In the last few years, Sweden has become known as the “Rape Capital of Europe”, and with good reason. Not only are women there more likely than anywhere else in Europe to experience the unwanted attention of culturally enriched men, but the Swedish media do their best never to mention this trend or report on sexual assaults by immigrants.
One of our Swedish contacts sent this video about an incident at a public swimming pool when eleven- and twelve-year-old girls were attacked and raped by Muslim immigrants. He included this note:
There are a lot of stories about what Sweden calls “alone refugee children” who immigrate in large numbers to Sweden. They are, however, most often not children but around seventeen or older. They lie about their age and throw their IDs away. They are not “alone”, either since many later bring their families with them. And they aren’t refugees either, for that matter.
In any case, there have been many reports of violence by these immigrants (mostly from Somalia and Afghanistan), and the latest incident may be seen below. This hasn’t been reported by mainstream media yet but... I think the story is true, especially after considering that there have been other rapes at that bath house before.
Note: “bath” in this video refers to what Americans would call a public swimming pool:
For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.
"but the Swedish media do their best never to mention" unless, of course, you are Julian Assange.
A bit off track but another example of authorities turning the other cheek.
Simple solution:
While it may not always help in the case of gang rapes, it will serve as a deterrent in all cases and permit the swift conviction of those who perpetrate lone assaults.
That … and a lecture tour by Lorena Bobbitt.
I find it difficult to imagine even the most hardened criminal in the US having the stones to commit a gang rape in a public swimming pool. It's too, well, public. That, and the expectation that the other adults in the place would rip you to shreds for attacking children.
What I find bizarre is that no arrests were made. So what if they didn't have ID? Hold them all and DNA test everything.
Far better report on crime
When will we see headlines like "immigrant beaten to by mob" or "immigrant housing unit burned by angry parents of rape victim". Authorities aren't controlling the pond scum they've allowed in. Do the Swedes not have any men left?
Rob06, RV has already answered your question elsewhere. Her answer is no, just women with a different type of plumbing.
A good case for vigilantism.
Ah, and I'll hurt the sisterhood on this one. Very good that only 3% of 'rapists' are convicted. Most rape allegations are utter lies. Using the stats of feminists or Western governments, only 1 in 10 rape victims report rapes. If that is true, then if men are 10 times more likely to rape than women are to press false charges, half of the rape allegations are false. If the odds are equal, then 91% of the allegations are false.
Once this girl I knew (who said she was a lesbian) told me she wanted me to duct tape her to her bed and "raep" her. When I said no she threatened to file a false rape allegation. She didn't, but I never spoke to her again.
Does this post have an overall point? People scare me. I'm ready to expect anything from them.
RV, you're being needlessly provocative, of course one should not be too concerned with a low rapist "conviction rate" given the frequencies of false accusations and unreported real rapes, but that's not at all what's interesting about the story linked in this thread. The point should be how insane the Swedes are that they CAN'T bring themselves to charge Muslims with rape while at the same time they can not only charge Julian Assange (who is guilty of being a caddish alpha male is all) with rape but pursue him around the world and try to extradite him and make themselves ridiculous.
I hope when he is tried he brings up all the Muslim-on-Swede "real rapes" and that someone in the Swedish government has leaked to him all the relevant demographic facts they have been suppressing. The Swedes will eventually have to resolve the cognitive dissonance they have been living with or their heads will explode.
I hope you didn't mind my answering for you above, I'd thought you had sworn off replying here :) Though there actually are some real men in Sweden--even though the SDs aren't very right-wing because they didn't have to be to get to the right of everyone else, they've got some.
Using the stats of feminists or Western governments, only 1 in 10 rape victims report rapes. If that is true, then if men are 10 times more likely to rape than women are to press false charges, half of the rape allegations are false. If the odds are equal, then 91% of the allegations are false.
I'm feeling stupid today. Walk me through the math on that.
RV: "Most rape allegations are utter lies. Using the stats of feminists or Western governments, only 1 in 10 rape victims report rapes."
