! That's much much worse than grown men raping little girls and calling it marriage.
(Even this brief sarcastic sojourn in the swamp of what passes for a leftist mind has killed off millions of my brain cells).
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