Seriously — there are more conservatives in Charlottesville than you might think; but they’re not much in evidence except in times of crisis. And recent events demonstrate that a singular moment of crisis has arrived.
This was the sign that Dymphna and I made and brought with us to the event:

“Caesar,” said he, “had his Brutus, Charles his Cromwell, and (pausing) George the third (here a cry of treason, treason was heard, supposed to issue from the chair, but with admirable presence of mind he proceeded) may profit by their examples. Sir, if this be treason,” continued he, “make the most of it.”

The first speaker was former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger. He spoke after I dropped Dymphna off while I was still parking the car, so I can’t tell you what he said.
He was followed by John Taylor, the chairman of Tertium Quid. After that came Karin Agness, a UVA law student, who spoke from a student’s perspective about the parlous state of higher education in America. She was acting as a de facto spokesman for the young people in the crowd, who were fairly well-represented, especially considering that it was the middle of a cold and dreary weekday.
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He concluded his talk with a rousing recitation of the Military Oath of Enlistment:
I, Matthew Thomasson, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…
By the time he reached “So help me God” at the end, a good portion of the audience was reciting it with him

Almost everyone at the tea party was carrying a sign, but some had other sorts of props.
A man next to us was carrying a money tree, made out of a cut sapling festooned with phony dollar bills.
There were various forms of tea party hats, usually red, white, and blue, with tea bags hanging from them or affixed to them.
Several families had children carrying signs that were designed to be read in sequence — see the photo near the top of this post for a representative example.

How is it possible that the 58th District can elect a Republican? After all, Metro Charlottesville is one of the most liberal cities on the East Coast — they don’t call it “Berkeley East” for nothing.
During the election last fall, the city was a virtual sea of Obama yard signs and bumper stickers. It’s home to Peace Cooperatives and Transgendered Food Banks and Women’s Socialist Revolutionary Collectives and every other imaginable trendy lefty activity, ranging from bright pink all the way to Barricades Red.
Notwithstanding this ambient political atmosphere, Rob Bell is the district’s Republican delegate, and the Pavilion was full of people who applauded everything he had to say.

As the afternoon wore on, the weather got so cold and windy that Dymphna and I retreated to the visitors’ center to keep warm, and were unable to hear the last few speeches. After the speakers finished, the remaining audience formed a column and marched to Rep. Perriello’s office on Garrett Street. The organizers insisted that we refer to our procession as a “parade” rather than a march, to keep the City Fathers from being alarmed by our right-wing extremist terrorist activities.
For some reason, no counter-demonstrators were on hand to shout as us as we passed. Maybe the bad weather kept them indoors. At the corner of 2ns Street I saw a handful of people wearing Obama shirts watching us, but there was no overt antagonism.

John Munchmeyer, the chairman of the Libertarians, gave a brief speech thanking us for participating. After that the dogged remnant headed back through the cold rain to a restaurant on the Downtown Mall.
Food, beer, and coffee were most welcome at that point.
I talked to some of the Libertarians for a while about the recent Homeland Security report, which designates as potential terrorists those who support a third political party or recognize state and local authority over federal authority. In other words, all of the people in that room yesterday evening were potential terrorists, according to the official criteria put forth by Washington. Strictly speaking, anybody who wishes to abide by the United States Constitution might come under suspicion as a terrorist.

I entertained myself during the tea party by watching the people at the edge of the crowd, trying to spot someone in nondescript normal attire who might be an FBI or DHS employee charged with monitoring the tea party.
There was at least one fellow who matched the profile. He wore average clothes with no political buttons or stickers. He carried no sign or other paraphernalia. His expression never changed, and he never clapped or booed, showing neither approval nor disapproval of the proceedings.
He stayed on the perimeter outside the canopy along the upper walkway, even when the cold rain and wind came in. For a while he watched from the south side, and then later sauntered around by the visitors’ center and stood at the railing on the north side. He just observed, turning his gaze slowly from one side to the other, looking at different parts of the crowd.
Later he disappeared down Main Street into the Mall, and I thought he was gone. But he returned a minute later, and walked slowly up by City Hall. After that I lost sight of him. I looked for him again on the Mall during our “parade”, but he didn’t appear.
It made me wonder what exactly he was doing there, and what his job might be. He seemed to be keeping an eye on us.
But, then again, I’m paranoid.
Thanks for posting, Baron. It looks interesting. I so badly wanted to attend a tea party but I couldn't since I had night class on Wednesday. My mum went to one though, and she said it was great. She said that anyone who wanted to speak could and I told her that I totally would've spoken had I been there.
Hopely, the tea parties will be the first step of many to come. To rid ourselves of the Obama plague we will need a great uprising and many mass protest. Sipping tea along will do little. Maybe, just maybe the Tea Parties will be a spark that will ignite a great fire that will sweep across the nation burning and cleansing the nation of Obamaism.
"I, Matthew Thomasson, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…
By the time he reached “So help me God” at the end, a good portion of the audience was reciting it with him."
What a lovely peace of American Nationalism. One of a kind, unique in the world...
I also liked very much that Thomas Jefferson quote: "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government powerfull enough to take everything you have".
Remember, these are the people who are going to be targeted by Obama's civilian army. We all wondered if he was going to be a Gorbachev or a Lenin. The signs so far suggest a Lenin.
The 0bama "Civilian army" is one of the scariest things I've heard for a long time. I simply can't make sense of that.
Baron, everyone:
I suggest in economy related posts to include references to relevant litterature, like this classic What You Need to Know About Inflation. has decided that copyright is silly, and draws the full consequence by setting its entire set of publications up for free download at There are lots of interesting books to read and distribute.
Being better read than your opponents is worth the effort. Austrian economics, using a common sense approach and focusing on the entrepeneur as the driving force of the economy, is a good choice for real people to be intellectually prepared to take on the Elite.
Thanks for the post, Baron! It was great participating with yourself and Dymphna. What a wonderful feeling on a cold, wet day in C'ville!
I don't see how the contemporary bunch of meek Tea Party pretenders can compare to the original, who purposely trespassed on, and destroyed, private properties in protest against unjust laws. There's no such spirit of rebellious in the new crop. A lot of talking and symbolism, but no action.
I don't seeThat's fair enough. The rest of us have eyes that are wide open.
The American war of independence didn't start with a bunch of swivel-eyed loons trashing everything in sight, though. It started with people writing pamphlets under pseudonyms. The boston tea party was one of the turning points, not the start.
Henrik, pussy cat, do the rest of you who have eyes that are wide open really see, purr, purr? If so, then why didn't anyone of the rest of you who have eyes that are wide open pick up on the pro-Islam implication of swearing to support and defend the Constitution of the United States? The US Constitution as is enables the Islamic cancer within to grow under the guise of religious freedom. Being fully consistent in defending the Constitution means defending the slaves of Allah whose "religious" belief is intrinsically treasonous and whose loyalty to the nation is therefore suspect by default. Put another way, that's swearing to clutch the Islamic viper to your bosom tight and nurse it until it grows big enough to kill you.
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