Below is the speech given by Geert Wilders on the opening day of his new trial on “hate speech” charges in Amsterdam. Many thanks to Vlaamse Leeuwin for the translation:
The lights are going out all over Europe. All over the continent where our culture flourished and where man created freedom, prosperity and civilization. The foundation of the West is under attack everywhere.
All over Europe the elites are acting as the protectors of an ideology that has been bent on destroying us for fourteen centuries. An ideology that has sprung from the desert and that can produce only deserts because it does not give people freedom. The Islamic Mozart, the Islamic Gerard Reve [a Dutch author], the Islamic Bill Gates; they do not exist because without freedom there is no creativity. The ideology of Islam is especially noted for killing and oppression and can only produce societies that are backward and impoverished. Surprisingly, the elites do not want to hear any criticism of this ideology.
My trial is not an isolated incident. Only fools believe it is. All over Europe multicultural elites are waging total war against their populations. Their goal is to continue the strategy of mass immigration, which will ultimately result in an Islamic Europe — a Europe without freedom: Eurabia.
The lights are going out all over Europe. Anyone who thinks or speaks individually is at risk. Freedom-loving citizens who criticize Islam, or even merely suggest that there is a relationship between Islam and crime or honour killing, must suffer, and are threatened or criminalized. Those who speak the truth are in danger.
The lights are going out allover Europe. Everywhere the Orwellian thought police are at work, on the lookout for thought crimes everywhere, casting the populace back within the confines where it is allowed to think.
This trial is not about me. It is about something much greater. Freedom of speech is not the property of those who happen to belong to the elites of a country. It is an inalienable right, the birthright of our people. For centuries battles have been fought for it, and now it is being sacrificed to please a totalitarian ideology.
Future generations will look back at this trial and wonder who was right. Who defended freedom and who wanted to get rid of it.
The lights are going out all over Europe. Our freedom is being restricted everywhere, so I repeat what I said here last year:
It is not only the privilege, but also the duty of free people — and hence also my duty as a member of the Dutch Parliament — to speak out against any ideology that threatens freedom. Hence it is a right and a duty to speak the truth about the evil ideology that is called Islam. I hope that freedom of speech will emerge triumphant from this trial. I hope not only that I shall be acquitted, but especially that freedom of speech will continue to exist in the Netherlands and in Europe.
Great address by Wilders, focusing on the value of freedom of speech rather than on other liberal values which are more problematic. Why is freedom of speech necessary, and possibly sufficient, for the ultimate defeat of Islamic supremacists in Europe?
Timur Kuran explained it here:
Private Truths, Public Lies: The Social Consequences of Preference Falsification
Kuran has many interesting things to say about Islam in other work, but the book linked above is more generally applicable: it shows how an "unpopular" opinion may actually not be unpopular at all, but this only becomes apparent when enough people are allowed to publicly voice it that others who hold it lose their social fear of agreeing with it.
I wish Mr Wilders well in defending himself against those who wish to destroy him.
"Their goal is to continue the strategy of mass immigration"
Someday some European country is going to declare themselves an ethnostate and declare the the purpose of the government is to keep their ethnicity in existence and sovereign. The result will shake the continent. I have my hopes on Flemish Belgium.
@Empedocles, they'll immediately be called new nazis and invaded to "restore democracy" or some crap. Probably by Germany, who'll be keen to maintain their anti-nazi bona fides.
Nevertheless, I hope they do it. The alternative is that nobody does, which would be far worse. Better to die fighting than slip quietly into the night and all that.
This trial is not about me. It is about something much greater. Freedom of speech is not the property of those who happen to belong to the elites of a country. It is an inalienable right, the birthright of our people. For centuries battles have been fought for it, and now it is being sacrificed to please a totalitarian ideology.
end quote.
The altruism of these words, and of this man, are beacons to us all.
The Boers tried to establish an ethno-state, in an area of the world where if they didn't their culture would be erased. You know what happened.