Do you really believe the utterly outrageous comments that you make, or are you just a provocateur?
Believing in God as I do, I can tell you that part of God's plan for me was to "inform" me about the reality of the high incidence of rape and molestation here in the USA.
Because I am a very spiritual, open, and caring person, people gravitate to me to tell me their personal stories.
By the time that I was in my 20s, over thirty people had told me of their personal stories of being raped and molested. Majority women, one man. All different circumstances. None had sought prosecution of their attackers.
I used to get depressed about my hearing about the various stories, but then I realized that God has a plan for me personally to help the people who confide in me to work through their sad situations with someone who believes them and lets them grieve without judging them.
Egghead, I hope you realize that your account supports RV's point -- if all 30 of the people who spoke to you did not report being raped, then even if false accusations of rape are less common than real rapes, one should expect them to be more common than reported real rapes, which would mean most public accusations of rape would be false.
Polymath: "....even if false accusations of rape are less common than real rapes, one should expect them to be more common than reported real rapes, which would mean most public accusations of rape would be false."
I fundamentally disagree with your premise which seems to be that people (women in particular) make significant numbers of false rape allegations. You seem to assume that every reported rape is a he-said she-said situation.
Physical evidence and eye-witness testimony (sometimes even video) can be used to ascertain whether rape has occurred. For example, the battered and bruised girls (and young boy friends) in the Swedish swimming pool witnessed each others' rapes. Also, there may very well be video of the sexual assault of Lara Logan.
Just out of curiosity, what other violent crimes are you willing to label as having a significant number of false versus real police reports?!
In other words, substitute any other violent crime for the word rape. Let's say robbery. I am sure that a lot of robberies go unreported for various reasons, but how does the lack of reporting of actual robberies affect the validity of the robberies that are reported?
Each criminal situation is unique, and you appear to be importing a statistical relationship between real and false rape allegations where none exists.
Polymath, I explained the 3% statistic in the video, which is misleading people into thinking that somehow that's a bad conviction rate for rape allegations. The person who cited the figure did it without understanding why 3% isn't that bad. The rest of what you said, I agree with.
Egghead, women do make a lot of false rape allegations. I'd like to point out that the math I cited that only 1 in 10 women report their rapes comes from the feminists and a bunch of Western governments. So how many of those 30 reported their rapes?
Now, do you think men are far more likely to rape than women are to lie to a cop(for which there are no repercussions, by the way)? And please, don't bring anecdotal thing in - did you hear of the Duke lacrosse case? There are tons of cases of men who had their lives ruined due to rape allegations.
Also, rape is different than other crimes because usually, you don't have videos of it and you get to the point of establishing consent. And people report other crimes far more often when it happens than rape.
And you didn't make any points in regards to my math. You just said it isn't so because you said so. I am wrong only if you think that men are far more likely to rape a woman than she is to lie. And you have to be absurd to believe that men are so bad that they would force themselves on someone than for a woman to lie.
And since we're at anecdotal evidence - I have a friend who was raped and she didn't tell the cops. The reason why at least half of the police reports are false is that a lot of real rape victims don't press charges(only 10% of them do). If all of them did, the things would change dramatically.
By the way, I'd like to point out to you Egghead, that what I said doesn't imply that rape doesn't happen and that men are angels who always kiss us good night when we are drunk, instead of taking advantage or any of that sort. Rape does exist and it is a pity that not all women report it. But out of the reports that the police gets, quite a lot of them are indeed lies - this not changing the reality that a lot of women got raped and never said anything. So I'm not really questioning the fact that women get raped, which is something that I think you got from what I said.
The reason why at least half of the police reports are false is that a lot of real rape victims don't press charges (only 10% of them do)
No, feminists with an axe to grind say only 10% do. The number is a fabrication, since by definition you can't know how many unreported rapes there are. It's like claiming there are 9 ghosts walking around for every living person. It's an unverifiable proposition and therefore shouldn't be publicized. The only purpose for doing so is to make women scared of men (or ghosts).
randian, you need to take a course in social science. There are other ways of obtaining this information than police reports. For example, anonymous but rigorously and scientifically conducted surveys show many more women have been raped than police reports indicate, and Egghead's personal account of acquaintances' stories confirms that.
tasty_glamgirl: Your arguments lack proof. There can be NO real statistical relationship between the amount of false rapes reported and the amount of real rapes reported. All are separate and unrelated incidents....
