Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Foreshadowing the Lisbon Lunacy

It seems that the EU Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has found a cause to chew on: the fate of poor terrorists imprisoned by the British government.

Can you smell the future? Only the EU will decide on who is a terrorist and who is merely a psychiatric victim:

The European Court of Human Rights is to consider claims from eleven terrorism suspects that they suffered psychiatric damage when they were imprisoned by the British government.

On Wednesday the court will hold a public hearing in Strasbourg to investigate the claims in a case brought against the British government.

The applicants, none of whom have British nationality, were allegedly involved in extreme Islamist terrorist groups with links to al-Qaeda, the court said in a statement.

Six of the applicants are Algerian, and the others are French, Jordanian, Moroccan and Tunisian. Another was born in a Palestinian refugee camp in Jordan, and is stateless.

Oh yes, he's stateless all right -- thanks to Jordan and the rest of the Middle East, who made sure that the PoorPals were born and died "stateless." I presume that Jordan will be one of the co-defendants, right? Of course they will. After all, this is about justice, no?

All eleven were detained after al-Qaeda’s 11 September, 2001 attacks in the US. They were imprisoned at various times between December 2001 and October 2003 and initially held at Belmarsh Prison in London under Britain’s 2001 Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act.

All the men were allegedly involved in Islamist terrorist groups with links to al-Qaeda such as the Salafite Group for Prayer and Combat (GSPC) formed in Algeria in 1998, the Tunisia Fighting Group.

The men are also said to be linked to a group of Algerian terrorists centred around al-Qaeda and GSPC member Abu Doha, known for his senior role in terror training camps in Afghanistan.

He was also linked to a Frankfurt-based cell accused of plotting to bomb the Strasbourg Christmas market in December, 1995.

The eleven are suspected of supplying false documents, purchasing IT equipment and helping young British Muslims travel from the UK to train for Jihad (holy war) in Afghanistan.

Three of the men were subsequently transferred to Broadmoor secure mental hospital following a deterioration in their mental health, including a suicide attempt.

Another was released on bail in April 2004 under conditions equivalent to house arrest, owing to serious concerns over his mental health.

A visit by Europe’s top human rights watchdog, The Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture, criticised the applicants’ conditions of detention in Belmarsh Prison and Broadmoor Hospital and reported allegations of ill-treatment by staff.

So now we have a Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture. This is the group that will help to free the terrorists and then duck for cover in Strausborg. When the rebellion (about to outlawed by Lisbon’s Lunacy) gets going, I hope one of their first targets is this Court of Human Wrongs. If not, this chamber of horrors will live on to serve as one of the primary euthanasists of justice to the citizens under its purview.
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In a report, The Council of Europe committee concluded the applicants’ poor mental state was exacerbated by the indefinite nature of their detention.

Of course, we have no baseline evidence as to the mental state of these terrorists before their incarceration. But what need for reality in the Land of Utopians?

The British Government categorically rejected the suggestion that the applicants were treated in an inhuman or degrading manner at any point during their detention.

As well as the mental harm they claim their detention in Britain caused them, the men also allege their detention was unlawful and they had only limited knowledge of the case against them and ability to challenge it.

Eight of the men still in prison or at Broadmoor were released after Part 4 of the 2001 Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act was repealed. This followed a March 2005 ruling against it on human rights grounds by the House of Lords, Britain’s upper house of parliament, sitting as the country’s highest court .

The eight men were then placed under control orders, a series of restrictions on the freedom of movement of terrorism suspects.

The control orders were brought in by Britain’s Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 to replace indefinite detention.

More recently, six of the men were place in immigration custody pending deportation to Algeria and Jordan, the European Court of Human Rights said.

Two of the men have returned voluntarily to their home countries, a court official told Adnkronos International.

Weep, Europe, for your children…

Hat tip: c_cantoni1983


G K said... 1

Just a correction on organizations:

> EU Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg

Council of Europe (COE) and it's European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg (ECHR) technically are NOT EU structures, although member states of EU obviously play a role at COE. Russia, for example, is part of COE, but not of the EU. It can get quite confusing with all the structures and organizations in Euroland... even for European.

X said... 2

Well it doesn't matter whether they're officially part of the EU, they act like it, and the EU apparatus treats them as part of it. ECHR rulings have legal status in all EU countries regardless of their membership of the Council of Europe; the Council itself is set to become part of the EU bureaucracy under some part of Lisbon, in the same way that the ESA - originally nothing to do with the EU - is becoming the outworking of the EU's new "common" space policy.

But it doesn't matter if they are or not. They have the same goal of enforced European integration in mind, and that makes them both the same enemy in practice.

G K said... 3

It's the other way around, if I'm not mistaken: EU, having aquired legal personality, aspires to become a member of Council of Europe (something that thus far has been open to States)

X said... 4

Indeed? One way or the other they'll end up together...

songdongnigh said... 5
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songdongnigh said... 6


Just how serious is the Court of Human Rigts?
European Court agrees to hear chimp's plea for human rights