The French tried to establish an ethnic colony on the edge of their state. Again, you know what happened there.
The Serbs tried to maintain the boundries of their small country. Again, you know what happened.
"I may disagree with you, but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it."--Voltaire.
Thanks for the reminder, because some prominent people have said some really ignorant things today.
The result will shake the continent. --- Empedocles
The result will shake the world. Signaling that the European(insert ethno-religious afilliation here) is back.
This is as fine as anything Churchill ever uttered.
Wilders s a reason for Europe, and the West, to retain hope.
We are poor little lambs who have lost our way....Baaa, baa, baa
And the Wolf salivates, Mmmm, mm!
Where are these bold guardians of
freedom, in this early dawn?
Gone, gone, all gone. - reb
___ ___
"...an "unpopular" opinion may actually not be unpopular at all, but this only becomes apparent when enough people are allowed to publicly voice it that others who hold it lose their social fear of agreeing with it..."
Unpopular that it may be, if the powers that be do not allow it to be heard, then it is moot how 'popular' it is. The silenced voices will be heard by none but those nearest them, then squelched because they are 'reported and terminated' by TPTB. The 'social fear of agreeing with it' will be uttered in darkened rooms by those too timid to charge the canons or silently slit the throats of the sentries protecting TPTB.
To put it bluntly: What if they gave a war an nobody came? Our exact predicament today. No one will attend because we're all too busy with living our 'personal' lives. No one really cares what 'religion' they stand beneath today- God/Christ has been oblittereated from our conscious by the media and SIGs and watered down religions, telling us we are wrong for the last fifty years.
If Geert expects a Christian following to defend him, he is wasting his breath. "Reason" certainly isn't going to work with these people- their mind is not only already made up, it's irreversible.
The Preacher says it best: "There is a time for peace and a time for war."
So lock and load.
Have to chuckle here: the WV is 'enchant'... but as is my motto: "God said it, that settles it."
"If Geert expects a Christian following to defend him, he is wasting his breath. "Reason" certainly isn't going to work with these people- their mind is not only already made up, it's irreversible." Who can be truly objective? With that proviso I get the impression that the situation is moving in our favour.
One expects the powers-that-be to stop the word getting out, isn't that what powers-that-be always want? The thing is though that wanting isn't necessarily getting. The truth will out irrespective of the efforts of those intent on concealing it.
And the bigger the truth the more difficult its concealment.
The establishment's prediction: 'Multiculturalism and mass third-world immigration will bring untold joy to the Western world.'
The establishment's conclusion: 'Multiculturalism and mass third-world immigration have brought untold joy to the Western world.'
The proof of the pudding is in the eating, especially when it's poisonous. Eventually people stop eating it; some see the signs before others, G of V is one of those, but more see the light every day...
Slowly, slowly, the "elite" are beginning to get it, at least a few. David Cameron appears to have a clue. Of course, the Labor donks immediately accuse him of heresy/blasphemy, but so be it.
That's one very good (and difficult to credibly refute) speech.
Thank you for posting that speech.
My own take is that Wilders is a firebrand, but, sadly, he is almost completely correct in his interpretation of the facts.
I just hope that we are careful not to throw the baby out with the dishwater.
Profitsbeard: This is as fine as anything Churchill ever uttered.
While Pat Condell usually gets my primary nomination in that category, considering how English is not Geert's native language (nor was this speech given in it), the wordsmithing is about as good as its ever going to get.
The line about:
The Islamic Mozart, the Islamic Gerard Reve [a Dutch author], the Islamic Bill Gates; they do not exist because without freedom there is no creativity.
… is as devastating as it is accurate.
The overall speech is as well.
Should it survive to do so, the Free World will learn to thank Wilders from the bottom of its collective heart.
"The line about:
The Islamic Mozart, the Islamic Gerard Reve [a Dutch author], the Islamic Bill Gates; they do not exist because without freedom there is no creativity.
… is as devastating as it is accurate."