In any case, you seem to confuse and equate date rape to stranger rape, child molestation/rape, and gang rape. Again, all are separate and unrelated incidents.
For example, who besides devout Muslims would say that finding adult male sperm in a nine year old girl's vagina equates to anything but rape?
However, Iranian Muslims do seem to make infancy to be the age of consent - for male molesters and rapists anyway!
Since we're speculating with a distinct lack of proof, I'd wager that a lot more women's lives are ruined by rapes (reported or not) than men's lives are ruined by false allegations of rape.
Indeed, a lot of women's lives are ruined by reporting real rapes against the wishes of their communities which is one major reason that rapes go unreported. Remember Sharia Law equates rape to fornication and/or adultery punishable by the girl (or boy) victim's death!
You present opinions and ideas as facts and then run your math based on opinions and ideas. Your math is irrelevant when your original premise is unsupportable.
Polymath: By contending (without proof) that "if false accusations of rape are less common than real rapes, one should expect them to be more common than reported real rapes, which would mean most public accusations of rape would be false," you create a Catch-22 whereby any woman who reports a real rape is assumed to be more statistically likely to be making a false allegation. Surely, you can see how this is a ridiculous round-about assertion - especially because you seem to be ignoring the fact that women might very well provide compelling physical and eye-witness evidence to prove their real rape reports!
I will try one more time. This is basic mathematics and logic.
You said
By contending (without proof) that "if false accusations of rape are less common than real rapes, one should expect them to be more common than reported real rapes, which would mean most public accusations of rape would be false," you create a Catch-22 whereby any woman who reports a real rape is assumed to be more statistically likely to be making a false allegation.
First of all, your quote omits a key part of what I said. I am making NO FACTUAL ASSUMPTIONS, I am making a statement of PURE MATH AND LOGIC.
I will try it again with actual numbers. THESE numbers will be "made up", but I hope that despite that, they will provide the necessary "concreteness" so that you can finally understand my point and apply it more generally to the actual situation which won't precisely match my ILLUSTRATIVE example.
Suppose that in a population of 10000 men and 10000 women, there were 100 rapes last year. Suppose further that there were 30 false accusations of rape. Suppose further that only 10% of the victims of real rape reported those rapes and made accusations, a statement which appears consistent with your experience of 30 women telling you they had been raped none of whom reported it.
Then there will have been 40 rape accusations made, 30 false and 10 true. In other words, 75% of the accusations are false. This is DESPITE the fact that real rapes are more than 3 times as likely as false rape accusations.
I hope that now you can see the correctness of my statement
if all 30 of the people who spoke to you did not report being raped, then even if false accusations of rape are less common than real rapes, one should expect them to be more common than REPORTED real rapes, which would mean most public accusations of rape would be false.
Obviously this is not to say that any woman crying rape is likely to be lying despite any evidence; it IS saying, though, that physical evidence or evidence from other witnesses than the woman are not going to be present in most cases. That is an empirically verifiable statement, and if you can find studies that prove me wrong I'll admit it; but you'd better make sure you are calculating the right ratio (numerator = number of cases of rape with physical evidence or 3rd party eyewitness evidence; denominator = number of cases where a woman stated that she had been raped, NOT number of cases in which charges were pressed, since most false rape allegations are withdrawn before that stage or the police decide there is insufficient evidence to prosecute).
Google RAINN rape, then select Rape Reporting for the following information about USA statistics:
Reporting Rates
"Sexual assault is one of the most under reported crimes, with 60% still being left unreported.1"
"Males are the least likely to report a sexual assault, though they make up about 10% of all victims.1"
What happens to Rapists When They are Caught and Prosecuted?
