Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Children’s Jihad

The following video shows footage from Sudan of a jihad terror training camp for boys, some of them very young. What is particularly chilling about it is that these scenes of brainwashing and weapons training are being used as propaganda directed at Muslims in Europe and North America to induce them to donate their zakat payments for the maintenance of the camp.

Many thanks to Kitman for YouTubing this video:


Zenster said... 1

This situation is no different from that of the coastal pirates. Our reconnaisance is easily capable of pinpointing the location of their villages and training camps.

A few cruise missiles or bombing runs would put an end to this organized evil. Rinse and repeat as needed.

As all of this drags on, the refusal by Western politicians to act upon these clear and present dangers will finally be interpreted as abetting them.

Anonymous said... 2

Zenster: I fully agree, but be prepared for Muslims to trot out the dead and bloodied bodies of the "innocent" children who were killed in cold blood by the ever-so-decadent West. Then, the IOC-led United Nations will charge Western leaders with "war crimes" - while Muslims will "retaliate" by attacking one or more Western elementary schools in the vein of the Breslan atrocity.

Another interesting point is that I remember reading that African villages whose young boys were kidnapped, drugged, tortured, and brainwashed to be vicious fighters and rapists in the African Blood Diamond Wars often refused to take back the violent boys at a later point in time.

After reading about it just now, it strikes me that Muslims might accept Muslim boy soldiers back because Muslim boy soldiers are specifically trained to attack non-Muslims.

Zenster said... 3

Egghead: … be prepared for Muslims to trot out the dead and bloodied bodies of the "innocent" children who were killed in cold blood by the ever-so-decadent West.

They do it already. Try the Muhamad Al-Durah incident on for size.

(Please note the conspicuous camera tripod that briefly appears in the frame at video timepoint − 01:58.)

Fortunately, the global community is beginning to catch onto this sort of propaganda. Only Muslims really believe most of this crap anymore. A clear indicators of world attitudes towards this is the onset of "donor fatigue" when it comes to Palestinian charities.

Then, the IOC-led United Nations will charge Western leaders with "war crimes" - while Muslims will "retaliate" by attacking one or more Western elementary schools in the vein of the Beslan atrocity.

Per Debbie Schlussel: Remember Almanajam and Alsidran – the two Saudi men who, in May, boarded a Tampa school bus filled with children? They told a zillion different stories to police about why they were on the bus, except for the apparent one–a dry run to see how easy it would be to hijack and/or blow up a school bus filled with innocent American children.

Islamic terrorists already are plotting Beslan-style attacks upon American schools. The Department of Homeland Security's adamant head-in-the-sand posture literally guarantees that such an atrocity will come about.

Anonymous said... 4

Hey Zenster: Almanajam and Alsidran were just looking for their "wives" on the elementary school bus. Gallows humor, I know....

Anyway, what American general is going to order an attack on a camp training foreign "children" when our Muslim-in-Chief Obama's ultimate goal is to commit - or should we say submit - the USA to the jurisdiction of The Hague's International Criminal Court?

Zenster said... 5

Egghead: Anyway, what American general is going to order an attack on a camp training foreign "children" when our Muslim-in-Chief Obama's ultimate goal is to commit - or should we say submit - the USA to the jurisdiction of The Hague's International Criminal Court?

Erm ... the one who wants to be elected President after we oust Obama? When the bullets start flying in ernest, look for a whole bunch of "mugged Liberals" to switch sides at speeds faster than light.

Between the 9-11 atrocity and Beslan, this should have happened years ago but, quite clearly, a lot of American voters are dumber than a sack full of hammers.