Are you kidding me? Somebody pleased tell Haviz, Rumi, Havez, Ghibran, that they never existed. Tell my music teachers, Karim, Souhail, and Issam that they don't exist either.
Creativity flowers where there is FREEDOM...religion has little or nothing to do with it, except as a tool used by dictators to oppress it. End economic corruption, and political and religious oppression, and we won't have to worry about Saddams, Iranian Fatwas, Muslim Bros, Hamas, Mossad, Hezballah, Communists or Nazis, Inquisitions or Jihads.
Islam = violence.
Muslims = slaves of Allah.
Any "creative" Muslims that you know - especially women ?! - are creative in spite of Islam rather than because of Islam.
Muslim "artists" create within less strict Islamic communities OR, more likely, in freedom-loving Western communities.
Ma'at: Are you kidding me? Somebody pleased tell Haviz, Rumi, Havez, Ghibran, that they never existed.
Wake up and smell the kahwa (قهوة), Ma'at.
Rumi − (مولانا),
Date Born: September 1207 A.D.
Place: Balkh (modern Afghanistan)
Name: Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Balkhī (جلالالدین محمد بلخى)
Occupation: Poet
Hafiz or Havez − (حافظ)
Date Born: ~1320 A.D.
Place: Shiraz (in South-central Iran)
Name: Shamseddin Mohammad
Occupation: Poet
Khalil Gibran
Date Born: January 6, 1883
Name: Gubran Khalil Gubran bin Mikhā'īl bin Sa'ad −
(جبران خليل جبران بن ميخائيل بن سعد)
Occupation: Poet and Artist
Note: Immigrated to New York, USA in 1895 at age 12 with mother, Kamila Gibran, daughter of a Maronite priest. Offspring of Kamila’s third husband
Rumi and Hafiz were both born centuries ago and Gibran not only wasn't a Muslim, he achieved he greatness in 20th century America, well outside of any Islamic influence.
As the famous Hollywood producer said:
What have you done for me lately?
What has Islam achieved lately?
NOTHING. It is the world's most stagnant, backward and overall barbaric culture, especially for its size. Only certain remnant cannibal tribes could be said to outclass Islam for status as the number one throwback culture in the world.
Rumi and Hafiz have been dead for centuries. In case you did not notice, most of the people that Geert Wilders referred to − Gerard Reve (died 2006) and Bill Gates (born 1955) − are contemporary figures.
Islamic countries routinely place among some of the most corrupt and underdeveloped in the entire world. Wherever Muslims immigrate to Western countries the crime and rape statistics skyrocket. The connection is as real as it is disgusting. Wherever Islam builds its filthy nest, women are subjected to the most inhumane genital mutilation and abject gender apartheid.
You'll have to do a lot better than a pair of long dead poets if you want to convince people of Islam's worth.
Egghead: Any "creative" Muslims that you know - especially women ?! - are creative in spite of Islam rather than because of Islam.
During the course of developing software to capture rug designs and other endangered or fading artistic traditions, textile experts I researched and interviewed would routinely point out how the majority of rug weavers were women and that, for many of them, the repression in Islamic culture was so severe whereby their textile work was one of the only avenues of self-expression that they had,.
For f*%#'s sake, were talking about a culture that prohibits portraits, instrumental and non-liturgical music, dancing and has even forbidden the flying of kites!
Islam is the most humorless and arid puritanical bunch of taurine fecal matter to come down the pike for millennia.
Bigots, here's some stuff created in those oppressive countries, yes, inspite of the regimes WE put in power and keep there with our corruption:
Sure, Iranians are all mind numbed robots who don't want freedom and can't understand freedom, just as you do. BTW, this was CREATED in Iran and snuck out during the Green Revolution there in June of 2009. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=px9tCJPj0wg&feature=related
This occurred IN IRAN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3q0bL8_pESo
Even oppressive regimes like Iran allow their people to leave and play in Berlin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV8o8YD9doQ&feature=related
Sure, Iranians are all Islamic barbarians! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LN9xscD5-wM&feature=related
There's countless others out there, if you'd pull your heads out of the TV that teaches you to hate yourself and the video games that teach you to hate others.