"60% of rapes/sexual assaults are not reported to the police, according to a statistical average of the past 5 years.2 Those rapists, of course, never spend a day in prison. Factoring in unreported rapes, only about 6% of rapists ever serve a day in jail."
"If a rape is reported, there is a 50.8% chance of arrest."
"If an arrest is made, there is an 80% chance of prosecution."
"If there is a prosecution, there is a 58% chance of conviction."
"If there is a felony conviction, there is a 69% chance the convict will spend time in jail."
"So even in the 39% of attacks that are reported to the police, there is only a 16.3% chance the rapist will end up in prison."
"Factoring in unreported rapes, about 6% of rapists will ever spend a day in jail."
"15 of 16 will walk free."3
1. U.S. Department of Justice.2005 National Crime Victimization Study. 2005.
2. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Rape and Sexual Assault: Reporting to Police and Medical Attention. 1992-2000.
3. National Center for Policy Analysis. Crime and Punishment in America. 1999.
Thanks, Polymath. I do think that you are very patient to explain the math to me and others. I am teachable. :)
That said, it is my opinion that an emphasis on marrying real rape reports to false rape reports may be a subconscious societal attempt to deny or discredit real rape reports by association because people prefer to pretend that the incidence of rape (especially rape of men) is much lower than it is. After all, if rape is prevalent, then people must be scared to be raped - and rape is a very scary crime. In addition, it is hard to talk about rape in a society where a lot of people have already been victimized by rape - and would prefer to avoid reliving their rapes when hearing about others'.
I performed a quick internet search on false rape reporting and found that it is extremely difficult to ascertain an accurate percentage that compares false rape reports and true rape reports to the number of overall rape reports. My admittedly cursory examination reveals that, presently, primary valid and reliable research on false rape reports appears to be sparse to say the least.
There are very few studies of this issue, and the very few studies that exist contradict each other too wildly to be relied on until more studies can reproduce similar results.
Wikipedia explains 3-4 studies at Rape statistics- False Reporting.
But, foxnews.com offers a really interesting article entitled, "False Rape Accusations May Be More Common Than Thought" by Wendy McElroy from May 2, 2006.
Here's the quotation that appealed to me: "...even if false accusations are as common as 1-in-4, that means 75 percent of reports are probably accurate and, so, all accusations deserve a thorough and professional investigation."
For example, anonymous but rigorously and scientifically conducted surveys show many more women have been raped than police reports indicate, and Egghead's personal account of acquaintances' stories confirms that.
Egghead's personal account confirms a rape that wasn't reported. The plural of anecdote is not "data". Are there unreported rapes? Sure. 10x the reported rapes? Not a chance in hell.
you create a Catch-22 whereby any woman who reports a real rape is assumed to be more statistically likely to be making a false allegation.
So what? If it's true said woman should blame her sisters for poisoning the well, not the people reporting that the well has been poisoned.
"Factoring in unreported rapes, about 6% of rapists will ever spend a day in jail."
Since the number of unreported rapes is unknown, this statistic is but a fantasy.
Randian: There are so many factors that influence the incidence of rape and child molestation and its reporting.
The fact that the identity of many rapists is known to their victims, have easy access to their victims, and even financially support their victims as the heads of households means that rapists can influence - or even threaten - a victim who would report or prosecute a stranger rape or gang rape.
From the RAINN website:
Every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted.
Here's the math. According to the U.S. Department of Justice's National Crime Victimization Survey -- the country's largest and most reliable crime study -- there were 248,300 sexual assaults in 2007 (the most recent data available).
There are 525,600 minutes in a non-leap year. That makes 31,536,000 seconds/year. So, 31,536,000 divided by 248,300 comes out to 1 sexual assault every 127 seconds, or about 1 every 2 minutes.
The Unvictims
Sexual assault has fallen by more than 60% in recent years.2 Had the 1993 rate held steady, 6.8 million Americans would have been assaulted in the last 13 years.
But, thanks to the decline, the actual number of victims was about 4.2 million. In other words, if not for the historic gains we've made in the last decade, an additional 2,546,420 Americans would have become victims of sexual violence.
From the RAINN website:
The Rapist isn't a Masked Stranger
Approximately 2/3 of rapes were committed by someone known to the victim.1
73% of sexual assaults were perpetrated by a non-stranger.1
38% of rapists are a friend or acquaintance.1
28% are an intimate.1
7% are a relative.1
He's not Hiding in the Bushes
More than 50% of all rape/sexual assault incidents were reported by victims to have occurred within 1 mile of their home or at their home.2
* 4 in 10 take place at the victim's home.
* 2 in 10 take place at the home of a friend, neighbor, or relative.
* 1 in 12 take place in a parking garage.
43% of rapes occur between 6:00pm and midnight.2
* 24% occur between midnight and 6:00am.
* The other 33% take place between 6:00am and 6:00pm.
Breakdown by Gender and Age
1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime (14.8% completed rape; 2.8% attempted rape).1
17.7 million American women have been victims of attempted or completed rape.1
9 of every 10 rape victims were female in 2003.2
While about 80% of all victims are white, minorities are somewhat more likely to be attacked.
Lifetime rate of rape/attempted rape for women by race:1
* All women: 17.6%
* White women: 17.7%
* Black women: 18.8%
* Asian Pacific Islander women: 6.8%
* American Indian/Alaskan women: 34.1%
* Mixed race women: 24.4%
About 3% of American men — or 1 in 33 — have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.1
* In 2003, 1 in every ten rape victims were male.2
* 2.78 million men in the U.S. have been victims of sexual assault or rape.1
15% of sexual assault and rape victims are under age 12.3
* 29% are age 12-17.
* 44% are under age 18.3
* 80% are under age 30.3
* 12-34 are the highest risk years.
* Girls ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.
7% of girls in grades 5-8 and 12% of girls in grades 9-12 said they had been sexually abused.4
* 3% of boys grades 5-8 and 5% of boys in grades 9-12 said they had been sexually abused.
In 1995, local child protection service agencies identified 126,000 children who were victims of either substantiated or indicated sexual abuse.5
* Of these, 75% were girls.
* Nearly 30% of child victims were between the age of 4 and 7.
93% of juvenile sexual assault victims know their attacker.6
* 34.2% of attackers were family members.
* 58.7% were acquaintances.
* Only 7% of the perpetrators were strangers to the victim.
"...you create a Catch-22 whereby any woman who reports a real rape is assumed to be more STATISTICALLY likely to be making a false allegation."
randian: "So what? If it's true said woman should blame her sisters for poisoning the well, not the people reporting that the well has been poisoned."
My point is that 100% of false rape allegations are completely FACTUALLY irrelevant to 100% of real rape allegations.
Real rape reports can be FACTUALLY supported with some combination of medical evidence, crime scene evidence, physical evidence, victim testimony, eye witnesses, confession, polygraph results, etc. - making STATISTICAL trends irrelevant to real rape reports.
My point is that 100% of false rape allegations are completely FACTUALLY irrelevant to 100% of real rape allegations.
No, they aren't. The fact that false allegations exist and are rather prevalent means that all allegations of rape must be held to some suspicion and scrutiny. People who have in fact been raped complain this is unfair, but that's wrong. It's perfectly fair, because a man's life can be destroyed by the mere allegation of rape, and those who lie about rape know it. The blame here lies with those who lie, not those who investigate with the suspicion the charge deserves. The notion that all allegations of rape must be treated as true is false.
randian: "The notion that all allegations of rape must be treated as TRUE is false."
Of course. In the same way, the notion that all allegations of rape must be treated as FALSE is false.
However, Polymath's contention based on STATISTICS instead of FACTS offers an unsupportable theory that the vast majority of reported rapes are false rape allegations.
In reality, the evidence of each reported rape must be thoroughly investigated and then judged on its own individual merit - rather than a false statistical model - especially since circumstances change all the time. For example, introduce DNA testing and child rape may be easier to prove, but introduce Sharia Law and child rape is impossible to prove.