You guys, bigoted racists that you are, deserve the same freedom these folks do, but since you'd rather sacrifice safety and security for freedom, you soon won't have either.
I'm born and bred USA, a blue-eye of Celtic and Viking extraction, whose family migrated from England to the colonies in the 1600's so they wouldn't lose their heads to Cromwell and King Charles II, who has spent my entire life, 50 years, fighting bigotry and wondering when we'd have real freedom. Here it is occurring right in front of you in the cradle of civilization, and you turn up your spoiled brat noses at it.
I expect you to at least say, "Thank you" to these people. I'm not holding my breath.
Ma'at: Bigots, here's some stuff created in those oppressive countries, yes, inspite of the regimes WE put in power and keep there with our corruption…
Better to be called a bigot than live as an abject moron.
I'd sooner take credit for having kept Mubarak in power than shoulder the blame Obama and your ilk will deserve when the Muslim Brotherhood sets about slaughtering Egypt's ~8,000,000 Coptic Christians.
When one considers how Islam’s concept of jahiliyya is driving the destruction of irreplaceable archaeological artifacts around the world − be it the Bamiyan Buddhas, Iran’s Temple of Cyrus or Jerusalem’s Temple Mount − whatever meager creative output that flows from Islamic countries is more than canceled out.
I'm born and bred USA, a blue-eye of Celtic and Viking extraction, whose family migrated from England to the colonies in the 1600's so they wouldn't lose their heads to Cromwell and King Charles II, who has spent my entire life, 50 years, fighting bigotry and wondering when we'd have real freedom.
Your definition of “freedom” seems to be at odds with most traditionally accepted meanings of the word. Just the mere translation of Islam − “submission” − tells the entire story of Muslim enslavement to Allah. You piss and moan about bigotry while handily ignoring how Islam has enslaved more people than Europe and Colonial America combined. Now that’s bigotry.
In fact, the last country on earth to ban human slavery was … Wait for it! … Saudi Arabia in the latter half of the 20th century. Slavery continues to be a tremendous problem in Islamic countries to this day with foreign guest workers being confined, tortured, raped and killed by their Muslim masters. Yet, you have the temerity to lecture us about bigotry and “real freedom”.
News flash: in a Muslim majority country you’d have no “real freedom” and, most likely, would have to live as a second class citizen just like a huge majority of non-Muslims did in Islamic countries all through history and continue to do around the world to this very day. So, tell us more about “bigotry” you sanctimonious (insert descriptive term of choice) >here<.
Here it is occurring right in front of you in the cradle of civilization, and you turn up your spoiled brat noses at it.
More than anyone here, you come across as the “spoiled brat”. Previous generations of Westerners fought and DIED to preserve you from Islam’s predations all around Europe, throughout the Middle East and now here in America as Muslims continue to carry out jihad against all of dar al harb.
I expect you to at least say, "Thank you" to these people. I'm not holding my breath.
Please, do hold your breath. I’ll match the blue paint I need for my redecorating project to the color of your hypoxiated cheeks. You are stupendously misinformed, incredibly ignorant and yet, naively impudent enough nonetheless to try and sermonize us about bigotry and "real freedom".
This, even as Islam epitomizes historically institutionalized bigotry more than any other creed on earth just as it represents the wholesale curtailment of human freedoms in ways that few other cultures can even begin to imagine.
Basta ya!
[5:48:41 PM] Baron Bodissey: Ma'at --
We keep a PG-13 blog, and exclude foul language, explicit descriptions, and epithets. This is why I deleted your comment.
Ma'at said...
Better to be called a bigot than live as an abject moron. No worries there. You got them both covered.