Of course. In the same way, the notion that all allegations of rape must be treated as FALSE is false.
Hardly. All criminal accusations should be treated as false unless and until evidence is obtained that supports the allegation, and by evidence I don't mean your uncorroborated statement that a crime was committed.
The way the majority of the comments have less to do with the original story, and more to do with the problem of false accusations of rape, illustrates a major fault line in the anti-jihad party.
Many men are rightly bitter about the excesses of feminism, and that shows itself even in discussions that aren't directly related to feminism. However, the bitterness seems to get out of control and be counterproductive, when otherwise smart people can't see the obvious: false accusations are only a major problem WRT acquaintance rape. Rape in a public place by strangers, like this story, doesn't have the same problem. How could any of the children make false accusations of rape here? If that occasionally happens, is it the same thing? It's really apples and oranges, but the male/female, or more accurately feminist/anti-feminist divide, breaks out irrationally.
Does anyone here believe the kids accused the immigrants falsely? Then what is this discussion about, except the chronic bitterness of men against uppity women?
Co-ed, diverse blogs like this are important, but every now and then, like right now, I wish women had an anti-jihad blog of our own. Because this discussion is frivolous. We might as well discuss Hitler. Come back, FC.
Egghead, thanks for the stats, which come from a randomly sampled survey rather than from police reports and so include many unreported rapes (though not all of them for a variety of technical reasons; for example it was a household survey filled out by one family member for the entire household, and it is not clear how much "date rape" is captured by the question wording). There are some inconsistencies though, when you compare with actual crime reports, but it's not worth going into at this point, overall the numbers are fairly useful.
Randian, read more carefully, Egghead's account is of 30 people who privately told her of being raped, not a single person, that's a large enough sample to be "data".
Latte Island, you are right about the topic veering off, and in my initial comment here I warned about that, but then I had to explain the points I was making more, and it is not that bad for discussions to drift if people are learning from each other. It is actually the rapes against children, the molestations, which are the least likely rapes to be reported, but of course in this Swedish case the rapes are almost certainly not false reports and the real scandal is the reluctance of the authorities to make much of the case. And the feminist/antifeminist split, while it sometimes leads to irrelevant arguments, has a more complicated relationship to the current discussion since the question depends on statistics that the feminists exaggerate in both directions with opposite impacts on the result. (That is, feminists maximize unreported rape stats and minimize false rape accusation stats.)
I'd like to get some confirmation that no arrests were made in the Swedish case. If I were the father of one of the girls, I would mount a private crusade of my own to identify and punish the attackers, even if I needed to find and pay someone to infiltrate the mosques and ask around (there must be retired Mossad agents who would do it....).
latté, not really, I just prefer not using statistics in a stupid way, like this video does because once you do, no statistics you use are ever relevant again. This isn't really about feminism, it is about integrity and using flawed statistics that don't tell the whole story doesn't really contribute to that. We might as well start doing what the left does and outright fabricate statistics if we are to do this since it's just a degree apart.
Since the video uses the percentage of rape reports that end in a conviction, not of rapes that end in a conviction, this discussion is relevant. If you don't know what the heck you're talking about, don't cite statistics.
And no, I don't think that this is a case in which people lied, but neither was that statistic about this case, was it?
Besides, debate does people good. What, you'd find this blog post a better one if there were just cries written in a different way about how we should deport them?
Egghead, if statistics are made up, then we should let Muslims in because they aren't more likely to blow themselves up or kill us(and what you cited are 'statistics, not facts' too). Those are statistics too. :) And randian is right, rape is a felony and just like any felony, the accused is not guilty until proven otherwise beyond any reasonable doubt.
And yes, for each individual case, the statistics are irrelevant. The statistics I cited simply represent the odds of a random rape report being false or not and describe the totality of rape reports.
What I find sort of ironic about the statistics you cited is that 80% of raped women are white, but only 65% of the American population is white and they say that white women are less likely to be raped than minorities, despite being overrepresented in the rape victim population. :/
Egghead, the false rape reports don't do anything to the accurate ones. But they are part of the same statistical group, called rape reports. If 99.99% of rape reports were utter lies, it wouldn't change the fact that 0.01% of women were raped and told the truth. And as a woman, if I will ever be raped, I would rather have the number of liars be small, not high and liars to be thrown in jail.