Dude, talk about misinformed! Obama tried to keep Mubarak in power, and when that failed tries to keep that torturer of his own people, Suleiman, in power. Suleiman, that pet snake of the West, has been taking rendered people captured by the American government in Muslim countries into his own country for torture since 1995!! In case that doesn't do ya, try this. On Friday, February 4th, the Copitc Christians in Tahrir Square watched over the Muslims while they prayed. On Sunday, they returned the favor to the Coptics, the Muslim Bros. included.
Need I remind you that since Theodosius, the Christian emperor of Rome, burned the Library of Alexandria, Christians have done their fair share of destroying anything that didn't fit their faith. The Mayan Codexes? Ashes. Countless synagogues and temples all over the world. Many Christians still believe the world is less than 6,000 years old. NONE OF THIS IS DEFENSABLE BY ANYONE. You just ignore the log in your own eye to pick the mote out of someone elses. Or did you forget Jesus said that?
While we in the West were in the Dark Ages, killing each other for being Jewish, Muslim or the wrong sort of Christian or Pagan, burning ancient art and using our ancient artifacts to build roads and Churches, the Muslim world was keeping our own culture alive in their libraries. It was Spain and Florence, with their exposure to the Moorish caliphate and trade with the Middle East that actually brought the Renaissance to Europe. Talk about uninformed!
"Islam has enslaved more people than Europe and Colonial America combined. Now that’s bigotry." WHAT? 20,000,000 killed and 200,000,000 inslaved by Stalin, and that were his OWN PEOPLE!. 20,000,000 by Hitler; 20,000,000 by China. 20,000,000 American Indians murdered by Spanish Conquistadors, their Jesuit genocidal maniacs, and the common pig they imported. And then when they were done, they imported Africans, Arabs, Chinese, and Lord knows who else. Again, NONE OF THIS IS DEFENSIBLE, but you sure are quick to forget it. Oh, they don't teach THAT in our schools dothey?
No, you wait for it!! The first Arab country to ban slavery was....... TUNESIA 1848, and was the first Arab country to have a constitution in 1861, while we were killing each other over slavery that we hadn't abolished, yet. It was the BRITISH that started importing "guest workers" into Iran, Iraq and other parts of the Middle East to work the oil rigs for British Petroleum, back in the 1930's!
As for majority or almost majority Muslim states, you forget about the two most populous muslim states in the world, Indonesia and India, that are ranked FREE here >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_in_the_World_(report)
There's NO religion legally permitted in China, just overlooked and tolerated. I wouldn't want to live there, either.
Dude, my Uncle fought in WW II, out of a Muslim and Christian country, the Phillipines, and spent more time working for Shell Oil in the MIddle East than you've probably lived. I learned part of what I know about freedom, the Middle East, and that people have died for it from him.
A bigot is someone who thinks someone else is less than him, and the only reason I take the time to point this out to you is because I do not think you are less than me. Although, it's very difficult to see things as you do, because I cannot cram my head that far up my [fundament].
While I'm at it, everybody cut out the insults. I'll delete any further nastiness, and I don't care who started it.
Thank you all for your beliefs and opinions. I give thanks for our ability to have these communications.
I agree with the above statement. I am an individual. I believe that as individuals we are ethically responsible for the actual effects of our actions, not just for what we consciously intend in doing them. I am responsible for what I in fact do to you, not just what I think I am doing. The fact that I may be blind to some of my less loving motives does not make me less responsible for them, especially since my blindness is often a self-induced filter designed to prevent me from knowing this side of myself.
How ready are any of us to know that "impostor" that deceives, tricks, and ruins us often is not an enemy somewhere out there, but is an enemy within ourselves? Most of us build up some pretty solid defenses against this kind of self knowledge. We are afraid the truth of our own inhumanity will destroy us if we face it head on, that it will shatter our lives, our relationships, our sense of our own worth into little bits and pieces, and that nothing will be able to put the pieces together again. And yet in a world that cries out for love and honesty and freedom from fear,
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