Lifetime rate of rape/attempted rape for women by race:1
* All women: 17.6%
* White women: 17.7%
* Black women: 18.8%
* Asian Pacific Islander women: 6.8%
* American Indian/Alaskan women: 34.1%
* Mixed race women: 24.4%
The statistic that strikes me the most is that American Indian/Alaskan women seem to face the highest risk of rape. If these women live in reservations and villages with predominantly American Indian/Alaskan men, how does their "societal" behavior reflect on the PC MC meme about the Noble Savage being so much better than modern Westerners?
Also, mixed raced women seem to be at a significantly higher risk of being raped, too. How does that rape statistic reflect on the PC MC meme that blacks and whites should mate and live in a "coffee-colored" colorblind society?
tasty_glamgirl: If mixed race women are counted with blacks and the other two minority groups, is that how minorities seem to be more likely to be raped than white women? After all, Obama is half black and half white, yet Obama is "defined" as being our first black President.
Also, if minorities live in more dangerous neighborhoods, then is that why those women face more frequent rape attempts and rapes over a lifetime than white women who may live in ostensibly safer neighborhoods?
Also, everyone should remember that just because an individual woman is molested as a child or raped once in her life does NOT decrease the likelihood of that woman to be raped in the future.
glamgirl wrote: What I find sort of ironic about the statistics you cited is that 80% of raped women are white, but only 65% of the American population is white and they say that white women are less likely to be raped than minorities, despite being overrepresented in the rape victim population
One limitation of statistics is how victims and perps are characterized, and why. One example that's used a lot by pro-white bloggers is the fact that the US Justice Dept. counts "Hispanic" criminals as white. So, American rape statistics are underestimating the percentage of Mestizo rapists. The stats are deliberately manipulated, to hide the reality that white people are being ethnically cleansed by non-white men targeting white women for rape.
This is a standard story I read every day. Even when this type of crime is prosecuted successfully, it is never described as a hate crime or related in any way to race. (Personal experience here: my Mexican serial rapist targeted white women and is now in San Quentin for life, but race was never mentioned, even off the record.)
One very useful tool I use, to find out what's really going on, is to read crime stories in newspapers, and to compare the story with the reader comments. One obvious trend, that I believe more than statistics, is that liberal newspapers like the SF Chronicle go out of their way to avoid mentioning the race of the perp, unless he's white. Photos of non-white perps: rarely. And the comments on interracial crime stories look like two angry mobs shouting each other down.
In California, certain ethnic groups have a typical crime. When I read about street rape, I think to myself, the perp is named Jose. Street rape has a Jose coefficient. Servant abuse: Indian or Arab. Middle class people suddenly carving up a stranger: Chinese. Yes, the model minority has a lot of undiagnosed mental illness.
You won't see this stuff in official stats, but it's true and meaningful, and in order to learn these trends, people should set aside their academic prejudice against anecdotal evidence. If you read the same stories every day, they probably mean something.
And regarding the stat that 6.8% of Pacific Islander women have been raped: it doesn't ring true. The SF Bay Area is home to a large and visible community of Pacific Islanders, and I know from reading the papers and also from "friend of a friend" type of hearsay, that Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander women have extremely high rates of spousal abuse, incest, stalking and murder from men of that ethnic group. It's prevalent in Hawaii and in the Bay Area.
There is simply no way that these women don't have comparable rape rates. 6.8% isn't credible, unless they're averaging it with Japanese-American women who live in Hawaii (completely different lifestyle). Maybe native Hawaiian women don't report rape because it's too similar to their everyday life.
latté island: Thanks for your sharing your difficult personal story and insightful comments.
God bless you! :)
Swedish media is payed off, police chiefs are paid off. We are building civil groups at this moment, there is no other solution. Our governments will not protect us!!
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